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Some More Words Of Advice

Posted on Thu Mar 7th, 2013 @ 6:35am by Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Jackson Banning V

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Wormhole Bar

* * * The Wormhole * * *

With all of Robin's words of advice spinning in her head, and there was a lot of them, Leto moved along the Promenade not really noticing those around her. It was a marked change. Her position in Intel, and years undercover, meant that noticing her surroundings was always a given. But too much had happened in the last days, too much turned around that needed fixing, and she wasn't sure how to do that. And while she was less than thrilled about being ordered to take a five day leave, she grudgingly admitted that he was right. Her state of mind right now made her just about useless.

She intended to take his advice, however, though not with a cup of tea. What she needed was something with a bit more kick, both in drink and company. A quick call and a yes was took care of the second and now she could take care of the first. Looking up, she saw the lit letters that marked the entrance to the Wormhole.

By Wormhole standards, it was relatively quiet. Only about half the tables were full, and the noise level was at a constant babble, not the low roar it usually was. Only Rio, who was on duty as usual just inside the door, greeted her. Her face as it was now was too new to gather the attention it normally had as Nenita, and for once she was grateful for that. She moved deeper into the bar and chose a table along the wall and not far from the main bar. Once she'd ordered, she sat observing the patrons and watching the door. All of the faces were known to her, save one new one seated at the bar and talking to Jono. Out of habit, she noted the particulars - tall, muscular, neat dark hair, eyes that were a mesmerizing shade of blue. What really stood out, however, was that it was very apparent to Leto that this man was also keeping tabs on the room, using the mirror behind the bar and that he'd noted her arrival. Curious.

She didn't have long to ponder that however, as a familiar and welcome voice came. Somehow he'd managed to sneak up on her and she hadn't even noticed. She really was off her game.

"Hey darlin', how's it goin'?" Jackson sat down in the chair across from her, even as Jono called out a greeting from the bar, that included Leto. Jackson waved and an waitress appeared with his drink. Once she was gone, he had a sip of it, watching Leto. "No offense, but you look like hell."

"Gee thanks." She gave him a wry smile. "To be honest, I feel like hell too, and I needed some company. Yours specifically, thanks for coming J."

"Sure, ya caught me at a good time. I have a break for an hour or so before I have to get changed. What's up?" He lowered his glass and studied Leto for a few seconds. She looked exhausted for one thing, but what really stood out was her red eyes and her utterly dejected manner. "It's been too long since we hung out and shot the breeze. But then you've been tied up with Archadia for a while now, and your change of face. And Nick. How's he doin'?" The question wasn't random, he suspected that the cloud over Leto's head had to do with some or all of that.

At the mention of Nick, her eyes filled with tears immediately, the soft light of the bar catching the shine of them for an instant. "That's why I needed you...well your advice. You know me better than anyone besides Li, and you always know what to do no matter what."

What she hinted at sounded serious and Jackson was surprised. Nenita, well now Leto, had always been in control of anything around her, but now she looked as if she were quickly unraveling. Reaching across the table, he took her hand.

"Tell me."

And she did.

Up at the bar, Dae had figured out what Leto, Li, and Oz already knew - it was the place to sit and overhear all the local gossip. So, he had returned there after a good solid sleep , shower and change in the wake of Marla. He was drinking water now, and keeping his eyes and ears open. He recognized Leto, of course. After Marla left him earlier, he'd gone digging into recent Intel activity and it had been a very interesting read indeed. It explained a lot, and seeing Leto now confirmed his conclusions. He also knew Jackson's face. Well not only his face, the man himself, from times past. Jackson hadn't noticed him yet and that was fine. They'd have time to talk later at the Nexus. For now, Dae was more interested in observing Leto. He picked up the conversation with Jono and continued to watch them in the mirror.

Back at the table, Leto was finishing her story and then reached for her glass. "So Robin has benched me for the next five days. I have no idea what the hell to do with myself or about Nick. He gave me some advice on how to approach him. He's taking some leave time as well so...maybe...." She sighed and stared down into her drink.

"Robin's right. You're in no shape for work honey." Jackson frowned a moment. "Wow, I haven't said that to you in ten years. Not since that incident on Outpost 23. Then again, none if us were in any shape for work after that. You need to settle this. You two work together and so far it's not caused any issues. But this keeps up, they may decide to move one or the other of you and despite the problems right now, neither of you want that to happen. I can understand how he feels, but this wasn't easy for you either. I know if it was Oz, I'd be pretty riled up too, but I'd do my damnedest to see her point because in the end, she's more important that some assignment, no matter how bad it got. Make him see that."

Leto nodded and swiped at her eyes. "Thanks, J. I am going to try. I hate being like this. This...weepy, scared Leto isn't me."

"No but this Leto's had a helluva knock. You're both lucky Veist didn't kill you. And maybe Nick needs to think about that for a bit. I gotta get back and get ready for tonight. You call me anytime. Li's home, word just came through. Call her too but....maybe tomorrow. I don't think you'll get an answer tonight." He rose and gave Leto a peck on the cheek. "We'll get you through this, don't worry."

Leto managed a smile, watching as Jackson strolled across and out the doors. He'd raised two interesting points. She could have been killed and if they didn't fix this, something drastic, such as a move, might happen. They would have to put on a good face later when the meeting happened, and then? She intended to start putting things to right. For now, though, she intended to just try and relax. The noise of the people around her was comforting, far better than being alone.

At the bar, Dae took one more long look in the mirror at Leto as she sat alone, letting her thoughts wander. The meeting was going to be an interesting one, he suspected. Pulling the small padd out of his pocket, he checked it for anything new and once again read the message that had come in while he slept.

See you tonight.

No name but he knew who it was from. He also noted the lack of name attached and that made him wonder. It also told him that Miss Marla had figured exactly who he was. It was going to be an interesting evening.

He slipped off the stood and patted the bar. "Later Jono, I have a meeting to get ready for."

"See you mon!" Jono called out.

Dae passed by Leto's table, turning to look down at her as he went. He passed by unnoticed.

Lt.(jg) Leto
New Worries

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Advice Giver
The Nexus Club

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Observing Unobserved


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