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Drama Award - OOC

Awarded to the member(s) that create a very dramatic post, or series of posts.

Category: Both
Awarded: 41 times

Wed Nov 11th, 2015 @ 2:20am
For the post "Retracing Old Steps"

Flashbacks... The staple of drama.
Especially those lying shadowy hues on the future. This post is a glimpse of Suresh (the original) ferocity and the troubles that Suresh 2.0 is going to face...
Ensign Reva Madhava
Fri Oct 9th, 2015 @ 11:59pm
Drama Award - OOC: Consequences (In Three Parts) - Reva, Desta

Thanks to one obsessive Betazoid, who lost his mind over an Enaran, one Orion was drugged, kidnapped, and carried off on the slave ship of a man named Fisher, who deals in exotic ‘goods’. This post series takes us deep inside Fisher’s operation, where we learn just what life is like when he makes a deal and finds just what his buyer is looking for. We watched as Reva dealt with a man with no morals, no limits and no compassion - who saw her merely as entertainment until he delivered her and got paid. We also meet Desta, another of his victims who has lived in his world a long time. Even in such a horrible situation, the two women take a stand and ultimately made it possible for Robart’s ship to catch up so they could be rescued. This post was the turning point in a frightening and fascinating storyline. Congratulations!
Ensign Reva Madhava
Mon Sep 7th, 2015 @ 7:42pm
The series of posts regarding Reva's abduction have been a great read. It's not finished yet but the thought put into the writing, and the writing itself, have been very dramatic and I've enjoyed the series so far. It is my opinion that the interactions between Reva, Niro and some of the NPCs most definitely qualifies for a Drama Award.
Mon Sep 7th, 2015 @ 7:42pm
The series of posts regarding Reva's abduction have been a great read. It's not finished yet but the thought put into the writing, and the writing itself, have been very dramatic and I've enjoyed the series so far. It is my opinion that the interactions between Reva, Niro and some of the NPCs most definitely qualifies for a Drama Award. (By Ricky Wegener)
Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
making, going back to Eli’s initial flight from his home planet and arrival at 900 as a refugee. Just when it seemed that Enara Prime had opened its arms to welcome him back and forgive all, the story has taken a sinister turn, complete with betrayals, changes of heart, and plenty of action. We still don’t know how it will turn out for the group, but it’s been quite a ride so far.

Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
making, going back to Eli’s initial flight from his home planet and arrival at 900 as a refugee. Just when it seemed that Enara Prime had opened its arms to welcome him back and forgive all, the story has taken a sinister turn, complete with betrayals, changes of heart, and plenty of action. We still don’t know how it will turn out for the group, but it’s been quite a ride so far.

Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
making, going back to Eli’s initial flight from his home planet and arrival at 900 as a refugee. Just when it seemed that Enara Prime had opened its arms to welcome him back and forgive all, the story has taken a sinister turn, complete with betrayals, changes of heart, and plenty of action. We still don’t know how it will turn out for the group, but it’s been quite a ride so far.

Ignatius Reilly
Mon Aug 3rd, 2015 @ 8:59pm
making, going back to Eli’s initial flight from his home planet and arrival at 900 as a refugee. Just when it seemed that Enara Prime had opened its arms to welcome him back and forgive all, the story has taken a sinister turn, complete with betrayals, changes of heart, and plenty of action. We still don’t know how it will turn out for the group, but it’s been quite a ride so far.

Captain Li Hawke
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
The Drama Award for June goes to Peach and Tracy for writing Capt. Hawke, Cmdr. Zeferino, Lt. Darwin and good guy Suresh's string of posts outlining the pursuit, and defeat, of evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II. It had mystery, it had intrigue, it had action! The plot was definitely a good read and one that made you not want to wait for the next installment to find out what would happen.
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Wed Jul 8th, 2015 @ 1:49am
The Drama Award for June goes to Peach and Tracy for writing Capt. Hawke, Cmdr. Zeferino, Lt. Darwin and good guy Suresh's string of posts outlining the pursuit, and defeat, of evil Suresh after his escape from Elba II. It had mystery, it had intrigue, it had action! The plot was definitely a good read and one that made you not want to wait for the next installment to find out what would happen.
Lieutenant Bajun Julisa
Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 12:42am
Post: "Be Kind, Please Rewind" (all parts)

Being given a second chance isn't everyday staple...
The stuff of movies (those who touch our hidden chords).
Commander Patrick Leroy
Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:46pm
Nightmares Don’t Always Require Sleep - Lt. Commander Kh’ali, Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy

