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Lights On...Somebody Home? - Part Two

Posted on Mon Dec 16th, 2013 @ 10:59am by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Suresh's Quarters - Deck 531

* * * Deck 531 - Suresh’s Quarters, The Cherry Pit * * *

Li waited patiently as the doors slid open, then nodded as Darwin took point and entered first. The room did, indeed, have a noticeable smell but not one of a room that had been closed up and unoccupied.

“Curious,” she commented as she followed him in.

Oz glanced at Li and went in as well. “Darwin, weren’t you on the team...?”

“...that sealed this place up? Yes,” he finished her question and answered her. “We didn’t leave it like this, Commander.”

“Didn’t think you did,” Oralia responded. A small room off the hallway leading to Suresh’s main bedroom looked as if someone had exploded a suitcase: clothing was crumpled on the floor and draped gracelessly over a chair. Oz sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose.

Moving on to the bedroom, Darwin stopped and also sniffed the air. He looked back at Oz as a glimmer of recognition crossed his face. He knew this perfume - a unique combination of natural odor with a thin layer of a floral scent.

“Well someone’s been busy in here,” Ray commented as he moved to stand beside Darwin. He, too, sniffed the air and tilted his head a moment. He knew that fragrance. Perfume. “Someone who’s had a certain visitor too. That’s --”

“Cloying!” Darwin said, realizing that Ray recognized it as well. “Yeah, cloying. Don’t you agree, Mr. Prosecutor?” He said the question pointedly, hoping Ray wouldn’t blurt out Seyla’s name. Of course, then he sighed, knowing that Li had probably just picked her name out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, that’s it. Likely more expensive than it smells, though.” Ray ran a hand through his hair, avoiding Li’s gaze.

“I imagine so.” Li’s tone was dry, hiding the laugh that threatened to bubble up out of her. “The question now is, who’s been in here? How about the terminal?”

“Well, at least one person who has been here was Seyla,” Darwin told her, knowing it was pointless to hold out on that information. He went to the terminal and accessed it. The list came up and Darwin frowned.

“What? That look says you’re confused.” Oz looked over his shoulder - a possibility since he was seated. “How is that possible?”

“How’s what possible?” Ray turned back from the doorway to the next room, which happened to be the kitchen. There were signs of recent eating there, and more than one person from the looks of it. “Squatters?”

“According to this, no. This,” Darwin indicated the computer, “Suresh is the last one to order food in this place.”

“When?” Li’s tone was sharp as she spoke. “And I’ll second Oz. How is that possible?”

“Ah...,” Darwin swiped and tapped at the screen then blinked. “This morning.”

“This morning,” Li repeated. “I see.” She paused only a minute. “Ray, I want you to double check with Elba II and make sure he’s still there. Darwin, start searching the station.”

“On it,” Darwin said, setting the computer to run face recognition on every person on the station.

“Oz, I want the logs from the Hammond for the return trip when they rescued us from the alternate 900. And seal these quarters, new codes.” Li paused and frowned. “If you want to scare out a rat, plug the hole.”

“We’ll get that done tonight,” Oz assured her. And she would have it done - every item not part of the Station’s structure would be removed and the emptied quarters locked tight by order of the Chief of Security.

“Good. Hopefully, we can put an end to this. Thank you gentleman.” Li nodded to Ray and Darwin.

“I’ll report in as soon as I have confirmation. Goodnight.” Ray took one more glance around, shook his head, and departed.

“I refuse to believe Suresh is on this Station,” Oz asserted. “Blue fish or not.”

“There’s one possibility but I think we need to see Seyla first. There we might get some answers. How about Gilroy?”

“How about me? Gilroy is on the Hammond,” Oz said.

Li nodded. “Do it. And good luck with that. I think we’re done here. I have a few things to check out as well.”

Oz watched as Li left, then she and Darwin called in a team and got to work.


Captain Li Hawke
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Lt. Michael Darwin
Lt. Ray Benson


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