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The Morning After...

Posted on Sat Feb 22nd, 2014 @ 6:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree
Edited on on Sat Feb 22nd, 2014 @ 6:32pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Drusilla's Quarters

Nico sat on the bench of the Promenade watching the crowd in the wake of his newly arrived visitor. What the hell else could happen today? He shook his head, knowing he shouldn’t ask that question, and also knowing he had to get moving. Dru would be home by now and discover her straightened up quarters. She’d have questions, about that and about her dream. Nico really didn’t want to get into that but he knew he’d have to, at least a little. She deserved that much.

With a grumble, he rose and departed the Promenade. Several minutes later, he emerged from the turbolift and strolled along the corridor. He should be in more of a hurry, but he wasn’t exactly looking forward to this. He reached her door, and pressed the chime. Never let it be said that he was one to avoid facing the music.

Dru had been home for only ten minutes but immediately noticed the way the room was set. Decidedly not the way she left it. Unsure what she would have done if she actually did find someone, she zipped through her quarters checking for someone who may still be there. Nothing.

Then the door chimed.

Behind it stood Nico and the realization hit her. “You did this,” she said, allowing him to come in. “What the hell happened to me, Nico?”

“You had a bad dream, from what I understand.” He stepped in and the doors closed behind him. “Robin found me at breakfast.”

“A bad dream?!” she said, almost yelling. “It wasn’t a dream, Nico. It was a bloody nightmare, and you were talking to me in it somehow!” Realizing she’d lost her temper she took a breath and tried to calm herself. “At least you were trying to warn me out of there,” she added. “And what gives you the right to sneak into my quarters?” Pointing at what used to be a mess she said, “I know that I didn’t clean this up. Considering the circumstances, the only person I can think of is you.” She crossed her arms and tried to be very stern. She wasn’t doing a good job. “Now, explain yourself. know, have a seat if you want.”

He had to smile for a moment as she wound down. “You sit. I’ll make coffee. Real coffee. You have some I hope?” He took her arm and steered her towards the sofa. “Sit.”

“I think there’s some in the second cabinet in the kitchen,” she said, sitting as directed. She was still pouting and none-too-happy about what had happened. “Can you talk and brew at the same time?”

He turned back to look at her as he moved towards the kitchen. “Did you really just ask me that?” He disappeared into the kitchen and the sound of a cabinet opening, then water running reached her. “You’d be amazed what all I can do while I’m doing other things,” he called out.

“Yeah, well, I’m still pretty mad,” she said, crossing her arms again for effect. “So start talking.”

A few minutes later he emerged with two large mugs of coffee and passed one to Dru. It was made just the way she liked it, without his having asked. He sat down across from her and sipped from his mug.

“I have a good idea of what you saw from Robin. He said you were terrified and I can understand that. Are you okay?”

She shrugged slightly. “Not so bad now, but I’ll definitely need help getting to sleep the next few nights.” The coffee smelled great and she took a sip, taking time to enjoy the taste. “I’ve always liked hot coffee, or tea. Even just holding the cup is comforting, the warmth, you know. Space stations are always so cold-feeling, no matter what the temperature is set on.”

“Agreed. My job wasn’t always fun but at least a lot of it was done on planets with real vegetation, real atmosphere, real danger...but I digress. What can I do?” There was a lot he could do but now that he was here, he wasn’t sure where to start, where the line between them was drawn.

“Well, maybe tell me what all you told Robin?” she said. “I just don’t understand what happened, or how a rock can possibly do something like that to me.” She looked at him warily. “It was the rock, right? You weren’t messing with me?”

“Would I do that?” He watched her intently, then shook his head. “I didn’t tell Robin much other than that the stone was given to me by someone at a horrific time in my life and it helped keep me alive. You know I have strong telepathic abilities, I think that the stone carries my echoes. I can deal with it but you are not equipped to do so.”

“Will I have problems tonight? I mean, I don’t want to have that happen again, Nico. I can’t function without my rest.”

“If you haven’t touched it today, no. I don’t think so.” He ran a hand through his hair and the old woman’s earlier advice to accept Dru’s offer of friendship came back to him. “I could stay close, just in case. If you do revisit the dream, I can….take care of it.”

She thought about his offer a moment. “I guess it would make more sense to contact you than Robin if it happens again, especially since you’re kind of at the bottom of all this. And I don’t mean that to come across as rude as it sounded. Sorry.”

