View Awards - Oralia Zeferino

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Character Development Ribbon - OOC Character Development Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Sat Nov 5th, 2011 @ 8:16pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Since first joining the Berkeley, and through the subsequent move to SB900, we have seen LCDR Zeferino and LCDR McKinney go from accidental shuttle mates, to working together to survive, to friends and more. Over the months, they have delved into both the good and bad aspects of their characters' psyches, never hesitating to portray the ups and downs, the real problems people face in life on the frontier. They have given us a close look and keen insight into what makes these characters tick and have portrayed them with an exacting observance for detail that makes the characters truly come alive.
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Mon Dec 12th, 2011 @ 12:45pm
Nominated by Captain qeraQ'
Jointly awarded to Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener and Lt. Cmdr Oralia Zefferino for their portrayal of an unusual drinking encounter in "Iggy Comes A'Knockin'" An imaginative insight into the arachnid world!
First Mission Completion - OOC First Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:42pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Dedicated Service II - OOC Dedicated Service II - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Awarded for the series of posts in which Oz was kidnapped on the orders of Suresh and later rescued.
Innovative Service - OOC Innovative Service - OOC
Awarded Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:44pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Her introduction of Iggy, who went from a pet to a sentient new life form has never failed to enlighten and entertain us.
Character Development Ribbon - OOC Character Development Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 2:15pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Second Mission Completion - OOC Second Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:57pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For completion of "In Our Time of Need"
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For "RED ALERT" posted on Monday, November 5th, 2012 by the following personnel: Ensign Kai Sarkozi, Commander Sakkath, Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino, Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy, Lieutenant Hope Beckman

Congrats to all involved in that great post! It really showed the shock and a bit of confusion to the involved characters in a situation where your base CO, XO and a criminal just vanished from said CO's office.
Medal of the Rose - OOC Medal of the Rose - OOC
Awarded Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 7:32pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Awarded to LCDR Zeferino and Jackson Banning for the progression of their relationship. **Originally given on Sat Nov 17th, nominated by Commander Li Hawke**
Antagonist Award - OOC Antagonist Award - OOC
Awarded Tue Jan 1st, 2013 @ 6:23pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
For the Hazari, also known as The Enforcer. It is obvious from his actions concerning Chance that he is a very bad and dangerous person. With him running loose on the station no one is safe. Of course, with current events, he seems to be in custody of base security, but there’s no telling how long that will last with his type.
Service Accommodation Ribbon - OOC Service Accommodation Ribbon - OOC
Awarded Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:07pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
We finally have a Service Accommodation award! And this month it goes to Andrew, writing Sakkath, and Tracy, writing Oz. Sure, if you look on the Chain of Command link on the roster page you'll see that both CMDR Sakkath and LCDR Zeferino are pretty high up there, but what characters, or what writers, ever imagine that both the CO and the XO will just suddenly disappear, leaving everything to the second officer and the next in line? The characters, and their writers, took it in stride while one dealt with the fact that his wife was one of the missing and the other still reeling from the loss of her brother. They both went above and beyond the normal duties and have done excellent work keeping the station running (IC) and writing exciting posts (OOC). Congratulations to Andrew and Tracy!
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:09pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For her portrayal as the Hazari:

This month's Drama Award, I believe, is really a no-brainer. Since the murder of Chance Conradi, we have had some amazing posts dealing with the fallout, especially from Eli, Chance's boyfriend, Dr. Harding, one of only a few who could potentially give Chance a return to the living via the latter's Vulcan physiology, and last but not least...the Hazari who murdered Chance in the first place. If you haven't been paying attention, we all found out that Chance is part Vulcan and when he was dying the only person close enough for him to touch was the Hazari, his murderer. Just like Spock did to Dr. McCoy, Chance's essence went into the Hazari leaving him a little "off", especially when it came to dealing with the sight, and thought, of Eli. A man who was once a cold-blooded killer now couldn't explain why he was saying that he was in love with the little Enaran cadet. All of the posts surrounding this have been great and very much worth the read, and even more deserving of the Drama Award this month. Congratulations to Eli, the Hazari and Dr. Harding!
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Wed Mar 13th, 2013 @ 9:12pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Hazari's End

I know that we're all glad that the Hazari is no longer alive, especially because of the brutal acts he performed on Cadet Conradi. Luckily, Chance was able to be saved but the Hazari couldn't keep from coming after Eli because of Chance's influence. In the end, the Hazari was put down permanently by the heroics of our Chief Security Officer. But I think everyone will agree that this post was very intense and worthy of the POTM award for February.

Congratulations to all involved!
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:45pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For "Oz Has the Last Word" -- For Oz, she finally did have the last word and the satisfaction of locking away a man who has been a constant source of danger for her and those she holds dear. Sometimes, however, what seems to be an end is only a beginning...
Third Mission Completion - OOC Third Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:57pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For completion of "Sections of the Delta Quadrant"
Fourth Mission Completion - OOC Fourth Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:57pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For "The Struggle Within"
Dedicated Service IV - OOC Dedicated Service IV - OOC
Awarded Sat May 2nd, 2015 @ 11:43pm
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Dedicated Service III - OOC Dedicated Service III - OOC
Awarded Mon May 4th, 2015 @ 12:19am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
Fifth Mission Completion - OOC Fifth Mission Completion - OOC
Awarded Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:42am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Breaking New Ground
Purple Heart - IC Purple Heart - IC
Awarded Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:42am
Nominated by Captain Li Hawke
Almost killed in the Suresh storyline
Comedy Award - OOC Comedy Award - OOC
Awarded Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:43am
Nominated by Commander Patrick Leroy
For the post "Oz Phone Home".

Definitely a talent in irony and good humour (albeit Oz is normally quite 'tough' if need be).

For having made me laugh like that, I should have proposed the 'Humanitarian Service Medal' but I settled for the Comedy Award
Meritorious Service Medal - IC Meritorious Service Medal - IC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
"Awarded to members of Starfleet who distinguished themselves by outstanding non-combat meritorious achievement or service to the Federation." Awarded to Commander Zeferino for her assistance with the pursuit and recovery of the fugitive Suresh, escapee from Elba II.
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
The Drama Award for June goes to Peach and Tracy for writing Capt. Hawke, Cmdr. Zeferino, Lt. Darwin and good guy Suresh's string of posts outlining the pursuit, and defeat, of evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II. It had mystery, it had intrigue, it had action! The plot was definitely a good read and one that made you not want to wait for the next installment to find out what would happen.
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:50am
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
The homecoming of the quartet sent to retrieve evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II was a great end to an amazing story. Not only did we actually manage a somewhat-happy ending, albeit marred with some scrapes and incarcerations, we got to see some very happy reunions in the docking bay. Oh, and the one not-so-happy reunion of Lazan with noveau-Suresh and Darwin.