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Posted on Mon Apr 20th, 2015 @ 12:05am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Julisa's Quarters

* * * Julisa/Solis Quarters * * *

Solis had come off-duty after his last round and now was stretched out on the sofa in a pair of shorts, his eyes closed but not sleeping. Dr. Harding had given his instructions regarding the patients that needed covering, including Commander Leroy, and Solis had checked on the Counselor’s aide. Everything had been so quiet in Sickbay it was mind-boggling. Even so, it had been a long day. He reached over to the table by the sofa, patting his hand around till it found his water bottle, then took a long drink. Much better. It was early and Julisa was just off to her office so perhaps a nap before he met her for lunch…..

Julisa burst into the room, making no effort to be quiet. "Gods blast the man...," she was grumbling under her breath. "...barely even settled in and now...." She stopped, mid-tirade, "Oh, Solis. Did I wake you?"

“Wha--? No, Earl, that’s where I sit…” he mumbled, then finally his eyes opened and he rubbed them gently. “Oh! Jules. You’re home early. It is early isn’t it?”

"Yes, it is, hon." She dropped all of her irritation and went to him. "I'm being sent to Bajor and Betazed."

“Say what?” Solis was fully awake now and he reached for his water. “When? Why? And should I be asking?” He pulled her onto the sofa beside him and tucked her beneath his arm.

"An investigation, that's all I can say," she leaned into him.

“So how long will you be gone and how long will I have to annoy Earl?” He grinned at her, hoping to lighten her mood a little.

"I don't know, Solis. Till the investigation is over? No way of knowing how long that'll take." She kissed him on the cheek. "You're coming with us, if you want to. I want you to."

“Coming with you? Just like that? Wait.” He touched her cheek, allowing him to see what she wasn’t saying. The room was silent, but then he reacted. “Oh...ohhhhhh….oh hell. Really?”

"Really, really. Let's get packed," she suggested, but the placement of her hands and lips suggested that they do something else.

“There’s a little time yet and Dae hasn’t called so….let’s pack a little later. I can sleep on the way.”

"As if I'd let you," she kissed him amorously.

* * *

Packed and ready to go, Julisa stood with Solis, fussing with the collar of his casual shirt. "I love you."

He swept back his long hair to give her better access to his collar and smiled. “I love you too. Why are you so nervous?” He wrapped his hands around hers and raised them to his lips. “I know it’s a big job but they wouldn’t send you if they didn’t think you were the one needed to do this.”

"I don't like having to go travel again. That's all." She felt her hair, making sure each strand was tucked back and caught in her severe French twist.

“You packed non-uniform stuff I hope? If you’re looking for what they hope you’ll find, it won’t be in a Fleet uniform.” Solis smiled. “Think of it as a little time to let your hair down.” He reached up and plucked out all the pins she’d so carefully put in.

"Solis!" She laughed and tried to hold her hair in place. It was a losing battle. "I did pack a dress or two. The one from the beach."

“And some common clothes? If you’re moving in Dae’s circles, I doubt this trip will be among the Chalice and Ring Holders.” He smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. “Much better.”

"Fine, I'll put pants and some tops in my suitcase." She picked hers up and went back into the bedroom.

“And I bet Dae snickers and makes you replicate new ones en route.” Solis peered into her bag and snickered himself. “Yup.” He goosed Julisa, then began to toss clothes in his own bag.

"What? They're perfectly fine pants!" She put a flowered top in with them.

Solis laughed aloud. “Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.” He checked the time, added a few more things to his bag and closed it.

"Ready? I am," Julisa said.

“As I’ll ever be.” Solis took his bag and Julisa’s and carried them to the door. Right on cue, the comm beeped.

=^=Nalas to Bajun. Departure in thirty. Meet me at berth 419 =^=


Lieutenant Bajun Julisa
Blending In Fashion Disaster

Lt. Solis
Fashion Expert


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