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Personal Log - Ito Tsuki

Posted on Sun Jan 27th, 2013 @ 6:24am by Lieutenant Ito Tsuki

Senior Personnel Quarters, Ito Tsuki
2030 hours local time

"Today I got introduced to my new command," Ito's voice started promptly. "Things seemed to go smoothly once I found who I should have reported to. Seems the CO and XO are off-station for the moment, so I ended up reporting to a Commander Sakkath, the 2X0. I think the interview went well, though it is hard to tell with a Vulcan. Only time will tell there."

A pause, then her voice continued. "The staff I'm in charge of here makes the flight operations of the Eagle's Nest look pale in comparison. Which makes sense seeing the size difference of the stations. But 500 plus fighters? I'm glad the Marines have to sit on those pilots. All I need to do is get them in the air when needed. And home again, of course. They'll be enough ships for me to handle with the rest of the craft based here."

Another pause, with something sounding like a sip, then Ito's voice continued. "We're on the edge of the frontier here, and from looking over the list of the ships that have docked with us over the past two weeks. The list was huge! Makes sense if you think about it, again the size of this station. I haven't seen the actual numbers, but I know from the specs that a station this size can hold up to thirty seven thousand personnel. That's a lot of people. And a lot of logistics support behind them too. So I hope to add some numbers to the count. Some of the ship types were unfamiliar, so perhaps I will." Ito's voice sounded a bit wistful at the end.

"One thing I will say for my new assignment. I have plenty of living space. There's the bedroom off of the living room, and there's actually a small office set up in a small alcove where I can work if I want. I have already unpacked and the place barely looks touched. I see some shopping in my future. And on a base this big I will bet I can find some bargains. I will have this place furnished in no time."

"I've saved the best news for last! Apparently there's a very risky rescue mission happening early tomorrow morning. The Hammond, a Diligent class ship, will attempt to jump universes and rescue several crew members who inadvertently were trapped there. The ship is in need of an experienced helm officer. I naturally jumped at the chance. After all, this will be my second crossing from this universe to the next... well, the third if you count the return trip to get back to his one."

"I have to report to the Hammond at 0300, so I'm going to catch some sleep before reporting in. Computer, end log."


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