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Running Like A Scalded Dog Part Two

Posted on Sat Apr 4th, 2015 @ 9:29pm by James Holbridge & Major David Lorenz

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Ghost
Timeline: shortly after the Washita goes to warp.

"One-eighty and shoot!" David ordered. The Ghost heeled into a reverse turn, firing all weapons at anything Dominion. "Lorenz to group, scatter now! Eddie, jump to Warp 5 and engage the adaptive shielding!"

=/\= Adaptive shields activated, enemy scans attempting to localize....adaptive shield holding at plus-one-hundred-thirty percent.=/\=

David didn't have to worry about Ronin, he knew the man was in the medical bay with their passenger. It was David's job to get back to 900. "All stop, Eddie. Give me passive sensors only."

=/\=Dominion warships retreating to pursue the three runabouts. Passing out of sensor range now.=/\=

"Match the trailing enemy ship's speed and keep us within 2 million km," Dave ordered.


The Dominion ships had stopped short of the station's sensor range and retreated to deeper space. David sat in the helm seat of the Ghost's bridge, studying the tactical overlay intently. The commanders of the warships were boring in harder than usual, which told Dave that they really wanted the scientist in the infirmary, whose name was Serenity as far as he knew or cared. He had to make sure he got into Starfleet patrol range without alerting the Dominion.....

....the point became moot as a Marine weapons platform snapped on to cover his ship. "Eddie, tell that thing to stand down!"

=/\= No response. =/\=

"Disengage the shields and make a high-speed run at the station. Let 'em know we are coming in hot!"


"Signal the other ships to disengage."




David nodded to the security team that beamed aboard. "She's in the medbay,"

A security officer stood in front of him. "Sorry, major, but I have orders to take you into custody."

David nodded quietly and allowed himself to be cuffed and led to the traqnsporter. "Eddie, after we beam off, seal the ship: Code Alpha Prime!"


David's last thought as he beamed off the ship was that no amount of shit-stuffing was gonna keep him outta prison.


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