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Dinner On The Sly

Posted on Fri Dec 13th, 2013 @ 4:11pm by Camille Ross & Commander Dae Nalas & Vic & Marla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Dae's Quarters
Timeline: Current

* * * Dae’s Quarters * * *

Dae sipped from a glass of wine, then setting it aside, peeked into the various pots that simmered in his kitchen. He enjoyed cooking the old-fashioned way, at least when he had the time, and it had become something of a hobby for him. It relaxed him and that was a necessary thing in a job that held untold stress as a matter of course.

“Computer, music. Some smoky jazz should do.” He smiled as the mellow notes of a saxophone drifted through his quarters, then scooped up a spoonful from the nearest pot for a taste. Perfect. Tonight was a casual dinner and that called for Earth’s cajun food. That way they could eat, talk, relax and enjoy the evening. Checking the time, he realized everyone would be arriving soon. How Marla would arrive was anyone’s guess. Last time she’d entered dressed as one of the housekeeping staff, her clothes and hair hidden beneath coveralls and a cap. The thought brought a smile as the door chime rang.

At the door, at first glance, was an engineer with a grey cap on. The moment said engineer was inside and the door was closed, though, the cap came off, exposing a wealth of rich, curly dark hair. "Hey, luv," Marla grinned and hugged Dae.

“You are a sight for sore eyes.” He swept her up in his arms and kissed her soundly before lowering her to her feet. “No trouble getting here? And how’s the dragon lady?”

"Dragon lady's been a little weird ever since she got back from her vacation. Not that it's easy to tell with her, but weirder than normal," Marla wriggled in his arms, seemingly for no reason - until her engineer's coveralls dropped off her shoulders, revealing nothing but skin. She kissed Dae again and said, "Let's not talk about her, though, I have other uses for those lips."

“Don’t have to ask me twice, but….I expect that door chime to be ringing any second now.”

The coveralls slipped further off Marla's frame, "...then I'm underdressed. I don't suppose we could leave your other guests to fend for themselves?"

Dae glanced at the clock and smiled. “Ten minutes.”

* * *

Camille didn’t feel like going out. After another busy shift at the Nexus, all she wanted to do was relax at home. But she promised Dae she would be there and didn’t want him worrying about her.

After quickly freshening up after work, she pulled on some jeans and a casual blouse and set off for Dae’s quarters.

When she got there, she rang the chime and waited for Dae to answer.

While Camille stood outside Dae’s door, the turbolift just down the corridor opened and Vic emerged. He quickened his pace to reach her, running a hand through his hair as he did.

“Hell of a night tonight, wasn’t it?”

“Tell me about it. I swear everyone’s just thought that the Nexus is the place to be whilst the away team’s away,” she replied.

Vic shrugged. “I suppose friendly faces are better than empty quarters. I’m ready for dinner and some down time.” He turned to look back at the doors and waited.

* * *

"Hmm... Punctual, aren't they?" Marla paused in front of the mirror and made a half-hearted attempt to set her hair right. Dae had run his hands through her curls, and over her curves.
“I bet they were more than ready to get out of the Nexus. It’s been crazy in there lately.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, then left the bedroom to get to the door.

Just as Camille and Vic had thought that they’d had been forgotten about, they heard Dae give the command to open the door. As it opened, their nostrils were greeted with an array of lovely smells of Dae’s cooking coming from the kitchen.

Dae smiled to the waiting pair. “Hey, come on in. I’m glad to see you survived another night.”

As they entered Camille turned to Marla and signalled to her that she had a smudge of lipstick. “Not that we can guess what was goin’ on, but always best to keep up appearances” she smiled giving her a knowing look.

Marla laughed and rubbed at her lip. "Thanks. Who's this?" She eyed Vic, recognizing him from the Nexus.

“Vic, head bartender at the Nexus.” He offered his hand to Marla. “I know your face but it’s nice to be introduced officially. And yes, tonight was insane and that’s putting it mildly.” The last part was directed to Dae.

Dae motioned to the sofa. “Well then, have a seat. I need to check dinner. Marla can you get the drinks?”

“Sure,” she nodded and moved to do so. As she went, Camille and Vic told her their preferences; a moment later, she had those in their hands. “What made tonight so insane for you two?”

“Good question.” Vic shrugged, then sipped his drink. “Thanks. I mean the away team’s departing and maybe it’s the approaching holidays for the humans. They seem to have a lot of them this time of year.”

“They do have quite a few. But the Ferengi and Bajoran holidays outnumber theirs. I’ve heard the Ferengi celebrate their holidays by recounting all of their latinum.”

“We do get a lot of holidays,” Camille added, “But it seems like everyone’s taken every bloody holiday they could get their hands on and descended ontae the ‘base. Tis good tae see though...” she paused for a second. “It’s a distraction.”

Dae studied her a moment and nodded. “It is at that. But not to worry, they’ll be fine.”

Vic patted Camille’s hand reassuringly. “They will. Pat’s trained for this sort of thing.” He left it at that, meeting Dae’s glance for only a moment. “So, Marla, how’s life been treating you? It’s been a while since I saw you at the Nexus.”

"Oh, good. Um...," she shrugged and smiled slightly, tossing a glance over towards Dae before adding, " is busy. I get what you're saying, Camille, with the influx of ...customers." Considering what her services were for her 'customers', she was reticent to discuss just how busy she was lately particularly around Dae. "Hey, you two know that monster, don't you?"

“Monster?” Vic’s brow furrowed. “Did I miss something?”

"Bunch of legs, hairy," Marla shuddered, "Looks like it crawled out of a nightmare?"

“Cannae recall ever meeting a hairy monster,” Camille replied, whilst pulling a confused yet quizzical look.

Vic laughed aloud and set down his drink. “You mean Iggy. Formal name Ignatius Reilly. She’s the pet, sort of, of Commander Zeferino. Did she try to talk to you Marla?”

"No! And a good thing it didn't! I'd have run away screaming. But a cli-- um, someone mentioned seeing it and being freaked out about the wildlife on the station."

“I’ve learned not tae be surprised by anything on this station anymore. Especially after those freak sightings. And Vic did you just ask if this Iggy tried to talk tae ‘er!?”

“I did. It’s a complicated story but there was some unusual activity here quite a while ago and Oz’s small-ish spider began to grow. Then she learned to communicate telepathically.” He grinned for a moment. “Then she decided to drop in on Jackson and nearly gave him a heart attack. He hates spiders.”

“So do I,” Dae answered. “Somehow, the idea of a talking spider is a nightmare but Iggy isn’t too bad.”

Skeptically, Marla remarked, "Says you, buster. A telepathic, four foot wide arachnid is a nightmare!" Marla's client had overstated Iggy's size.

“I suppose it would be useful to play jokes on people...” Camille tailed off, not sure where the rest of this conversation was going to be headed.

“Hopefully not on my watch.” Dae squeezed Marla’s hand, then rose. “Who is ready for dinner?”

“I know I am.” Vic rose as well, then looked to Marla and Camille. “Ladies?”

"Indeed!" Marla was glad to move away from the topics of increased customers and the nightmarish Iggy and towards the dinner table.

“Yes!” Camille said a little too over-excitedly. “I cannae remember the last time I had a properly cooked meal from scratch, and the smell coming from the kitchen has got me tummy a’rumblin’.”

“Then follow me.” Dae turned and led the way to the dining area.


Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Kiss The Cook!

Willing to do so!

Ready To Eat!

Camille Ross
It’s A Rumbly in her Tumbly


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