That old saying that ‘it’s just a nightmare, it can’t hurt you’ isn’t always true, as Kh’ali discovered. While sightings have popped up all over SB900, hers turned out to be her worst nightmare - an assassin who not only attempted to kill the Divitian Speaker Zee’Hrai, but phased her out of the current timeline and left her to die many months ago before being killed himself. His reappearance and his ability to physically harm her added a chilling aspect to these sightings and what once seemed little more than a weird annoyance now has turned to a dangerous one.
Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali
Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 7:46pm
Nightmares Don’t Always Require Sleep - Lt. Commander Kh’ali, Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy

That old saying that ‘it’s just a nightmare, it can’t hurt you’ isn’t always true, as Kh’ali discovered. While sightings have popped up all over SB900, hers turned out to be her worst nightmare - an assassin who not only attempted to kill the Divitian Speaker Zee’Hrai, but phased her out of the current timeline and left her to die many months ago before being killed himself. His reappearance and his ability to physically harm her added a chilling aspect to these sightings and what once seemed little more than a weird annoyance now has turned to a dangerous one.
Lieutenant Commander Leto
Wed Mar 13th, 2013 @ 9:13pm
The Drama Award this month goes to MCPO Marcinko (Scott) and Lt. (j.g.) Leto (Peach). From their involvement in taking down the inner sanctum of the Archadian coup, these two are definitely worth their weight in latinum, but the toll it has taken on their personal lives is one for the books. They've gone from a devoted, loving couple to a relationship with the potential to be dashed on the rocks forever. As of this time there appears to be no helping their relationship but it's obvious that they are both still in love with each other. Only time will tell how these two will work it out, if they ever will.
Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Wed Mar 13th, 2013 @ 9:13pm
The Drama Award this month goes to MCPO Marcinko (Scott) and Lt. (j.g.) Leto (Peach). From their involvement in taking down the inner sanctum of the Archadian coup, these two are definitely worth their weight in latinum, but the toll it has taken on their personal lives is one for the books. They've gone from a devoted, loving couple to a relationship with the potential to be dashed on the rocks forever. As of this time there appears to be no helping their relationship but it's obvious that they are both still in love with each other. Only time will tell how these two will work it out, if they ever will.
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:09pm
For her portrayal as the Hazari:

This month's Drama Award, I believe, is really a no-brainer. Since the murder of Chance Conradi, we have had some amazing posts dealing with the fallout, especially from Eli, Chance's boyfriend, Dr. Harding, one of only a few who could potentially give Chance a return to the living via the latter's Vulcan physiology, and last but not least...the Hazari who murdered Chance in the first place. If you haven't been paying attention, we all found out that Chance is part Vulcan and when he was dying the only person close enough for him to touch was the Hazari, his murderer. Just like Spock did to Dr. McCoy, Chance's essence went into the Hazari leaving him a little "off", especially when it came to dealing with the sight, and thought, of Eli. A man who was once a cold-blooded killer now couldn't explain why he was saying that he was in love with the little Enaran cadet. All of the posts surrounding this have been great and very much worth the read, and even more deserving of the Drama Award this month. Congratulations to Eli, the Hazari and Dr. Harding!
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.
Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:06pm
This month's Drama Award, I believe, is really a no-brainer. Since the murder of Chance Conradi, we have had some amazing posts dealing with the fallout, especially from Eli, Chance's boyfriend, Dr. Harding, one of only a few who could potentially give Chance a return to the living via the latter's Vulcan physiology, and last but not least...the Hazari who murdered Chance in the first place. If you haven't been paying attention, we all found out that Chance is part Vulcan and when he was dying the only person close enough for him to touch was the Hazari, his murderer. Just like Spock did to Dr. McCoy, Chance's essence went into the Hazari leaving him a little "off", especially when it came to dealing with the sight, and thought, of Eli. A man who was once a cold-blooded killer now couldn't explain why he was saying that he was in love with the little Enaran cadet. All of the posts surrounding this have been great and very much worth the read, and even more deserving of the Drama Award this month. Congratulations to Eli, the Hazari and Dr. Harding!
Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Tue Feb 5th, 2013 @ 8:05pm
This month's Drama Award, I believe, is really a no-brainer. Since the murder of Chance Conradi, we have had some amazing posts dealing with the fallout, especially from Eli, Chance's boyfriend, Dr. Harding, one of only a few who could potentially give Chance a return to the living via the latter's Vulcan physiology, and last but not least...the Hazari who murdered Chance in the first place. If you haven't been paying attention, we all found out that Chance is part Vulcan and when he was dying the only person close enough for him to touch was the Hazari, his murderer. Just like Spock did to Dr. McCoy, Chance's essence went into the Hazari leaving him a little "off", especially when it came to dealing with the sight, and thought, of Eli. A man who was once a cold-blooded killer now couldn't explain why he was saying that he was in love with the little Enaran cadet. All of the posts surrounding this have been great and very much worth the read, and even more deserving of the Drama Award this month. Congratulations to Eli, the Hazari and Dr. Harding!
Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali
Tue Jan 1st, 2013 @ 6:22pm
December’s Drama Award is given to Lt. Cmdr. Kh’ali and Lt. Cmdr. Leroy for their posts relating to the strain on their relationship due to the alternate universe Aleksandra and Faye coming through the rift. The whole situation is deeply emotional for Kh’ali and Patrick, not to mention how AU Aleksandra and Faye are dealing with it. The posts are well written and give us some real insights into the personal lives of both Kh’ali and Patrick that we don’t normally get to see in duty posts. Great job!
Commander Patrick Leroy
Tue Jan 1st, 2013 @ 6:21pm
December’s Drama Award is given to Lt. Cmdr. Kh’ali and Lt. Cmdr. Leroy for their posts relating to the strain on their relationship due to the alternate universe Aleksandra and Faye coming through the rift. The whole situation is deeply emotional for Kh’ali and Patrick, not to mention how AU Aleksandra and Faye are dealing with it. The posts are well written and give us some real insights into the personal lives of both Kh’ali and Patrick that we don’t normally get to see in duty posts. Great job!
Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Jackson Banning V
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Cassidy Wilde
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Janice Gree
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Lieutenant Eric Edwards
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For the Nexus Attack that resulted in the death of Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, and all subsequent posts dealing with that death, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Cadet Freshman Grade Eli Ziyad, Cadet Freshman Grade Chance Conradi, Jackson Banning V, Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino, Cassidy Wilde, Janice Gree, Lieutenant Eric Edwards,
Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D., Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For Anger Management Required, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener, Suresh, Commander Li Hawke

