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Next Stop... Mars

Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2013 @ 4:12pm by Camille Ross & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Camille's Quarters
Timeline: Current

Dumping her bag by the door, Camille started to kick her heels off as she moved towards the bathroom to remove her jewellery and makeup. Every girl loves to dress up, but there is nothing nicer than changing into fluffy pj’s after her shift at the Nexus.

Tonight hadn’t been a bad night for her. She’d started to get to know the regulars, and was beginning to build up a rapport with them, which meant being able to have some witty carrying on with them. However, no matter how much chatting she did, or keeping herself as busy as she could, she couldn’t get Pat out of her head.

He hadn’t been gone very long, but she still couldn’t wait to see him again. Just a glimpse of those eyes... she thought.

Coming out of the bathroom and wrapping her fluffy robe around her, she made her way to the replicator and ordered a bacon sandwich. Something filling, but not too filling before bed.

She made her way to her sofa, with her sandwich, and spread herself out on it, enjoying the comfortable seat, and her feet enjoying the rest.

The soft sound of the bathroom door opening reached her and moments later, the soft tread of bare feet on carpet grew closer. A figure stepped out of the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and another being used to scrub his wet hair.

“I hate double shifts.” The voice, and the body, was definitely male, and both far too familiar. He pulled the towel off his hair and draped it around his neck and gave Camille a cheeky grin.

“Evenin’ luv.”

Camille had to do an almost comedic double take at her ex husband. A million and one thoughts flying through her head with each heartbeat.

“Cat got your tongue?” The grin changed to a full-fledged smile and the dimples that always turned him from a rock-hard rebel transformed his face into a charming imp. “How was work?” He began to cross the room, his steps slow and deliberate. The towel around his neck he slid off and draped over a chair as he passed it.

“Li...Li...Liam!” Camille struggled to exclaim. “What the hell are you doin’ here in ma room! How the hell did you even know where I was? And WHY were YOU in MA shower!” Her accent coming through stronger the angrier she got.

“I thought I’d clean up before you got home, I was what your mum would call ‘not socially acceptable’.” He looked puzzled now. “As for where you are, we live here remember? Moved in two weeks after we got married? You okay Cami?” He reached the sofa now and dropped down beside her, concern in his eyes.

As Liam moved closer to her, Camille edged away from him, sliding further back on the sofa. “What do ye mean we moved in after we got married? Liam, we’ve been divorced fer nearly four years now. And I’ve only just moved in here last week.” Camille said, trying not to lose her calm.

“Good one.” Liam laughed and prodded her arm before reaching over to draw her into his lap. “Such a kidder. Hey listen, I’ve got great news. The band landed a gig out on Mars, three weeks! Five nights on, two off, and it’s definitely gonna be worth our while. You game to come along? You know I want you there.”

“Liam!” Camille yelled. “I’m tellin’ ye now we’re not married! Look!” She pointed to her ring finger, that didn’t have a ring on it. “See? I’m not wearing a ring, as I donnae have tae. I threw it at you the day I caught you cheatin’. As for goin’ to Mars. With you? Neh chance of tha’ happenin’.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed at her words. “Cheatin’?? With who? That’s not funny Cami. You know I’m not one to roam. What’s this about?”

“Ha! Not one tae roam. Tha’s cheap comin’ from you. And you seriously donnae remember? I came home from work tae find you arse naked on the sofa with some girl with purple hair screamin’ at tha top of her lungs! You owned up tha’ it’d been goin’ on fer months so I left ye. The only contact I had with ye since then was fer signin’ the divorce papers.”

“Purple hair? I don’t even know anyone with purple hair.” He shifted her off the sofa and stood, beginning to pace in front of her. “Did you get hit on the head, Cami? You’re talkin’ crazy talk. What the hell is goin’ on??” Now his voice was raised and he was clearly getting wound up.

“Oh you really donnae remember Minnie?” Camille replied, her teeth nearly grinding on having to say her name. With her voice gradually getting louder she added “Sweet young Minnie who could do anythin’ you wanted her tae? Liam, I think yer the one who’s been hit on the head! We divorced four years ago. I moved on, was with Marty on Starbase 52 and now I’ve just transferred here last week! So there is absolutely no effing way in hell we’ve been here since we were married, nor are we still married!” Camille’s breathing started to become heav now the more wound up and hysterical she became.

“Four years ago? Cami, that’s not possible!” Now he was yelling. “I don’t know what the hell you’re playing at but stop it!” He reached for Camille, taking hold of her shoulders.

