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Red Fish Blue Fish

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2015 @ 1:20pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Li's Quarters / Lao's Chinese Restaurant

* * * Li's Quarters * * *

Li stood in the living room of the quarters she shared with Sakkath, her hands on her hips. The bag she'd hastily packed to take with her on the retrieval sat untouched on their bed, but she had no intention of unpacking until later. She and Awf had landed without incident back on 900 and she had to admit she was glad to be home. The Ocampan pilot had done well - they all had - and she made a mental note to mention the group to Admiral Wegener.

And so she was home. Moving across to the portal, she took in the view as she began to make her usual list of what to do next. Seeing Ricky and her father were on the list, as was seeing Oz for updates while she'd been off the station. Oz also went into the 'sit down, have some wine and relax' other words, girls night. Next was checking on an unexpected development. Li and Awf had seen the USS Malvern docking when they arrived and she knew that one was assigned to Starfleet HQ. That mean someone was here that would need the Admirals' and her attention. And last but not least, dinner. She realized she was, in fact, incredibly hungry. She also realized that her to do list should be attended to in reverse order, which meant dinner first. And dinner out. The rooms around her were too quiet, too empty. She added one more to do to her list: check on the return of the away team. Only then did she step into the bedroom to clean up before going out.

* * * Lao's Chinese Restaurant * * *

Lao's son had greeted her enthusiastically and immediately escorted her to a table by the aquarium. Sake appeared before she could ask and a few sips of the warm wine began to work its magic, as did the soft lighting and the calm atmosphere. Li could feel herself unwinding after the mad dash to Site 6 and the retrieval and being shot at by the Dominion. She ordered, then took her cup and stood to watch the fish. They swam in lazy circles, apparently not a care in the world. A large blue fish glided into view and Li smiled. It was the fish that they had always associated with the original Suresh and had provided the nickname she and Oz used for him. It hovered there, just on the other side of the glass as if watching her.

"Breathtaking, isn't he?" said a familiar voice behind her. Instantly, the soothing effect of the sake was gone, replaced by a tension in her as familiar as that voice. It was him but not him.

"Good evening," she replied, doing her best to be polite. Her attention remained focused on the fish, who now had a friend - a smaller red fish with flowing fins and tail.

"My apologies if I am intruding. I just enjoy watching them swim." Suresh fell silent as he and Li observed the fish. "It seems the star of Lao's fish tank has a new friend."

"So it seems," Li answered. Oh, wasn't this awkward? She finished the sake in her tiny cup, then finally turned to face Suresh. "Is there something I can do for you?"

Suresh studied her intently before answering. She was still a puzzle to him. Always so official, so business like. What had the other one seen in her? The argument between them he had observed on the other 900 had been between two people with high tempers and passionate natures. He was having a hard time reconciling that with Li as she was here. And yet, she seemed stressed suddenly. Interesting.

"Perhaps we might talk for a minute?"

"Are you sure this is the place?" she asked. "My office might be better."

Suresh shook his head. "This is nothing official, Li. Besides, I suspect you might feel more comfortable here, in public."

I might be more comfortable if you were on the other side of the Delta Quadrant...

"Stop that," he demanded. "That is why I don't like telepaths."

"Now it is my turn to apologize for intruding. It's been a long, tense, and trying two days."

"Accepted. And I get that it's difficult with such an ability that comes as naturally as breathing." He paused to watch the red and blue fish as they lingered by a piece of coral. "Do you miss him?"

"Which him?"

"The other me." He crossed his arms as he looked down at her. "I'm curious."

"You're joking, right?" Li turned away and sat back down at her table. Suresh settled in the chair beside her and she gave him a questioning look. "If that is what you think, you're sadly mistaken."

Suresh leaned closer to her, his voice softer. "I saw the two of you arguing on my station. Too much fire there, Captain. Perhaps you got caught in your own net."

Fire of a different sort smoldered in Li now and the anger hardened her voice. "You could not be more wrong. He is an obsessed lunatic and a very dangerous man. He is where he belongs. And what about you? Now we have you to deal with. Do you plan to follow in his footsteps?"

Suresh smiled in the face of Li's anger. "No, I don't. But will you see him every time you see me? Or treat me as if I am the same as him?"

Li was taken aback and her face showed it. It was a fair question. "I...I don't know. I like to think I'm better than that but it's a difficult situation. For me and for Oz as well. He was at the top of both our lists, if you understand me."

Suresh nodded. "It's interesting how different the time lines were here, with him, and on my version of 900. There, I barely knew your counterpart, other than as the first officer. For what it's worth, I'm sorry about your brother."

His words surprised Li and she smiled for the first time since his appearance. "Thank you. It's hard to lose someone you love but to lose them twice can break a person if they aren't careful."

"But for you, that wasn't really your brother if that helps." He paused and signaled the waiter for more sake and another cup. It came immediately and he filled both cups. "Just as I am not him, despite my appearance. Your real brother was no traitor and I am not the 'insane lunatic' you so despise."

"Can you tell me truthfully that you aren't tempted to simply step into his shoes, run his organization? Do the people down below even know that you aren't the original?"

Suresh sipped the sake and shook his head. "No. I have to admit they don't know, aside from Seyla. But if Seyla were a risk for telling secrets, this station would be in deep trouble. She knows when to keep her lips sealed."

"Which proves my point. That life could be attractive. What's to keep you from falling into his habits?" Li watched the man across from her and the weird deja vu feeling refused to leave her. "Tell me!" Her hand, where it rested on the table, had tightened into a fist.

"Easy, Li." He reached out, covering her hand with his own, then loosened her fingers. She immediately snatched her hand away. "I intend to do the opposite, in fact. I want to be helpful. And if it concerns the Cherry Pit, I can be more useful as eyes and ears if I am on the inside."

"Why?" She was suspicious now.

"Let's say I am repaying a debt to you - for getting me out of the hell of the other 900, and maybe to make up for what he did to you."

"I'll believe that when I see it," she replied. She looked back at Suresh, his face and his intense dark eyes so familiar and yet somehow different.

"What if I told you I assisted in the search for the Counselor's aide?" He'd done much more, but that was his little secret for now. "I hate Cardassians, but I despise anyone who would hurt a woman even more." He drained his cup and lowered it to the table. "Something to keep in mind."

"That is commendable. You keep your nose clean and maybe we'll talk again." She motioned to the waiter. "I need to go, please deliver dinner when it's ready."

"Don't leave on my account." Suresh's voice oozed concern now.

"As I said, it's been a long couple of days and I've had all the socializing I can stand for this evening. Goodnight, Suresh." She stood and made her way out without another word.

Suresh watched her go, then turned back to the aquarium. The blue and red fish were now chasing each other around in circles. He smiled, finding the comparison most fitting.

Captain Li Hawke
Red Fish



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