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Lao's is a Veritable Smorgasbord Orgasbord Orgasbord

Posted on Fri Oct 24th, 2014 @ 4:05am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Lao's Chinese Restaurant
Timeline: Current

** Promenade, Deck 277 -- Lao's Chinese Restaurant **

"I honestly have no idea how long it's been since I've been here," Rick said as they were seated in a cozy little section of Lao's. They had a great view of the aquarium that helped to add a bit of ambience to the place along with the dizzying array of salt water fish that Lao had picked to fill it. "I love this place--I guess I've just been too busy to really think about coming."

"Apparently it has been some time," El'Shar said as she perused the menu. "We've not been here since we began dating. I've not been here at all myself, either."

His eyes wide, Rick replied, "You've never been here? Oh, El, if I'd known that we would have come a long time ago! This place is amazing." He watched her poring through the menu. "I tell you what, do you trust me enough to order for both of us? I'll get a whole bunch of things brought out for you to sample. What do you think?"

She put her hand on his. "Of course I trust you. Order away. But one thing I insist on having is my own warm bottle of sake."

He laughed. "Deal. And that makes two of us," he said as he waved the waiter over.

"Welcome back to Lao's, Admiral," the waiter, a young man named Kuai said. "Are you both ready to order?"

"That we are. It's going to be a big order, Kuai. She's never been here, so I'm going to keep you busy tonight."

A broad smile came across Kuai's face. "Excellent, sir! Let's have it, then."

"First and foremost, an order for two for fried dumpings and two large, warm bottles of sake." He scanned the menu quickly. "Um, appetizers will be the Ning Bo stir fry veggies, braised babmoo shoots, the green onion soup noodle and the shredded eel noodle soup." He looked up to Kuai. "Please tell the chefs that we don't need full serving for each of us, just one serving each. I just want her to have the whole experience. Do you mind if we share?" he asked, looking to El.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course not. And this list of items sounds very interesting."

"But good!" Kuai offered.

"Okay," Rick continued, "we'll have the tiger prawns in teriyaki sauce, spareribs in plum sauce, fried pumpkin with egg yolk and shrimp and the deep fried tofu with chili sauce. And for the dessert course we'll try the red bean paste cook pie, fresh fruit pudding and the green tea pudding." He handed the menus back to Kuai. "Oh, and add two ice waters and surprise us with a bottle of wine. It'll be hard to match with the mess that I've ordered, but I don't think that matters tonight. Maybe something light?"

"Of course, sir. I'll bring them out as they're made," Kuai replied. "Otherwise they'll all be cold if I waited."

"Probably a good idea," El said, wondering just how much food she would actually be able to eat. "I think he's trying to fatten me up, so going slow would be better."

Kuai left them alone and they once again held hands across the table. They looked at each other in silence for a few moments before Rick spoke.

"Okay, okay. It's a ton of food, but really, everything here is good but those are some of the best. I don't expect us to finish most of it. Just imagine it as a potluck."

"Maybe I should have worn sweatpants? I'll probably pop out of this dress halfway through." She could tell where Rick's mind went with that comment. "Easy, tiger. That'll come soon enough--or...maybe not after all of this."

He turned toward where Kuai had gone and fake yelled, "Send it all back!"

She smiled gently. "You know--and this may be a bit out of character for me to just come out and say this, but I am very happy that we are together. And the fact that I'm comfortable enough to say that without hesitation means a lot."

Squeezing her hand from across the table he stood and slid around next to her, putting his arm around her. "I've said this before but I've not been this happy in many, many years. And for an El-Aurian to say that it means centuries, not just a few years. I'm just afraid to go too fast in fear of running you off."

"Going too fast?" she asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly he felt a bit insecure and nervous, the exact opposite of his normally composed and commanding self. "I..." he started. "Well, we've been together coming up on six months soon. I don't know how your past relationships have progressed, or how you like things to go, but..." He sighed. "What I'm saying is that I love you, El'Shar. I've been wanting to tell you that for a while now. And..." He stopped, suddenly having some trepidation about continuing.

She put her hand on his face. "And what, Rick? You can tell me anything, you know that."

It took him a moment, but he finally spoke. "I've been wanting to ask you to move in with me." Before she could potentially object or shoot him down, he quickly continued, "But if you think it's too early, or just don't want to for whatever reason, I'm okay with it. I don't know how you feel about anything beyond that, but like I said, I'm just worried that I may run you off thinking that I'm some sort of weirdo."

She smiled for a moment, then tried to fight back a fit of laughter and failed. "Honey, you're not a weirdo. And it's not weird to want more out of a relationship. I know several people who met someone and got married in less than a month's time, and they're very happy together." After that, seeing the almost fearful look still on his face, she jabbed him in the ribs.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"The first thing you need to know about me, that you may not have already picked up on, is that you need to be honest with me and talk openly. I'm a big girl, and a Vulcan at that, who can have an open and honest conversation about our relationship without you fearing the worst." She took his hand from her shoulder and kissed it. "So talk to me anytime. The worst I can say is no, but that doesn't mean that the 'no' is forever." She then kissed his cheek. "And I love you, too, Rick. I really do."

Kuai arrived with the first part of their order, the sake, wine, water and appetizers. It took four people to deliver. "It's probably a good thing you switched sides, Admiral," he said with a smile. "That way you can both reach the food easier. And I'll probably have to move another table over for the rest."

El winked at Rick letting him know that they would continue their conversation later. "Thank you, Kuai. We'll be waiting for the rest of it."

They ate and ate, filling themselves with various forms of Chinese cuisine. Some of them were immediately tasted and frowned upon by El, leaving more for Rick to have. Other dishes, like the green onion soup noodle were seized by El to be hers and hers alone. Rick watched with amusement as she tried all of the various dishes and enjoyed the reactions either way.

Through the main dishes and the desserts they continued. They talked about the foods' flavors, things happening around the station and potential destinations for their next mini vacation for three hours before they had finally had their fill and couldn't even look at another bite, much less take one.

"I may not have been kidding about popping out of this dress," she said. "Whoo...I am stuffed."

"Enjoyable, though, right?" he asked. "I wish I had done this when I first started coming here. Either that or they need to start offering sampler plates on the menu. But I sure do feel like Templeton from Charlotte's Web now."

She laughed. "It was very enjoyable. And I think I've found my new favorite soup."

They kissed and Rick settled up with Kuai for what he owed, thanking him for such great service and being Johnny-on-the-spot for removing dishes and refilling the drinks.

They waddled out of Lao's into the Promenade and toward the lifts. "Want to come back to my quarters for a while? Maybe watch an old movie and fall asleep on the sofa with me?"

The lift doors closed and they began heading up. "Not tonight. I should go to my quarters." She slid her hand into his. "And I'll need your help. I can't move all of my things to your place on my own."

He stared straight ahead but an enormous smile spread across his face as she squeezed his hand.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Captain El'Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
Bunkmates In Love


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