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The Stowaway

Posted on Wed Jan 1st, 2014 @ 2:54pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Hammond

* * * USS Hammond * * *

“Iggy, stop staring at me.” Eli glanced up to the top of the computer monitor at the several beady eyes that adorned Iggy’s head. “Are you bored?”

Absolutely, came Iggy's confirmation in a strange, calm, alien mental whisper. Traveling faster than light must mean we also travel faster than anything interesting.

The lack of logic there made Chance burst into laughter. "Things don't quite work that way, Iggs," he chortled, earning him a wave of more than one of Iggy's legs - a move he was coming to recognize as silent spiderese for "fuck off".

“That all depends on your frame of reference,” Eli answered. It occurred to him belatedly that Iggy had no real frame of reference. “I, for example, am far from bored. We’re going to see a new area and check out the land for a new colony. All our own even.”

Unh huh. But you are not doing that now, so why are you not bored now? Iggy shifted, moving precariously forward to see both Eli and his computer screen. Ah, I see. You are studying.

"No way. Are you really doing classwork?" Chance, too, leaned forward.

“Not exactly. It’s a little project for engineering. I did a turn there and Reva and I got roped into reworking some things in a couple of the subroutines that control --” He stopped and glanced from Iggy to Chance, then shook his head. “Alright, alright, I can already see your eyes are glazing over. Your many eyes.”

"Whose wouldn't when you start mentioning Reva," Chance asked, a touch dreamily. He'd met Reva courtesy of Eli and was smitten, thanks to her curves and pheromones.

Iggy, picking up on more than Chance's words, clicked her mandibles together. You have no manners, Chance.

He started, looking from one to the other. "What?"

Eli looked back at Chance, his brows drawn together, not liking the vibe he was picking up, but then he dismissed it. “She is pretty amazing.” Two could play that game.

She is green? An Orion, like Darwin's friend, Seyla? I would like to meet her.

"Well, Seyla is ... Seyla," Chance said. "Reva is young and ...part-Betazoid." He altered his focus away from "and curvy and sexy".

“Perhaps she might like to meet an Enaran who can communicate in a way she is used to.” Eli had to fight back the smile that threatened. He was thoroughly enjoying poking at Chance.

"She's already met you!", Chance protested, laughing, though he also shot a quick frown at Eli.

Me, she has not. Invite her over, let us play a card game, Iggy urged them. When she caught their doubts, she added, Oralia has taught me how to 'Go Fish'.

“I’ll leave that to you and Reva, Iggy.” Eli smiled a moment, noting Chance’s doubt and not wanting to ease his mind just yet. "In the meantime, I need a break and thought I’d go to the lounge. What do you say?”

The lounge! Take me there! Iggy knew she could meet many more people there than here. She bounced up and down with excitement.

"Okay, okay, we'll go to the lounge. Climb up, Iggy," Chance offered her an arm, which she took. To Eli, he said,

"You good to go now or do you need a minute?"

“For?” Eli turned off the monitor and looked up at Chance.

"Uh...? I don't know? You look good to me," he smiled.

“Sucking up will get you everywhere.” Eli stood, poked Chance in the chest, then led the way out.

Iggy ruffled Chance's hair with a leg as he followed Eli out of the quarters.

* * * Lounge * * *

Much like Iggy, Reva was finding this part of the trip boring. Routine maintenance was all she and the other engineers needed to work on. That, and the project she and Eli Ziyad had taken on together. She thought of the kid now and smiled, then realized she was thinking of him because he was in the room. She looked up towards the door and waved.

That is her, waving at you, Eli? Iggy was excited and the hooked claws on one tarsi latched into Chance's neck.

"Hey, watch it, Iggs!"

“That is Reva, yes.” He returned the wave and then moved in her direction. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

Chance went along and was happy to set Iggy on the table Reva was at. Happy, until Reva shrieked, "What in all of Betazed is that!"

Ooo... She is loud! Iggy hunkered down in the face of Reva's outburst.

Reva paled. "Is that an automaton...?" She hoped that's what it was.

“Not exactly. She’s real. And telepathic.” Eli smiled to Reva. “It’s a long story. A very long story.”

"Real? It's a spider," she said, her lip curling in disgust.

Hey, I am right here! Iggy reached out with a leg and brusquely tapped Reva's hand, a move that let Reva hear her.

Chance put up his hands and backed away from the table. "I'm going to get drinks."

“My usual, please.” Once Chance moved towards the bar, Eli turned back to Reva. “I know it’s a little unsettling, no offense Iggy, but you sort of get used to her. After a while. She’s actually pretty entertaining.”

Entertaining? Iggy's tone was arch. The Admiral taught me this one: f--

"Hey! It has a foul mouth!" Reva laughed

“You don’t know the half of it. Wait till she’s had a beer or two and she can peel paint off the walls. For the record, Chance and I did not teach her that. I try to keep the curse words to a minimum while she’s around. Except for one time when she was on the wall…” Eli left it at that and simply shook his head.

Iggy didn't have the filter Eli did: Ah, yes, that was the night I learned how males have sex.

