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Back Where He Belongs

Posted on Sat Mar 23rd, 2013 @ 1:12am by Colonel Travis Harris & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Marine Deck - CO's Office
Timeline: Current

Patrick left the Nexus rather happier than he entered. While he hoped of a night dreaming of the lady he had just met he knew from the off that it wasn’t going to happen, not with his new mission. Instead he head straight to his quarters and grabbed his flight gear and some other essentials before heading to the hanger where his ship was stored, figuring he would skip on the way to the wormhole, something which was pretty much guaranteed. After all his ship had been stripped of anything that would be useful to Suresh’s lot and right now Pat felt that a full weapons locker would be better than an empty one, along with several other items that needed to be replaced. Arriving he set to work preparing his ship and waiting for the morning to talk with the Lieutenant Colonel.

***** Several hours later*****

Satisfied that the Blackbird was now fully kitted out with all its systems checked. Only a few more small items such as the usual emergency rations were needed to get still and those could wait. Personally Patrick doubted he would ever use them but of course rather safe than sorry. Locking up behind him he began making his way to Travis’s office.

Major Smith,” Harris said from behind his desk, noting the new rank on his CAG. “Welcome back to where you belong. I knew you’d be bored with intel, especially as the chief--all of that sitting behind a desk bullshit.” He finally stood and shook hands over the desk and sat back down. He had a large mug of raktajino steaming away, not far out of reach. “Care for some coffee?” With the mug, now in his hands, he pointed with it toward the replicator in the corner of his office. “Help yourself.”

“Thank you Sir,” Pat answered as he grabbed some coffee. “Just what I needed. Yea the Intel desk job has more paperwork than I care for. Constant reports and briefings with command on stuff that is 90% of the time got nothing to do with me. I mean really do I need to know what happened on the Romulan border? No. No I don’t,” he said answering his own question with a head shake. “Anyway it’s good to be back Sir.”

“I’m just happy that you’ve kept up your certifications while on your little vacation.” The colonel apparently thought he was quite humorous since he laughed heartily after. “And you haven’t been gone so long that you’ve grown lax in your skills, so I see no need for any refreshers or time to get acclimated before taking over. So,” he said just before he paused for a large gulp, “as far as I’m concerned, you’re here and you’re on. I’ve already notified your squadron leaders of your return and promotion, all that’s left is for you to perform your initial inspection of the crew and craft and do what you do best.” Another large gulp. “Oh, don’t forget to move your quarters down here as well. Can’t be a marine living with the fleeters up there,” he accentuated by pointing toward the ceiling. “You’re on deck 327, senior officer’s quarters and quite large. Plenty of room for entertaining guests, if you know what I mean?” He waggled his eyebrows thinking Patrick may be as much of a man-whore as the colonel.

Patrick laughed along with the Colonel. This one he liked more than the last. “Thank you very much Sir. Previously I’d have said big quarters for entertaining were no need but maybe not after last night,” he said smiling. “Plus the Fleeter’s aren’t quite so bad... cept for the uniform. Damned clingy compared to this,” he added motioning to his flying suit and squadron t-shirt. “Good to be covered in oil again. As for me starting unfortunately I have to go rescue a certain sentient spider who has been kidnapped. Should only take 2 days I hope and after that I’ll get my fliers up and drilled once again.”

Harris shook his head. “Damn fleeters. Now they’re giving me my CAG just to jerk him back for a few days?” He rolled his eyes. “I take it this is Iggy we’re talking about. Hmph. Well, I guess that’s okay. She’s one hell of an arachnid, I can tell you that!” He got up and refilled his mug. “Okay, but I fully expect you to return undamaged. Are you taking a fighter or are they giving you a shuttle? Because I can think of several jarheads that wouldn’t mind going along on a sort of mini-rescue mission.”

“Yea it’d be Iggy. First had to save Oz and now her spider. Gonna start charging security a fee for hostage rescue,” he joked while seriously contemplating suggesting it. “I’ll be taking my own ship for this one. Have a few others involved who will no doubt help with the ground part. The Blackbirds more than capable of dealing with the normal run of the mill ship so we should be fine.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Harris said, sitting back down. He looked up at Smith who was just sitting there. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get yer ass in gear, rescue the damsel in distress and get your ass back here so you can get to work!” He shook his head. “Damn, son. They really have made you lazy up there.” With a smile and a nod, he half-heartedly saluted the Major. “Dismissed.”

Pat stood chuckling, “Not sure if Iggy counts as a damsel Sir,” he said returning the salute before turning and leaving.


Major Patrick Smith
Hostage Rescue Specialist (And Commander of the Air Group)

Lt. Colonel Travis Harris
Addicted to Raktajino


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