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Diplomatic Dinner - Part 1

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2013 @ 4:34pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Colonel Travis Harris & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Ehlana Winter & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Ito Tsuki & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Chordata & Lieutenant Leah Jenkins

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: VIP Dining Room
Timeline: Current

((This was getting long so we're cutting it up into two parts -- Scott))

* * VIP Dining Room * *

Rick had gone ‘round and ‘round making sure that the menu for this particular diplomatic dinner was absolutely perfect. He’d found delicacies from Dendrian fare to have served alongside with the most elegant foods he could find to suit all of his own personnel attending. There was something for everyone in the appetizer, salad, soup, main course and dessert menus along with a dazzling array of drinks from all species. He’d also done his homework on any customs that the Dendrians might have observed for a dinner such as this.

The group was set to arrive in ten minutes and the executive chef and her staff were ready and waiting to serve. While it was generally unseemly to engage in shop talk during a dinner such as this he’d made sure to let the Ambassador know that for this occasion it was absolutely fine to do so. Many people did their best thinking while doing something as simple as eating and he wasn’t going to let those creative juices go to waste.

After a quick trip to the head and a last minute check of his uniform he stood by the door waiting to greet the first guests to arrive. He’d desperately wanted El’Shar to attend but the invites he’d sent didn’t include a ‘plus one’, and she was no longer a department head, so he’d have to wait and see her later. But he knew his thoughts would be on her the entire time.

The door opened, admitting a peal of laughter and then a grinning Oralia. Next to her, also laughing, was Li Hawke, a pale contrast to Oralia’s new tan. Oz toned her grin down to just a mischievous smile and gleam in her eye before greeting the Admiral, “Good evening, Admiral Wegener.”

Li stood aside with Sakkath to let Oz enter first, then followed her in. She took in the room, then smiled to Rick. “Admiral, you’ve outdone yourself this time. It looks wonderful.”

He leaned in to the ladies. “I’m nervous, for some reason. Do I look nervous? I’m trying hard not to seem nervous, but I don’t think it’s working.” At least he wasn’t sweating.

Li laughed softly and nodded. “Just a little, yes.” She nudged Oz. “Tell him.”

"Hmm?" Oz, unsure what Li meant, looked at her then the admiral. Tell him he looked nervous? "Ah, no, Sir, you don't, not in the least. Well, perhaps a little." She shrugged and smiled, clearly far more relaxed than she had been in a long time.

“Not that, your news. He already knows he’s nervous.” Li smiled at Oz, then with a touch of her hand to Sakkath’s, she moved off to get something to drink.

"Oh, my news," Oz nodded and watched Li move away. Just when it seemed she might not give the Admiral her news, she smiled. "Jackson and I got married." She couldn't help but grin.

Rick was stunned. Happy, but stunned. He hadn’t presided over a wedding in ages and had hoped maybe he’d get to marry Oz off to Jackson, but it didn’t seem to work out that way. “Well, congratulations! I didn’t realize you two were already ready for that, but sometimes those things just jump up and take you by surprise.” He stepped closer to her, speaking lower. “Do you need some time off? A week or two? I know it was kinda’ sudden but I take care of my people, Oz, and I can’t let you get married and come straight back to work. What kind of crap honeymoon is that?”

Then it struck him--he’d need to get them a gift. Something special, something personal. He knew Jackson, but not all that well. Oz, on the other hand, had been with him much longer and he really did care for his people, especially those that he dealt with on a regular basis, so he wanted to get something nice for them both. Maybe he’d talk it over with El’Shar and see if she could give him some guidance.

Grinning, Oz shook her head, “We’ve just been on a week’s leave on Archadia. A little hut out over the water, with a beach and no one else in sight. Besides, Iggy’s a little upset that she wasn’t there, so we’re going to redo the ceremony here. Would you officiate it for us?”

His face was now beaming. “I would love to!” he said, probably a little more enthusiastically than he’d meant. “Just let me know the time and the place and I’ll be there.” He took her hand between both of his and added, “Congratulations, Oralia.”

“Congratulations for what?” Lucius asked as he reached the mall group by the door. He greeted them, then smiled as Li returned and reached out to squeeze her hand.

"For a marriage - mine to Jackson," Oralia smiled, shy in the light of the attention.


