View Awards - Leto

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Medal of the Rose - OOC Medal of the Rose - OOC
Awarded Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 7:32pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For the Nick/Nenita log, "A Rose by Any Other Name", primarily, but also for the interesting relationship ride these two have had. **Originally given on Thu Sept 6th, 2012, nominated by Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino**
Drama Award - OOC Drama Award - OOC
Awarded Wed Mar 13th, 2013 @ 9:13pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
The Drama Award this month goes to MCPO Marcinko (Scott) and Lt. (j.g.) Leto (Peach). From their involvement in taking down the inner sanctum of the Archadian coup, these two are definitely worth their weight in latinum, but the toll it has taken on their personal lives is one for the books. They've gone from a devoted, loving couple to a relationship with the potential to be dashed on the rocks forever. As of this time there appears to be no helping their relationship but it's obvious that they are both still in love with each other. Only time will tell how these two will work it out, if they ever will.
Post Of The Month - OOC Post Of The Month - OOC
Awarded Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:44pm
Nominated by Admiral Ricky Wegener
For "Burning Down the House" -- For March, we narrowed it down to two posts and then neither of us could decide which as both were excellent, dramatic posts that have had lasting repercussions for all involved. For Nick and Leto, it has led to some difficult times that have them in uncertain and uncharted territory.