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Mon Oct 17th, 2016 @ 1:16pm

Commander Oralia Zeferino

Name Oralia Navin Zeferino

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 130
Hair Color brunette
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Oralia's body is lithe and supple yet strong - the result of hours of training for her position as a security officer. She keeps her hair as neat as possible, which is difficult because it's long and curly.


Spouse Jackson Banning
Father Zeferon Zeferino
Mother Nadia Conradi
Brother(s) Two older, two younger: Archibald; Hariwald; Thad and Chance
Other Family Ignatius J. Reilly-Zeferino (originally was Oralia's pet spider, but is now her Ward)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Oralia is generally a happy-go-lucky chick but she won't abide laziness when on duty.
Strengths & Weaknesses W - She's relatively naive. Since she was raised with four brothers - two older, two younger, she sometimes misses the cues that would tell her a male is interested in her (or if a male is a threat to her).
S - Thanks to those same brothers, she's adept at hand-to-hand combat.
W - She's a little more sure of her abilities than what she really ought to be.
Ambitions To have her own command.
Hobbies & Interests Oralia likes rocks. She has a collection of rocks from every planet she's set foot upon. This works well for her, particularly since another interest involves arachnids. Her rock collection forms the base for a terrarium that houses her tarantula, Iggy, whom she was gifted by a Ferengi. Iggy no longer inhabits that terrarium, though Iggy's 'mate' Jerry does.

Despite having no musical inclination or talent of any sort whatsoever, Oralia plays the ukulele... poorly, though she is improving by sheer dint of will.

She's a black belt in kickboxing, which is handy in her job.

Personal History Oralia was born and raised in a small town called King's Cabbage Quay (which the residents all pronounce as "Kuway" even thought most normal people would pronounce it as "Key"). The town is on a spit of 'land' created from landfill in the state of Georgia.

As a kid, she wrestled and tumbled with her brothers. The five of them had a rough relationship until the oldest three, her two older brothers and Oralia herself, left the house for careers in Starfleet. Since she left, the brother just after her has also left; he's at the beginning of his Starfleet Academy career. Only the youngest brother is left at home with Mom and Dad.


Childhood/teen years: Four broken arms: three times her right arm, once her left, all in the forearm/wrist area. One leg break, left leg in the femur.
During service:
Underwent field surgery to repair damaged blood vessels and a punctured lung inflicted during a shuttle crash.
Service Record Graduated from the Academy in the top third of her class.
Assigned to the USS Adams as Security Officer for her maiden cruise, which lasted two years.
Re-assigned to the USS Montreal as Security Officer; served there for five years.
Assigned to the USS Berkeley as Assistant Chief of Security.
Transferred to Starbase 900 as Chief of Security.