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It's Gonna Be A Long Day. . .

Posted on Sat Mar 15th, 2014 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Lieutenant Z. Talan
Edited on on Sun Mar 16th, 2014 @ 6:15am

Mission: Breaking New Ground

Sitting at Oralia’s desk, Michael Darwin was hard at work, writing reports for Oz about various things happening on the Station. He knew she loved getting these things, so he was waxing eloquent about the recent attempted mugging on the Promenade. That and the story of a little old woman using her cane to smack a teenager in the shins. He chuckled over that one; the old woman had been feisty in a way he admired. The teenager, though... typical teenager: surly, long-haired, and unable to view the world from any viewpoint other than his own.

So engrossed was he in his writings, he missed seeing a stunning brunette enter the Security offices and glance about. Instead, she came to his attention only after Crewman Race showed her to Oz’s office and introduced her. Darwin stood, his jaw unhinged, and tried to reconcile the smoldering hot woman with her title: JAG officer.. That title normally made him think of Ray and his crusty, cracked manners and face.

He caught himself staring and worked to stop that, but not before Julisa caught him out: “Mr. Darwin, are you attempting to catch flies? With that trap hanging open, I’d say you are.” Her tone was chilly and she took a seat without being asked to do so. As Darwin’s mouth snapped shut, she nodded and went on, “About time. I’m here about the recent holosuite incident with Ray and Chelsea. Apparently your department has been lax about security, their very job, and the two were nearly killed by one of ...let’s see..., oh, yes, Suresh’s goons. I trust said goon is in secure custody?”

“Um...,” Darwin scrambled to think of where the goon was. He was slowed by his desire to also turn on some charm, something he was finding exceedingly difficult to do thanks to the woman’s acerbic, wickedly-sharp tongue.

“I see,” she deadpanned. “Perhaps I should have started in the Brig, then?”

If she doesn’t shut it, I’ll see her in the Brig, Darwin thought.

“Not funny, Mr. Darwin,” she snapped, which made Darwin turn pale: a Betazoid. Dammit.

“Well, Ms... ah, Bajun,” Bajoran and Betazoid, he started, “The case actually is going to be under...,” he glanced out the open door and spied a likely victim: “Ah, Lieutenant Tazan.” The new guy, this should be fun. For whom, I’m not sure, he thought, earning himself a glare from the woman. He half-stood and called to Tazan, “Lieutenant! Yeah, you, c’mere. Meet our newest JAG officer, Bajun Julisa.”

Ordinarily it griped Zee when people misspoke or mispronounced his name. Darwin, for example, had the admittedly laughable habit of referring to him as Tazan. He’d been called worse, however. . .everything from Zeb Tanner to Zed Taylor to Zeem Talak. Tazan, on the other hand, was a first. And to be honest. . .he was beginning to get used to it.

“Lieutenant Bajun,” Zee said, inclining his head politely.

“Lieutenant Tazan will be investigating the attack,” Darwin explained.

Bright blue eyes assessed Talan coolly. "You look like you'll do, Lieutenant," she said. "Have you interviewed the attacker yet? Or Ray or Chelsea?"

Zee shot Darwin a dissatisfied Thank you SO much for this look and cleared his throat before speaking.

“From what I am to understand, Lieutenant. . .the attacker is still at Starbase Medical recovery from his head trauma. As for the two victims,” he shot Darwin another look, this one all but pleading ‘A little help here would be greatly appreciated’, “not yet. I was hoping to get a personal look at the holo-program they were using first. . .before I spoke with them.”

Darwin caught the man’s looks and was tempted to let him just hang, but... against this woman? He couldn’t be so cruel. “Ms. Bajun, Ray... your boss, as I recall, stated that he and Chelsea were not to be bothered at this time. And go easy on my man Tazan here, he’s new to the Station.”

Julisa glared at Darwin. He dare tell her to ‘go easy’? She stood and turned to Talan, “Lieutenant Tazan, let’s head to Piper Medical, then, and see if the attacker is able to speak.” Imperiously, she walked out of Oz’s office, leaving Darwin to give Talan a shrug and a pained, apologetic look.

Zee took momentarily pause, making sure the Lieutenant was well out of thought, as well as hearing range, then finally allowed himself to release the groan he’d been holding in since arriving in Darwin’s office.

“Remind me never to get on her bad side,” he commented.

“I don’t think she has a good one,” Darwin said. “And we’d better get going. I wouldn’t put it past her to check up on us.”

“I wouldn’t put it past her to have someone follow us to make sure actually left the office,” Zee couldn’t help but chuckle. “And while we’re on the way,” he said as they strted for the door, “tell me about this Suresh character. What’s his story?”

To be continued. . .

Lieutenant Z. Talan
Security Investigations

Lieutenant Michael Darwin
Asst. Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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