Choking on her drink, Reva regained her green color and turned a few shades darker. She looked Eli full-on and shook her head, "Do you voluntarily take this thing around with you?"

Eli did a face-palm and groaned. “Not always. She is entertaining but she has a big mouth, as you see. Iggy, please? Some things we keep to ourselves.”

Like the--, she started but was interrupted by Chance letting a saucer clatter to the table next to her and announcing, "Both beer and silence are golden, Iggs. I'll give you one if you give us the other."

Beer! The spider tapped a tarsi into the saucer. It's a deal.

Chance slid a drink to Eli, a refill to Reva and then sat down before pouring beer into the saucer. "Hi, Reva."

"Hi, Chance. Good timing on that," she replied.

“Yes, it is. Thanks.” Eli flashed a warm smile at Chance, then took a drink. “Oh, Reva, I got a little more done on that program. I sent it along to you.”

Emboldened by Reva's and Eli's smiles, Chance grinned at the Orion. "Enjoying the ride so far, Reva?"

"Well, it's a touch boring--"

Iggy interrupted, Yes!, which earned her a 'shush' from Chance. He threatened to take the saucer away; she reacted by crouching over it possessively.

"--we have routine maintenance, and our project," she touched Eli's shoulder, a move that didn't go unnoticed by Chance.

"Whenever you need excitement, just hail me -- us," he flirted.

“I’ll be sure to do that,” a male voice answered from just behind chance. “Hello everyone.” Riley moved closer to the table, now in view.

Where Reva's smile for Eli and Chance had been warm, her smile for Riley was blazing and radiant. "Hello, Riley. Come sit with us," she patted the bench next to her.

Chance's brow rose slightly and he turned a bemused smile on Eli. Iggy didn't turn to face Riley; she didn't need to, her eight eyes let her see front and back.

“Sure.” He settled down beside Reva. “Eli, Chance, Iggy. How’s it going so far?”

Reva looked at Riley, "You already know this... this... ah... creature?" She had the feeling that insulting the thing by calling a spade a spade was a bad idea. 'Monster' was a word she would refrain from using.

You are not like Seyla. By now, Seyla would have made sure Riley knew she was open for the night and for business.

"Seyla?" Reva looked to the monster's handlers for this answer. Chance blushed and looked away, leaving it to Eli.

“Seyla is the station’s resident madame. Not that I’ve ever been there,” Eli hastened to add. “But try not to be insulted by Iggy. No filters. She’s only been literate for a short time.”

Riley tried not to laugh but was not too successful. “Sorry, Reva. And yes, Iggy and I met. The Nexus I think?”

Indeed, Iggy agreed.

Reva, though, was scandalized. "A madame! This thing is comparing me to a sex worker?!"

Oralia has a saying: if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck!

This time, it was Chance face-palming. "That's it, Oz isn't allowed to teach you anything ever again!"

"Did Science want this... Iggy along for some reason?" Reva pointed at Iggy with a swizzle stick.

"No, she stowed away," Chance told her.

“That’s an interesting twist.” Riley paused to order a drink, then regarded Iggy. “Does Oz know yet?”

"Yeah, I was on a comm call with her when Iggy made herself known," Chance ruefully answered. "Iggy will have some hell to pay when we get home."

Iggy shifted. How does one pay hell?

Reva laughed. "You're right, Eli, it's pretty entertaining."

“I told you.” Eli sipped his drink. “There’s never a dull moment, though sometimes we wish for one.”

“I can certainly see that.” Riley switched his drink to the other hand and draped an arm around Reva as casually as if he’d done it before, and often.

She smiled and relaxed into the crook of his arm. Just so you know, my schedule might be open, but there's no business.

Aha! I knew it! It is a duck!, Iggy crowed.

Chance, who hadn't heard Reva's comment to Riley, stared at Iggy then hissed: "Stop that, Iggs!"

Riley seemed suddenly tongue tied, though exactly what caused it wasn’t exactly clear. He coughed and took another drink. “I second that Iggy. Please?” He did, however, smile at Reva.

“Please,” Eli echoed. He studied Riley a moment, then shot a glance to Chance. Interesting.

Iggy, having caught Eli's thought but far enough into her beer to no longer catch the context of it, replied, I know I am, but what are you?

Chance cocked his head at that and asked, "Was that a taunt?" He stood and added, "That would be drunk spider who needs to go home now."

Taxi! Iggy called out.

"Another Oz-taught phrase?" Chance grumbled and shook his head when Iggy confirmed it was so.

Eli stood as well. “You two have a good evening. We’ll catch up tomorrow.” He held out his hand for Iggy to climb onto.

"Good night, you two. And your little monster, too," Reva waved her fingers at the departing trio.

Cadet 2nd Class Eli Ziyad
Boring Iggy

Cadet 2nd Class Chance Conradi
Wishing for Boredom

Ensign Reva Madhava
Happily Interested

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Apparently Interesting

Stowaway Ignatius J. Reilly
Trouble on Eight Legs


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