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Iggy and the Boys

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2013 @ 8:44am by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Lieutenant Eric Edwards & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Much to Iggy's delight, Patrick had taken them through the wormhole (she had appropriately oo’d and ah’d at all the pretty light streaks) and then around the station, reminding Iggy just how immense the Station was, before finally docking with the mammoth vessel. She thanked him, both for the rescue and for the ride home, then asked Vic, Now you'll take me to Oralia?

“Well, I’d love to Iggy, but Li made her take some time off and she’s off the station and down on the planet with Jackson for a few more days yet. You can come with me or Eric can take you to stay with Chance if you’d rather.” Vic looked down at the massive arachnid in his lap. “Up to you.”

Chance? A sense of mildly amused sadness transmitted across with her thought. Do you expect a dead body to spider-sit me? It is not like he could order something from the replicator for me. I would have an easier time doing it. Though... decomposition does attract insects. She shuddered and drew her legs in tighter around herself.

“Dead?” Vic paused then laughed out loud. “That’s right, you were already gone. Chance is alive. Long story, Iggs. It will give him something to entertain you with.”

Alive!! Iggy exploded in Vic's lap, increasing in size by nearly double as her legs stretched and unfolded. Random bits of terrarium dirt and loose hairs bolted off of her and either hung in the air or landed on Vic’s clothing and the deck plating around them. She stared at Vic. Do not be kidding with me. She pointed a leg at him, mimicking a gesture she’d seen Oralia do to Connor many times.

“I kid you not, Iggy. Trust me, a spider your size is not someone whose leg I’d pull.” The joke was too good not to give in and Vic laughed once more.

This I must see for myself. Take me to him. She sounded imperious.

“Tell you what,” Vic answered. “I’ll let Eric do that and I’ll go report in and then check with Janice to make sure she’s not pulling her hair out yet with me gone as well as Jackson.”

Eric, Iggy agreed with a whole-body jiggle that was her approximation of a bi-ped’s nod. Let us go, then!

Eric gave a lopsided grin and proffered his hand to Iggy. "Well, you'd better climb aboard then. We don't need anyone trying to shoot you on the way."

With Iggy aboard, the Security officer gathered up his few belongings and Iggy's parcel before setting off. "Computer," he said as they walked, "locate Cadet Conradi..."

* * *Norval’s Quarters* * *

Chance looked at the various items Norval had on display. Behind him, Norval and Eli were chatting about something.... He’d tuned out, unintentionally, a few moments ago and wasn’t sure about the topic anymore. He shifted his shoulders and tried to relax.

Eli sensed the shift in Chance and reached out instinctively for his hand while still talking to Norval. Don’t worry, they’ll be here soon enough, he sent over.

That’s what I’m worried about, Chance countered, glancing at Eli.

A moment later, the door opened and the small crowd was greeted with an enthusiastic mental wave, Chance! Eli! Double Male! My transport arrives victorious! Iggy, clinging to Eric’s shoulder and head, waved her two front left legs. For the moment, Eric was dubbed her ‘transport’.

Chance stared at the large arachnid and memories flooded him for a moment. He ran the gamut of emotions in that moment: fear, annoyance, outright anger, embarrassment, and an odd sort of love for the hairy, dark, large-fanged pest. He smiled, “Hey Iggy! Eric,” he nodded in greeting at the Security officer.

“Chance,” Eric said in reply, giving their recently resurrected Cadet a nod and smile of greeting, “Eli. And you,” Eric said, running his fingers through the back of Norval’s hair as he passed him. “You get to be double male. I’m a freighter.” He rolled his eyes, passing Iggy off to the coffee table. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, this ‘freighter’ has been cooped up on a fighter for too long and could do with a shower.”

Norval watched him go, waggling his eyebrows in the process. “Enjoy,” he managed to restrain himself to all but probably Eli, if the young man were monitoring his currently very explicit thoughts. “And Iggy,” he quickly redirected, “welcome back! Want some gagh?” he offered, smirking.

