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The Morning Report

Posted on Fri May 3rd, 2013 @ 5:39pm by Seyla & Marla

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Marla stood just inside Dae’s doors, waiting for the all clear. Moments later, a soft knock came from outside and she counted to twenty, giving Dae enough time to move one, then she slipped out into the corridor and hurried to the turbolift. She’d had a busy night before she arrived at Dae’s once her nightly business was concluded. It was now morning and she was dressed casually and ready for breakfast. The lift opened onto the Promenade and she strolled along to one of the sidewalk cafes and had a seat. She was definitely in the mood for a leisurely breakfast and some people watching. Then she really should stop by her place and water her plants, then maybe some reading. Her coffee arrived and she sipped it as she watched the ebb and flow of the morning traffic.

Much like Marla, Seyla had quietly slipped out of Doctor Harding’s apartments and kept a low profile till she was on the Promenade. There, she held her head high, just as any successful business woman would. It was by chance that she spotted Marla at the little eatery she’d chosen; it wasn’t by chance that she joined her. “Good morning, Marl,” she purred, sliding into a seat next to her, “How was your evening?”

“Busy,” Marla replied. She paused as her coffee arrived and ordered another cup for Seyla. “I sent the night’s figures on to you early. How about you? You sound like a cat that’s had a large dish of cream. Your mystery man that good?”

“Let’s just say he certainly knows his way around the female body,” Seyla answered with a chuckle. “I haven’t yet made it home, so I haven’t checked any of the figures. I know Bella’s will be down. Did you hear about that?”

“Bella?” Marla lowered her cup, her expression curious. “No. But then again, I was booked back to back all night, pardon the pun.”

The older woman shook her head and frowned. “One of her clients invited a few more guests to the date than what was agreed upon. At least Security was quick to respond.” She sighed and mused, “I rather like having a female Chief of Security around. Males seem to dismiss that sort of thing.”

“Bad choice on their part though. I’ve seen her in action and she’s an ass-kicker.” Marla grinned at Seyla. “Makes me wonder about her and Jackson. He ever say much to you about her?”

“Bella?” Seyla had lost the train of the conversation for a moment. Catching on quickly, she shook her head. “Oh, Zeferino. No, Jackson and I don’t talk about her.” She made it sound like they had other things to talk about - or do. “I should make an effort to get to know her better,” she added.

“Couldn’t hurt, though I’d start that conversation with ‘I swear I haven’t laid a finger on him’.” Marla grinned, then looked up as the waiter appeared. He removed something from his tray and set it before Seyla. That ‘something’ turned out to be a dish of luscious chocolates.

“The gentleman asked that I bring these over,” he said.

Sitting up straight and looking around, Seyla asked, “Which gentleman? Point him out.”

“I’m sorry, he’s gone.” The waiter smiled and moved off to deliver more coffee to another table.

Marla sat up straight and was scanning the crowd, looking for someone acting suspiciously, but there was nothing and no one that stood out.

“Well hell,” she muttered.

Slumping back down in her chair, Seyla glared at the retreating waiter then plucked a chocolate from the dish. She took a bite of it and hummed with pleasure. "Who ever he is, he's got good taste," she praised her unknown suitor.

“That’s obvious. And I am envious. So ‘fess up Seyla, who do you think it is?”

She thought about the possible candidates. Darwin was out: he wasn't this romantic or thoughtful. Suresh: no, he was gone. An actual client? Which one? She shrugged, "I don't know. Perhaps a besotted client?" Laughing, she said, "Wouldn't be the first time I've permanently hooked a client."

“Or someone you’ve not met yet?” Marla frowned, considering. “Hell, it could be anyone, which narrows it down to...thousands. What will you do when you find them?”

"Him." She took another chocolate and turned it in her fingers before answering. "Hmm, perhaps screw him till he's unable to walk?" She smiled.

“You’d do that anyhow.” Marla shrugged. “Think about it, Sey, what if it’s someone who really cares for you? He has good taste, and can afford to have it. You’re not exactly low-maintenance, but like those good things.”

"I can afford those good things on my own," she reminded Marla. "And so what if he does care for me?" It could be said that Suresh cared for her; Darwin, too. But neither man was jumping up to take care of her.

Marla regarded her over the rim of her coffee cup. “Maybe he wouldn’t be stupid enough to get shipped off to a penal colony. Maybe he’s someone good. He obviously has no issues with what you do for a living and that’s rare.”

"That is. Unlike Nalas, who would have let you fall for him and then never returned your feelings."

“Are you so sure? He was rather unhappy with your ruling. Has he requested anyone else?”

"He has not." Seyla watched Marla for her reaction to that then twisted the blade a little more: "I have it on good authority, though, that he is seeing more of that Nexus hostess. I suppose getting it for free trumps having to pay for it."

The barb didn’t have the effect Sey had hoped but Marla kept that to herself. “Maybe, maybe not. She’s a little young for him don’t you think?”

"She's not a child."

“No, she isn’t, but I can tell you this - she’s got stars in her eyes for a marine.” Marla smiled a moment. “Having seen him, I can understand why.”

"Having truck with some Marines, I can't blame her. Those men are well built." She pushed the chocolates towards Marla. "See about getting these wrapped up and take them to Bella. After last night, she likely needs some cheering."

“Is she home or in Sickbay?” Marla took the dish and waved to the waiter.

"She was sent home early this morning. Speaking of home, that's where I'm headed. I need some sleep." She stood. "You too, I imagine."

“Yes, in a bit.” The waiter appeared and she asked him to box up the chocolates. “It was a busy night. And don’t forget, I’m off tonight.”

"That's fine. I'll likely see you tomorrow, then, dear." Seyla tossed a wave at her and headed out.

Marla watched her go, then smiled finally. She had just about thirty-six hours to herself and she knew just how she intended to use them. Gathering up the chocolates, she departed. First Bella, then some sleep, then on to the good stuff.


Mum’s The Word

King of Lions


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