Again the doors hissed opening and Chordata and his retinue made their entry. Quickly locating the Admiral with a cursory look over the audience, the ambassador moved to greet him.

“Good evening Admiral. I’m quite honoured to partake of your invitation to this dinner,” Chordata said slightly bowing his head. “And as it is customary in many cultures, like ours, we haven’t come with empty hands.”

Chordata then nodded to his guard Varanus who stepped forward offering a heavy bottle whose glass was made in a mosaic-like texture brilliant and captivating at the same time.

“This is a very popular beverage among my people. It is quite strong but I think you’ll find it of your taste. Could be thought akin to your terran whiskey, if I remember correctly from my readings.”

Taking the bottle, Rick inclined his head slightly. “Ambassador, my thanks. I’m sure we will all relish it.”

“And you must be Commander Zeferino.” Chordata reprised turning to Oralia, “I’ve heard you and your department are in charge of our security while my delegation is aboard Starbase 900. Thank you for your effort. Many are speaking well of your skills.”

"I am Oralia Zeferino," she acknowledged, "Thank you for the good words, Ambassador. My staff has worked hard to ensure your safety."


“C’mon. They don’t bite, even with all their Saurian teeth,” Kh’ali teased him as they neared the dining room.

Patrick grunted something unintelligible. No matter how important the occasion could be for the Federation the bear within him seemed always to have the upper hand about social gatherings and, even as fine-tailored by the replicator as it was, the high uniform he had to don in such meetings always seemed too tight to him.

“Promise me we’re not staying long,” Patrick said passing a finger inside the collar as if trying to avoid being strangled by the uniform.

“I’m the Chief Diplomatic Officer on this base and I’ll have to stay as long as the ambassador stays. No more, no less,” Kh’ali responded “But after a formal introduction and a little chit-chat I’ll let you blend in the background undisturbed,” she ended smiling.

“I’ll never understand all this waltzing around topics that could be agreed upon with just a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by purely basing on sheer common sense.” Patrick stated sounding the chime.

Kh’ali rolled her eyes. Despite all her skill there was no way to sway Patrick when he was in his ‘contrarian’ mood.

The doors opened to let them in.

Lt. Colonel Harris entered next with a group of other department heads. With him were JAG Chief Lt. Benson, Lt. Cmdr. Swift, Chief Engineer Lt. Jenkins, CAG Major Smith and Chief CONN Lt. Tsuki. They must have been walking together for a bit as they seemed to be deep in conversation.

Breaking the conversation short as the doors opened, Harris stood back and allowed Jenkins and Tsuki to enter first. "Ladies," he said, then shot a look at Lt. Benson who apparently hadn't realized what he was doing and tried to go in first, but got the idea and stepped back.

“And who said Marines weren’t Gentlemen eh sir?” Smith joked as they followed the the girls in.

“Too right!” Harris replied and followed them through the door.

Rick smiled and welcomed the group in and was glad that he’d sent information about the dinner beforehand. Everyone was sent an image of the table with the seating arrangements listed so that they would have an idea of where to go instead of just grabbing the first seat available. He didn’t mind, really, who sat where but with a diplomatic dinner it was sometimes best to assign seats. And after conferring with Squamata, the Ambassador’s aide, he found that Chordata was willing to speak to anyone about almost anything, which made this dinner easier for all. It would be nice to see questions asked from other areas than command, such as the marines, flight ops and engineering to name a few. Of course, he reminded them that this was a diplomatic dinner and any strong arguments against a potential friendship with the Dendrians was to be downplayed and brought to Rick or Li’s attention afterward.

With only a few department heads missing, Rick decided to go ahead and have everyone be seated. They could continue their conversations until all had arrived.

“May I have everyone’s attention?” he said above the din. “I think we’re about ready to get started, so if you would all take your seats we will wait a few more moments before dinner is served.”

As everyone began moving to the table the doors hissed open again allowing the thre remaining officers’ entry. Commander Winter, Doctor Harding, and Lt. Cmdr. Nalas had arrived.

“Commanders,” Rick said, trying to bite his tongue on their almost late arrival, “everyone is being seated now.”

The three greeted the Ambassador, Rick, Li and then the rest as they took their seats. Dae took his place on Kh’ali’s other side and across from Chordata. Once everyone was arranged, the food began arriving, for which Kh’ali was more than grateful.