The interaction between Wegener and Suresh in this post was well worth receiving the Drama Award. They are, essentially, mortal enemies. They both hold the same person near and dear to their hearts, but in different ways, and would do absolutely anything for her. They then find themselves in a very strange situation where they need to work together but are having a momentous time getting past how much they hate each other.
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:28pm
For Anger Management Required, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener, Suresh, Commander Li Hawke

The interaction between Wegener and Suresh in this post was well worth receiving the Drama Award. They are, essentially, mortal enemies. They both hold the same person near and dear to their hearts, but in different ways, and would do absolutely anything for her. They then find themselves in a very strange situation where they need to work together but are having a momentous time getting past how much they hate each other.
Captain Li Hawke
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:27pm
For Anger Management Required, the Drama Award is given to the writers of:

Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener, Suresh, Commander Li Hawke

The interaction between Wegener and Suresh in this post was well worth receiving the Drama Award. They are, essentially, mortal enemies. They both hold the same person near and dear to their hearts, but in different ways, and would do absolutely anything for her. They then find themselves in a very strange situation where they need to work together but are having a momentous time getting past how much they hate each other.
Commander Patrick Leroy
Sat Dec 1st, 2012 @ 6:27pm
For The Door That Would Not Open.

Leroy's attempts at finding a way to help Rick and Li get back to their own reality winds up bringing a woman that Leroy's alternate version is obviously in a relationship with and in a BIG way. Little Faye running to him saying "Daddy!" was absolutely wonderful!
Commander Patrick Leroy
Fri Nov 16th, 2012 @ 8:05pm
For Kaela and Preparing The Ground (by Andrew).
Admiral Ricky Wegener
Thu Sep 6th, 2012 @ 2:27pm
This is actually the Poking The Bear Award - Adm. Wegener....for twice tormenting the bad guy beyond his limits. (Will add more later)
Lieutenant Nick Marcinko
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the Divitian Senate Scene in which the comspiracy that would have doomed the planet was revealed.
Captain qeraQ'
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the Divitian Senate Scene in which the comspiracy that would have doomed the planet was revealed.
Commander Patrick Leroy
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the Divitian Senate Scene in which the comspiracy that would have doomed the planet was revealed.
Commander Oralia Zeferino
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the series of posts in which Oz was kidnapped on the orders of Suresh and later rescued.
Captain Li Hawke
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the series of posts in which Oz was kidnapped on the orders of Suresh and later rescued.
Major Patrick Smith
Sun Aug 5th, 2012 @ 4:43pm
Awarded for the series of posts in which Oz was kidnapped on the orders of Suresh and later rescued.