“It’s alright.” He sipped his coffee again, then set it on the coffee table. “How was the sky? In the dream I mean.”

“Grey. Same for the clouds. And the ground. God, it was just horrible.” She turned to him. “Is it a real place, somewhere you’ve actually had to go?”

He wasn't sure how to answer that, and he hesitated. “Well, the short answer to that is yes and no. It’s not physical place, but it real. To me.” He stood and began to slowly pace the room. He didn’t want to dive into this but she’d seen it herself. “I suppose you could call it my own personal brand of insanity.”

She didn’t know what to say to that, so she opted for another sip of her coffee. Finally, she told him, “I’m not sure how to respond to that. Maybe this is more of a conversation for you and Robin to have? I can only listen and give normal people advice. I’m not so good at figuring all of this stuff out.”

“Perhaps you should sit in on this afternoon then. He’s going to want to know.”

With a sideways nod, she replied. “If you want it, then yeah. I’ve not really done too many of those, but since I’m kinda’ involved now I don’t see why he would have a problem with it.”

Nico turned back from the small portal to study Dru. “You know, on my way here I ran into someone I used to know.They are somewhat involved in all this, or were, and she said basically that if you wanted to be my friend to accept it. But I have to warn you of a few things going in.”

“Er, alrighty then. Warn me.”

“I am not an easy person to be friends with Dru, or always easy to ‘be’ with. There are things I won’t talk about that may come up, so when I say no, I mean no. There may be things that do come up that are very difficult for you.” Like this afternoon. “You always have the right to draw the line on what you want to know. What you do know, however, puts you in a strange place. You’ll know things most in the Fleet never will. It will always tie us, in one fashion or another.” He turned back to the window. “Some things to think about.”

The room was quiet after his list of warnings were through. She sat there wondering about all he’d said, and to be honest, she wasn’t at all put off by them. Most people had things they didn’t want to discuss with anyone and difficulties could arise in any relationship. But she wasn’t going to let him have all of the caveats in this friendship.

“Okay, then. Now for my list of demands,” she said, standing now. “No one waltzes into my quarters for anything unless they believe I’m dying, under attack or if I’ve lost my mind and decided I wanted a roommate.” She stopped to roll her eyes. “Not happening. Anyway, no one is ever allowed to zap me with psychotic rocks that give me horrible nightmares for who knows how long. New friends of mine with built-in psychic abilities will do their best to keep a handle on it so I don’t have to get drunk to keep from freaking out. And if they can’t keep a handle on it, they learn.” At this point he’d turned back to her so she stepped close to him and looked him in the eye. “Got it?”

“Yes ma’am,” he answered her in all seriousness. The rest of the old woman’s advice drifted into his mind as he looked down at Dru and, again, he was glad she wasn’t telepathic. He’d have to guard his thoughts, however. A lot of time in close proximity would give her hints of his thoughts eventually. “Anything else you want?”

“A puppy,” she said without hesitation. “But I’ve already been turned down. Even the Admiral had to get rid of his dog. But that’s probably not what you meant.” After a step back she stuck out her hand. “Friends?”

He looked down at her hand, his expression suddenly closed. “Friends. But I….I’m sorry, it’s a quirk of mine. I’m not a touchy type. At all.”

“Hmm,” she said, dropping her hand. “Okay. And now, I need to get ready for work. I’ll let Robin know you wanted me in the session with you guys.”

“Sure. I need to go to Science and get my stone back.” He turned towards the door but paused. “I’m sorry, Dru. For all of it. I want to say that now for everything to come.”

She shrugged. “It’s not like you did it on purpose, Nico. Things happen. Not normally that sort of thing...but things.” She nodded and smiled.

He looked down at her hand and for a moment wished he didn’t have that certain hangup. He’d helped her from Saturnalia but she’d needed it. He wanted her to understand that and so, he pushed just a little.

Saturnalia, you needed help, so I did. But for now….this is how I am.

“Okay, I get it. And stop that. You said no touchy, I understand no touchy. I don’t need you doing that...brain….thing.”

“It’s faster and more direct. Less misunderstandings.” He smiled finally. “Till this afternoon then. And tonight, I’ll be out here, not sleeping in case you have issues. See you soon.” He was across the room in only a few strides and out the door.

“And then there was one,” she said to herself. “If nothing else, this is going to be a very interesting friendship.”


Getting In Deeper & Deeper

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Making Strange Friends


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