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Notes To Myself - One

Posted on Sun Feb 9th, 2014 @ 4:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Nicolao's Quarters

From Nico's Journal...

Notes To Myself - I

What a cheesy title, to borrow a descriptive term from one of my former associates, who happens to be here by the way. A most unique fellow, in many ways that I am not at liberty to note here. Anyway, Robin gave me this journal with orders to write in it regularly. Archaic though the method may be, the journal is beautiful - bound in a dark leather with a nice heavy paper. There's something about the act of writing that slows you down, makes you think. You can't just spout off words as the computer records them and be done with it. Things written in your own hand have an intimacy and a permanence that sticks in your mind. Maybe that's what he's up to. I know he hopes I'll dig into things here that I might not mention in person. Who knows?

I have arrived, at least, and settled in as much as I ever do. That means unpacking one bag, a bigger one than usual as I suspect I'll be here a while. The Counselor, Robin Swift, and his assistant (Drusilla) met me and escorted me to my new home. On my first stroll around the station I ran into Janice. I"ve not seen her in a very long time, not since....a time we ended up in the same place with the same objective in mind. I met with Robin for the first session and it was more of a 'look-see' thing. We didn't get into much, but I left rather abruptly, leaving the stone on his table. I suppose I'll get it next time I am there and I hope he just drops it in a drawer and doesn't spend any time touching it.

Drusilla found me in a lower level bar called Saturnalia. After several drinks, and I admit I prodded her to have them, we hit the beach down on Archadia III. She's an interesting person to talk to and I think I could be comfortable talking to her...eventually. She's rather matter-of-fact and gave me honest answers, which I need and appreciate. She's very curious about me, as is Robin. I need to check security clearances so I'll know just how much I can say to either of them.

I am home in my quarters now, just me and this journal. It will likely be a quiet night, and an early one. I could use the sleep, as long as the dreams stay away.


Finally Alone


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