Ahhh..., no, thank you, she answered politely but quickly, recalling the way the gagh had attempted to make her their dinner, and again waved a leg at Chance, attempting to encourage him to pick her up. He didn’t. I am pleased to see all of you. Particularly you, Chance. How is it that you are not dead? I thought you bipeds had only one life, unlike felines with their nine.

"Nine? Oh. It's a long story," Chance said, after getting over his momentary confusion about cats. He eyed the white box Eric had set next to Iggy (was it moving?) while he quickly outlined just how he'd returned from the dead. He finished with: "Iggs, what's in the box?"

This? Oh, nothing. Just my mate.

"Mate? Are you using Connor's definition of 'mate'?" Connor, having been Australian, used the word as 'friend'.

Perhaps, if I can teach him to talk. Otherwise, he will simply serve as males should and then be dinner.

“I am suddenly grateful that you are not a spider, Chance.” Eli grinned at him. “Welcome home Iggy. It’s good to have you back home.”

"Thinking of all the girls I've... um, served, so am I," Chance deadpanned. She's always like this, isn't she?, he asked Eli.

Eli nodded. “Yes. Part of her charm. Well, except that time she appeared on our bedroom wall.”

Iggy rocked the box with a leg, much like a mother might rock her child’s cradle, side to side. I have been attempting to teach him to think, but so far he is resistant to the idea, she shuddered in a move that might have been a shrug.

Choosing not to dwell on the fact that Iggy had once hoped to make dinner out of Tigan, Norval regarded the spider with a lopsided grin.

"Sentience isn't really something that can be taught, Iggs," the Lieutenant cautioned. "I wouldn't want you to set unreasonable expectations for yourself only to see them dashed."

“Though it’s a worthy project, and at least worth trying,” Eli commented. The corners of his mouth twitched just a bit. “You might be able to communicate, just not the same way you do with us.”

Marvelling at Iggy’s social awkwardness, Chance shook his head and sat on the couch, close enough that Iggy could slowly step across the gap to his lap. As she did so and kept creeping forward till her front four legs were balanced on his shoulders and chest, he complained, “You smell, Iggs.”

It has been some time since I had a bath. Perhaps when Oralia returns..., when will she return?

“She and Jackson got married, so it’ll be a few days before they come back up here,” Chance informed not only Iggy, but also Eli and Norval.

Norval's expression was one of shock before turning into a pout as he sank into a chair. "First Li, now Oz. Does no one have an actual wedding anymore?! I'm fun at parties!" he half-joked. The sudden elopement of some of his good friends was a disheartening pattern.

Eli smiled back at Norval. “So I hear. But this is Oz and Jackson we’re talking about. Nothing those two ever do follows a normal course, you have to admit.”

“That’d be Oralia’s influence there,” Chance commented, stroking Iggy’s hair. “I’d lay money on the idea that Jackson will want a party of some kind when they get back.”

She said I could be her ‘flower girl’, whatever that meant, Iggy chimed in, sounding disappointed.

“Don’t worry Iggs, I’m sure they’ll celebrate when they get back. They deserve the happiness.” Eli knew first-hand how long and how deeply Jackson had longed for Oz. The thought brought a smile to his face.

"Yeah, well... they had better," Norval grumped as he stood from the armchair and crossed the living area. "Still calls for a toast, though," he admitted as he poured several glasses (and one saucer) of Aldebaran whiskey before distributing them, and one to Eric who had strode back into the space in little more than a pair of black shorts and a towel draped across his shoulders, attire that earned an appreciative glance from Chance.

"To Oz and Jackson then," the Trill declared, lifting his glass and joined by the others. "May they live long and prosper, to steal a Vulcan's wish."


Chance Conradi
Ignatius J. Reilly
Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Lt. Eric Edwards
Lt. Norval Tigan


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