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Mon Mar 28th, 2016 @ 10:21am

Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift

Name Robin Swift M.D., PhD

Position Chief Psychiatrist

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 175
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Fit and trim, lean build. Not overly muscular but healthy and athletic.

**Note for jps. Robin conducts his sessions in a homey/comfortable setting. He likes to serve teas (occasionally coffee) and snacks. He only sips and nibles as he would get to be 500 or more pounds as he does this all day with each patient. He just likes to put his patients at ease and feels comfort foods are a good ice breaker. (of course if the patient is dealing with diet issues he will adjust to that. He reviews patients files to see what they are interested in so what he serves fits. His office has a tradition desk and accoutrements but also has a very comfortable antique victorian sitting room set including a real persian rug. This is where he conducts most of his sessions. He also will have items like an unfinished puzzle or modeling clay, a chess or checkers game in progress etc with in reach of the patients. it is his way to have subtle distractions present that uneasy patients can fiddle with to help them relax. Robin will not make any mention of these things as he doesn't want focus on those items, they are just there as a relaxation aid. Most patients will just automatically reach for them when they need them.


Spouse Stephen Monohan (deceased)
Father Roy Swift (deceased)
Mother Arlene Swift (deceased)
Brother(s) William Truman Swift
Sister(s) Grace Adelaide Swift-Goldstein
Other Family Estelle Mays (aunt)

Personality & Traits

General Overview DOB July 26th
Place of birth: New York City USA Earth
Descent: Irish American

Quarters: Deck 13
Office: Deck 366
Strengths & Weaknesses Is very compassionate and loyal. Strong moral values, highly intelligent and motivated. A touch OCD (has a neatness issue) tends to over involve himself in patient issues and leans to over rationalize events. Has a deep sense of loss and uses other people’s issues to escape from his own problems.
Ambitions After years on the fast track in education and career he suffered a stall on ambitions following the accidental death of his partner/spouse. Content to be right where he is for the time being as far as career goes. Personally he looks forward to the time he can finally move on but knows it will take awhile.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, fine arts and his cat Freya. Loves to cook and paint, dabbles in impressionist period but favorite artist is Renoir. Favorite literature is Shakespeare of Earth and Betana of Bajor. Enjoys Tai Chi.

Personal History Robin, born in 2328, came from a close and loving family that fell away when his parents died in a shuttle craft accident when he was 19. Since then he found himself being distanced more and more each year from his older siblings. Only his spinster aunt Estelle remained close in heart if not miles. Of his family members it was only Estelle that supported and came to the marriage of him and Stephen and she was the only one who truly offered condolence upon Stephen’s untimely death in a shuttle exercise in which he was competing in a pilots competition. It was Stephen’s desire to work in space and Robins reluctance to leave Earth that the family felt would cause a rift in their relationship.

Robin initially was headed for a career in the security and law enforcement field but found himself drawn to the "why a person committed the crime" more than the fact that they did it. This lead him to move to the study of psychiatry and social services in which he excelled far above his professors and his own expectations at a tremendous pace. The death of Stephen just after he graduated lead him to practice in space as it afforded him the chance to hold on to the memory of Stephen by living in the ‘space’ he had loved and craved so much when he was alive. Before that Robin had been more than content to keep both feet planted firmly on solid ground.

He has since found solace in helping people as a psychiatrist within Starfleet.
Service Record 2345 - Harvard Medical School
2349 - Starfleet Academy, Medical School
2353 - Valdosta Colony, Ensign, Ensign, Counseling staff
2358 - Monroe Terrace Colony, Lt. (j.g.), Counseling staff
2362 - Lunar One Colony, Lt. (j.g.), Counseling Staff
2365 - Lunar One Colony, Lieutenant, Asst. Chief Counselor
2367 - Lunar One Colony, demotion to Lt. (j.g.), Counseling staff
2369 - Temporary separation from Starfleet
2372 - Reinstatement to Starfleet, Starbase 15, Lt. (j.g.), Counseling staff
2379 - Valhalla Colony, Lieutenant, Asst. Chief Counselor
2384 - USS Berkeley, Lieutenant, Chief Counselor
2386 - Starbase 900, Lt. Commander, Chief Counselor