Tapping one of the goblets with his fork, Rick got everyone’s attention and spoke. “Thank you all for coming today to this wonderfully prepared dinner. We are here not only to engage in conversation with our esteemed guests, but to celebrate what looks to be the start of a great new relationship with the Dendrians.” He looked around the table as he spoke, making eye contact with everyone at least once. “The Ambassador has made it clear that he is willing to answer any questions we may have, and I have advised him of the same in return. We hope that the first buds of friendship will begin here and blossom into something more than we had bargained for.” With a nod to the chef, he smiled. “And with that, dinner is served.”

Almost like magic the servers appeared out of nowhere with plates and drinks for everyone. They were immaculately dressed and Rick was pleased with the way they looked and the efficiency in which they served. It wasn’t long until everyone had a full plate and the conversation was flowing as easily as the drink.

Once everyone had a chance to begin eating, Kh’ali spoke up. “Ambassador Chordata, you and I have had a few opportunities to discuss your proposal but Admiral Wegener was not privy to those conversations, aside from reports. Would you be so kind as to give him a summary so that he’s hearing it directly from you?”

Rick laid his fork down and took a sip of his wine, interested to hear the Ambassador’s story.

“Of course, it will be a pleasure.” Chordata nodded to the Admiral. “This region of space is populated by many races and cultures and not all of them turn a benevolent eye to the strangers. It is interest of the Dendrian order to welcome Federation in the quadrant and to establish long-lasting treaties of trade and friendship... And with that, thanks to Commander Kh’ali, we’re quite ahead of schedule...” The ambassador paused a moment as a waiter poured wine in his glass, then reprised.

“Moreover, I’m bearer of an important offer coming directly from President Tuzinial of Ozum. Inside Dendrian boundaries there are many planets uninhabited or only sparsely populated and the President, in acknowledgement of the help received from USS Ticonderoga some time ago, wishes to grant the Federation the right to establish a colony on one of them. If you’re interested I’ll provide any due detail.”

“Thank you Ambassador, that sums it up nicely I think.” Kh’ali smiled to Chordata, then addressed Ricky. “With the assistance of Envoy Squamata and Commander Leroy, we are undertaking a survey as we speak.” She glanced to Li for a moment, then reached for her wine.

Li nodded in acknowledgment. “I look forward to the results with great interest, and your consideration is an honour, Ambassador Chordata.” Li turned her attention to Rick, waiting for his thoughts, and passed along one of her own. Intel is also doing a survey of its own.

“Think of the benefits. Admiral.” Chordata smiled again directly addressing Wegener “A permanent foothold in the quadrant. Able to develop its own productive system and freeing Starbase 900 from the leash of vulnerable supply lines from Headquarters afar... And all with full Dendrian Order‘s advice and support.”

Chordata paused a moment to let his words sink in with the Admiral then raised his glass to him “Isn’t that desirable?”

“I must admit, Ambassador, it does sound very tempting, to say the least,” Rick said, returning the salute with his own glass. “And I must add that it is a very gracious offer. Having a permanent colony in the Delta Quadrant does present a unique opportunity that even this base wouldn’t provide.” After a thought, he added, “Assuming everything checks out, I have hopes that Starfleet Command sees fit to authorize this union of our peoples.”

“I dearly hope so,” Chordata responded with satisfaction “And who knows... Perhaps, in time... The Dendrian order could also make a formal request to become part of the Federation...”

The words of the ambassador lingered as his vertical pupils narrowed focusing on Wegener.

“Time will only tell, Ambassador,” Rick said. “That decision, however, rests with much wiser men and women than I. But I can assure you that if this current opportunity works out as planned, I will be singing the praises of the Dendrians to Starfleet Command, should you make such a request.”

The conversation lulled a bit after that exchange, giving everyone the opportunity to finish their meals and make conversation amongst themselves. Once the dinner plates were cleared, Rick had asked for a fifteen minute break between them bringing out the dessert course, just to give their main courses a bit of time to digest and to attempt to cultivate more conversation from the group.

Admiral Wegener
Admiral Hawke
Captain Hawke
Commander Sakkath
Commander Zeferino
Commander Winter
Lt. Colonel Harris
Major Smith
Lt. Commander Leroy
Lt. Commander Harding
Lt. Commander Swift
Lt. Commander Nalas
Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Lieutenant Ito Tsuki
Lieutenant Jenkins
Lieutenant Benson


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