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Another Year Older

Posted on Sat Apr 25th, 2015 @ 10:33pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Admiral Hawke's Quarters

* * * Admiral Hawke's Quarters * * *

Lucius was already loosening the collar of his jacket as the doors to his quarters slid open. He was looking forward to a quiet night, a night to indulge in his own down time in the wake of everything that had happened in the last few weeks. And now, his girls (Oz was family as far as he was concerned) were off to chase the original madman Suresh and he and Rick were under investigation. They didn't even know for what at this point.

Once inside, the uniform jacket was put away as was his habit, leaving him in his black uniform pants and black short sleeved Federation standard undershirt. He stood surveying the sitting room and his gaze fell on the Dendrobium aphyllum in the corner. It had perked up considerably with the increase in light and he nodded with satisfaction. He made a mental note to add that to the logs for that particular variety, then sat down at his desk and turned on the terminal.

There was a note from Aia that she and Saye were down on the planet until tomorrow. His friend Nikolai’s transmission had come in this morning with the next move in their long distance chess game and he had pondered several possible moves as he had moved through his day. He had a feeling it was going to come down to his queen’s knight. Nik was a sly one and this would take some plotting before he committed. Tonight was the perfect night to plan his counter to Nik's Sicilian Defence.

The beep of an incoming transmission cut off the thought and he opened the channel. A soft groan came as he saw the incoming message’s sender moments before she appeared on screen.


“Lucius.” Her familiar face looked back at him, her hair still the same mahogany shade it had been back when they were married. How had his gotten so white? “You are looking well, black compliments you.”

His expression now was bemused. “You used to think it made me look far too stern.”

“That was before your hair was so white. The contrast now is striking, certainly.”

Now if that wasn’t a back-handed compliment…. “What can I do for you? You are not in the habit of calling just to butter me up. At least not in the last fifteen years anyway.”

Her mouth tightened for an instant at the subtle prod. “How are Aia and little Saye? She's walking now isn't she?”

“They're fine, and yes she is. I forgot how fast such little legs could go.” He smiled finally. "It's been a long time since ours were that young."

Marianna returned the smile. “Indeed. What about Li?"

That was a good question, considering where Li and Oz were going. Lucius purposely kept his expression neutral. "Busy. I've seen little of her the past two weeks but then, it's a huge station and she has a lot on her plate."

“I can imagine. You know how she is, make sure she remembers to take some down time." Marianna paused as she looked back to Lucius. "And perhaps next time we talk, you'll tell me what it is that you're hiding right now."

Damn! She was always too good at reading him and fifteen years hadn't changed that. He ignored the implied question.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” He made his tone deliberately relaxed.

“It’s Li and Nahi's birthday tomorrow.”

He immediately looked at the date in the corner of the view screen. Damn it. How had it slipped up on him so fast? His hand moved to his chest, rubbing at a now-familiar ache that sprang up every time Nahi’s name was mentioned, an ache that had taken up residence the day of his son’s death three years ago. No, that was wrong. It had been murder pure and simple.

“So it is.”

She was silent for a moment, much to his surprise, and when she finally spoke, her tone had softened. “I am so sorry Lucius. I know how hard this day still is for you.”

And she did, something he was grateful for. They had their differences, so many of them even since they parted, but she was the one person who had understood how close he and their youngest son had been, knew how proud Lucius had been when Nahi and Li graduated the Academy – and how devastated when his son's shuttle had been sabotaged and disintegrated as it left DS9.

“Marianna –“ His voice broke.

“It’s fine,” she interrupted him. “I know. I suppose I just wanted to…touch base with you, make sure you are alright.”

“I…yes, I am thank you.” He managed to regain his composure. “I will be around tomorrow if you need me and want to call. Take care Marianna.” He was suddenly in a hurry to end this call.

“You too.” And just like that she was gone.

He sat staring off at nothing, relief washing over him. Here, in his haven, it was easier to face it, without Marianna’s eyes on him, without the risk of her reading him and picking the alternate universe, and that traitorous version of Nahi, out of his mind. She wouldn't be able to handle that, so better that it did not come up at all.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. He briefly debated calling Aia, knowing she would still be up but gave it a pass and stood. She would be home tomorrow and she knew the importance of the day. Tonight, he needed the solitude, the space to grieve as he did every year. He poured the customary half-glass of Saurian brandy, toasted his son, and drained the glass. Finally, he rose to his feet. If he hurried, he could get Li's present to her before she left.

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Red Letter Day


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