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Packing Light

Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2013 @ 7:45pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

Dressed casually, as casually as the Nexus Club’s style allowed, Oz sat at the table the new hostess had put her at, idly drawing a pattern in the remains of her ice cream and chocolate dessert. She’d been there long enough to have dinner, a dance or two with Jackson, and now dessert. They hadn’t talked about anything important yet, mostly because she didn’t want to discuss the doctors’ visits earlier that day out on the dance floor, surrounded by other ears.

But as the Club emptied out and the employees started cleaning the place, she knew Jackson would have a few minutes to spare. Likely he’d have a few more minutes to spare after their talk. Smiling up at him as he approached, Oz felt again the twinge of guilt she’d had just after Connor’s death, the twinge that whispered: ‘Really? Connor’s body is barely cold and yet, here you are, shacking up with Jackson and confirming Connor’s fear’. “Do you need to stick around late tonight?”

“Not really, what’s up sugar?” Jackson leaned down and kissed her, then pulled a chair over and sat down beside her. “I can take off whenever you need me to and with pleasure.”

“I was thinking we could beam down to Archadia and spend tonight and tomorrow on the beach,” she said, leaning in towards him. “I arranged for a room... a hut, really, but it has four walls.... Three, at a minimum, they promised. They called it ‘rustic’.”

“Rustic sounds perfect, Oz.” Jackson reached out, cupping her cheek with his hand gently. “Anything with you sounds perfect. How long can you stay off the station?” His blue eyes held hers, a sudden glint in them.

Her expression changed, turning from an open, loving look into one that was much shadier and unsure. “Um... a week, actually,” she admitted.

Jackson raised an eyebrow. “What’s that look for, hmm?”

“Nothing really, just that Li told me to take a week off and I ignored her; Doc Harding came by this afternoon and ordered me to take a week off,” she shrugged and moved to kiss him.

At that news, Jackson looked positively gleeful. “Hell yeah. You wanna stay longer than a night?”

“You don’t have to look so happy,” she complained but smiled. “But, yes, we could stay longer than a night. I’m assuming you can take some time off.”

“I’m one of the owners, of course I can. I bet they’d all love a few days without me breathin’ down their necks. Is this where I tell ya to pack light?”

“I’m already packed. And I put a few things in the bag for you. Necessities only, of course.” She grinned wickedly, knowing that her definition of ‘necessity’ was likely different from his.

“I’m sure you have just what I need, Oz.” He paused and waggled his eyebrows at her. “Are we eloping this trip too? Make an honest man outta me?”

Her grin faded quickly. “I wanted Iggy at our wedding.” Her worry for the arachnid surfaced and she added something completely unrelated, “Connor was in our quarters today.”

“I can understand that but --” Jackson stopped mid-sentence. “He what?”

She nodded. “Connor. You’ve heard about the recent issues on the Station? Folks running into past or future versions of friends or loved ones?”

“Yeah, I warned the folks here as a matter of fact. What happened Oz? Tell me this vision didn’t hurt you? Kh’ali’s left her needing a med team from what I understand.”

“Gilroy filled me in on that. I took the afternoon off, went home and napped. He... uh... he woke me up.” Suddenly, she barked out a confused, humorless laugh, “And then we ended up doing what we always did: argue. And it was about you. Some things remain constant.”

“Yeah I suppose so.” Concern shadowed Jackson’s face. “I’m sorry it was him you had to see. It seems that all the visions are people related to those who see ‘em. Li for instance. She saw a hundred and seventy year old Suresh in her quarters. I've been lucky. Nothin’ yet.”

“Let’s keep it that way,” Oz took his hand in hers as the desire to protect him rose up and caught at her throat. “We’ll go to Archadia. The place I’ve picked is pretty far away from population centers.”

“Good, there won't be anyone to complain when I refuse to wear a stitch while I’m on the beach. And just maybe, what’s happenin’ up here won’t be goin’ on down there.” He raised her hand and kissed it. “There will be much better things goin’ on down there.”

She circled back to one of his earlier questions, “Are you okay waiting for Iggy to come home or do you want to go ahead and get married?”

“Yes to both. I’d do it right now, this minute, but I know that when she gets home, she’d never let me hear the end of it.” He grinned at Oz. “Not like I could muzzle her to keep her quiet either.”

She laughed and commiserated, “Oh, that’d be nice, wouldn’t it? Put tape over her mouth or something. Maybe ...are there any materials through which Betazoids can’t communicate? Line her room with that stuff.”

“Only if she turned into a Ferengi.” Jackson laughed and shook his head. “So, as much as I’d like to, you’re right, we should wait. We’ll just do the honeymoon first, how’s that?”

“Sounds fine to me.” Noting they were alone, she stood and sat in his lap, wrapping her arms around him. “So, how soon can I whisk you away to a far off beach?”

“Give me five minutes to let Jan know I’ll be MIA for the next few days, and send word to Admiral Hawke and I’m all yours. Uh, just what essentials did you pack for me?”

She smiled. “A toothbrush.”

“That’s it?”

“What else do you need?”

Jackson laughed once more and lifted her off his lap, then stood. “That’s my girl. You know me too well. Shall we?”

“Yes, go tell Janice you’ll see her in a few days.”

“Yes ma’am.” He gave her a lustful wink that left her warmed to her toes, then turned and hurried off to make his arrangements.

Commander Oralia Zeferino
Off on Holiday

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Very Light Traveler
The Nexus Club


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