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Ladies Who Lunch

Posted on Fri Apr 3rd, 2015 @ 11:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Suresh

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Coffee Shop, The Promenade

* * * Promenade Coffee Shop * * *

Falasin bounced on the balls of her feet as the turbolift descended to the main level of the Promenade. Two science officers who shared the lift glanced at her rather uneasily as her motion made the lift shudder slightly.

"Oh. Sorry."

She ducked her head and gave a sheepish smile. She was a few minutes late meeting Ophelia and being late always made her antsy. She resisted the urge to bounce again and finally, the lift doors opened. She bounded out without a word to the officers, who watched her go with perplexed looks on their faces.

"I didn't know it was possible to wear that many colors at one time," one remarked.

"Me either, but the bright yellow does set off her blue skin nicely."

The first officer shook his head as the lift doors closed.

* * *

The colorful being in question was resplendent hot pink tights, silver sequin ankle boots, a lemon yellow dress with purple trim, and large gold hoop earrings. Heads turned as usual with her passing but she gave them no notice. At a table in the middle, she saw a hand raise and picked up her pace.

"Ophelia! I am so sorry to be late! One of the big guys, the head spook, dropped into the shop and I stayed till he left." Falasin plopped in the chair across from Ophelia and took a good look at the head nurse. Her brown hair, that Falasin had talked her into growing out, was left loose today, held back on one side by a pink lily that matched her summer print dress. "You are looking chipper today, and believe me, I know chipper. Who is he?"

Ophelia laughed at the comment. "Hello to you too, and thanks. I think." She completely ignored Fal's question.

"Well?" Falasin demanded. "Spill it. Your long hair suits you by the way. And I saw lilies like that at the florist just yesterday. Ohhh, wait! Doc Harding? No, not him." Fal's antennae tilted towards Ophelia. "He's much too old for you. Ick!"

A waitress stopped during Falasin's diatribe and Ophelia ordered two coffees. Finally, when Fal wound down, Ophelia smiled.

"Obviously you don't need me for this conversation."

Fal laughed aloud. "Don't be silly, of course I do. So it wasn't Harding, I can tell that much. Who was it? That new medical tech from Bajor? Bren in science? No, I just saw him in the lift. Vic? He's yummy."

By the time Fal finished again, Ophelia was laughing so hard she had to wipe her eyes. "No, no, and no, but who doesn't wish? We have gone out a time or two." The coffee arrived and after a few sips, Ophelia continued. "Why does there have to be a 'he' just because I'm wearing something that isn't a uniform?"

Fal reached up to tap an antennae. "I have these remember?"

Ophelia shrugged. "There isn't a 'he'. Not a regular one, though I did have a dinner date last week."

"So explain the flower."

Ophelia shrugged. "They arrived at Piper yesterday. From one of the officers who stopped in for emergency treatment. That is all. He was so grateful that I solved his problem, he sent flowers."

"I'd like to solve Vic's problem," Fal muttered, then leaned closer to look at Ophelia. "Patients who just 'stop in for emergency treatment' don't send flowers. I mean who does that, as expensive as real flowers are? The only people I know with that kind of money are the brass and the spooks who..." Fal's eyebrows shot up. "It wasn't Dae was it? I've seen him at that flower shop before you know."

"Dae? No, not even close. I don't think he's ever been to Piper while I was on duty, other than his arrival check-in." Except Ophelia knew Falasin would dig till she got the story and besides, what harm was there? It was nothing, really. "Okay, it was Nicolao. He just sent them as a thank you, that's all. He's a new arrival and I don't think he knows many people here--"

"I know him! Or of him." Falasin bounced in her chair. "He's a friend of Mamu's, at least I've seen them talking. He sent flowers? No way! He barely talks to anyone. All sorts of prickly that one is."

"And you are beginning to sound like Mamu B'yaga. I think it's just that he doesn't know anyone here and was glad I could see him so fast. Nothing more."

"Liar." Fal smiled at Ophelia, obviously teasing her. "So what's he like?"

"Quiet and reserved."

That was not the answer Fal was hoping for and she gave a sigh of disappointment. "Well that's no fun. What about --"

Ophelia raised a hand to stop her. "Fal, honey, don't worry. I'll be fine."

"I think you work too much. I hope Doc Harding appreciates you...but not like that." She winked at Ophelia, who rolled her eyes.

"So what's new with you?"

Fal considered the question for a moment. "Not much really. Things in the shop are about as usual." Suddenly her eyes grew round. "I saw a Cardassian two days ago, sitting at that table over there." She pointed to a spot just to their left.

Ophelia frowned, not liking the sound of that. "I hope Security showed him the door and quick. I don't trust them for a second.

"Me too." Fal shivered, then her good humour returned as her gaze was caught by a man walking by. He had dark hair and an olive complexion, and was dressed in casual clothes. "Who's that?"

Ophelia watched him, a look of displeasure on her face. She leaned in to whisper to Fal. "Trouble. Trust me on that one. His name is Suresh."

"Suresh." Falasin repeated the name, but it didn't ring a bell. "He's gorgeous."

Ophelia glanced to the table where Suresh sat, and he waved. She returned the wave, then whispered once more. "Oh no you don't. We'll talk about him later. You ready to get to Lao's and get some lunch?"

"I am." Falasin bounced up out of her seat and followed Ophelia. A few steps away, however, the looked back to Suresh's table and he winked.

"Oh!" The exclamation slipped out of Fal's mouth before she could stop it.

"What is it?" Ophelia asked.

"Nothing, almost tripped on a chair. Let's go, I'm starving."

Ophelia Payne, Head Nurse
Falasin, Shop Assistant
Enjoying The Girl Talk

Eye Candy


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