Out in the corridor, Eli had appeared at the door, stopping by to offer Camille an order of dumplings he’d brought from his after work dinner. Lao’s dumplings were, after all, a Nexus tradition. He reached for the chime and stopped, hearing the loud argument and a male voice. He frowned not liking the sound of it.

“I don’t know what yer playing at!” Camille yelled. “We’re. Not. Together,” she said, purposefully pausing in between each word to let them sink into her ex’s head. Clearly years of abuse had had its affect on him. “And don’t you even try to touch me!” she screamed as he walked near her.

What the hell? Hearing that, Eli pressed the button, hoping the doors weren’t locked. When they slid open, he dashed in, prepared to do battle on her behalf against whoever was the threat.

“Camille?” He was breathing fast and ready to pounce but he saw...nothing.

“Oh Eli!” She practically exclaimed with glee and ran to hug him. “Will you please tell Liam how I’ve only just arrived here last week, on my own as a single pringle ready to mingle.” But when she turned round to give Liam an “I told you so” face, he wasn’t there.

“I...I... Eli, I donnae understand.” Camille started to get a little teary. “I swear he was right there by the sofa, trying tae tell me we wasstill married and livin’ here.” She could feel herself getting more and more choked up as she tried to fight back the tears.

“Easy, Camille.” Eli set the dumpling box aside and gathered her into his arms. “It’s okay, there’s no one here. Who’s Liam?”
“My dumbass of an ex husband. Eli, I swear he was right there. He looked and even smelled like he did the last time I seen him. He was here, tryin’ tae tell me he hadnae cheated on me, and that we’d been living here on the ‘base since we got married.” She began to feel herself relax a bit more now.

“Whatever it was, it’s gone now.” He stroked her back gently but the vibe in the room felt really off to him. “Did he hurt you? I heard shouting.”

“Na he didnae lay a hand on me thankfully. It was just intense. The last day I saw him before the divorce, he had his key in this girls lock if ye catch what I’m sayin’. I told him that day tae never come near me or touch me again, and when he tried tae touch me there now I freaked. He seemed to have himself convinced I was still Mrs Baker.”

“Then he vanished.” Eli frowned. “It’s been happening all over the station, according to Jackson. “Weird sightings of people from the past or the future. A warning came through from Li, which is one reason I stopped by here, to let you know. And bring dumplings.”

“Thanks,” she said nodding towards the dumplings. “I feel too sick to eat anythin’ right now, but I’m sure they’ll make a hearty breakfast in the mornin’. As fer these sightings, there as scary as hell. They seem too real tae be visions though.” She sighed as she sat down on the sofa, and indicated Eli to do the same.

“I havenae seen Liam fer four years, and I certainly have nae clue as to where he currently is, nor do I care. Is there any idea as tae why these visions are happenin’?” She asked, not quite sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

“Not that I know of yet, but she says Science is working on it with Temporal Affairs. I hope they’ll have it figured out soon.” He’d heard talk of Kh’ali’s sighting and the injury but he decided not to mention that as he didn’t want to frighten Camille. He also didn’t really want to think who from his life might pop up if he were to be visited.

“Looks like a visit to Li tomorrow before work then huh?” She asked him.

“I’d at least report it to the TA officer so they can keep track of how widespread this is getting.” He gave her a reassuring smile and reached over to squeeze her hand. “And call if he shows back up or you need anything, I’ll come.”

“Would you mind? You heard us... me shoutin’, be able tae describe how freaked out I was at it just felt like a weird nightmare.”

Eli nodded. “Sure, I’ll be happy to. Why don’t I put the food in the cooler and get you to bed? I’ll stay and stand watch for a bit if it will ease your mind.”

“Thanks Eli. But if what yer sayin’ is true, that it’s only visions, I’ll be fine here on me own. Thank you for the offer though,” and she felt herself smile for the first time since Liam had made his appearance. “You get back home and get some sleep yourself. I’ll message ye in the mornin’ ‘bout heading to Temporal Affairs.”

“Sure. It shouldn’t take us long once there, so try not to worry, alright?” He rose and reached for the box of dumplings. “Now, you get to bed, I’ll stash these and see you in the morning.”

“Thanks Eli. Chance is lucky tae have you,” she said as she walked towards her bedroom. “Nighty night,” she called to him and within minutes she was in the land of nod, dreaming of Pat once again.

Eli finished in the kitchen and checked the time. It was much later than he thought and with a frown, he hurried out. He needed to get home and quick. As late as it was, Chance would be worried.

Camille Ross
Becoming Mrs Baker Again

Cadet Second Class Eli Ziyad
To The Rescue


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