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The Sentimental One

Posted on Sun May 24th, 2015 @ 8:59pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Ensign Kai Sarkozi & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center

* * * Piper Medical Center * * *

"She'll be okay?" Gilroy peered through a doorway to where he could see Kai napping on a biobed.

"Will be?" Earl scoffed, "Like hell! She's fine now! Are you doubting my skills as a surgeon young man?"

"No! Of course not, Doctor Crane," Gilroy assured him.

"Didn't think you were," Earl grinned and patted Gilroy's shoulder. "Go on in, she should be waking up soon."

"Thanks." He moved to stand in the doorway.

Kai had drifted in and out of a drug-induced sleep, thanks to Ophelia. She could feel nothing and in fact was in a rosy mood. She decided that she loved Ophelia and resolved to tell her so just as soon as her mouth started working. Till then, she was floating on a lovely cloud and humming a little tune, at least in her head. After a few moments, her addled brain realized it was some song Jackson had sung the last time Gilroy had taken her to the Nexus. The thought of Gilroy brought a crooked smile to her face. When he suddenly appeared at the door, however, she assumed he was a vision compliments of Ophelia’s magic brew.

"Kai?" Gilroy stepped in and took her hand.

Her eyes opened wider as the vision grew larger (much larger) and spoke. Her smile widened and she did her best to say his name, which came out sounding like ‘Gllery’. She cleared her throat and tried again, this time sounding more coherent.

“Hi.” That sounded better. She hoped.

"How are you feeling?" He gently brushed hair from her forehead. If he needed to be Gllery at the moment, then he would be.

Her brain formed the words and slowly they seemed to assemble themselves into something that made sense, following her previous train of thought. “ Ophelia.”
No, that wasn’t right. “I’m...ooooookay.”

"Okay," he made a deep rumble in his throat, his version of a chuckle. Grinning lopsidedly, he asked, "Should I go get Ophelia for you? Or am I a good replacement?"

Her smile widened and she tried to move over enough to give him room to sit by her on the bed. She felt like she was moving but she could see no progress. She spoke again, this time in garbled French that even the translator couldn’t decipher. For a moment, she closed her eyes, and focused. When she opened her eyes Gil was still there and she tried again. “Move me over.” The words came out slow but understandable.

Being careful, he did as she asked then sat in the created space. "Can I bring you anything?" He was happy, nearly giddy, that she was okay. When he'd heard she'd been shot, he'd been beside himself with worry.

His touch seemed to be the other magic Kai needed. The weight of him next to her stirred her senses and her brain shifted, clearing her thoughts. Or maybe the last of the anesthesia was wearing off. It was good either way. She attempted to move her hand and when it cooperated, taking hold of Gilroy’s she smiled.

“I can’t have anything yet, so says that lovely doctor….Earl something or the other. I’m glad you’re here though. I heard bits and pieces, I know you’ve had a busy day. I'm sorry if I worried you.”

"Earl Crane. A busy day is easy to handle. Having you hurt makes it the worst kind of day." He gathered her up to hug her. "If the person who did this wasn't already in the brig, I'd wring her neck."

“She is?” A soft squeak came from Kai as he hugged her. The phaser injury was gone but it was still a trifle tender, even through the drugs. It passed and she settled in against Gilroy, enjoying the security of his arms and his body, which was almost large enough to wrap around her. “Who was it? I never saw anything. And what about Commander Sakkath?”

"He's okay. He immobilized Monique, your attacker. Do you recall why you were in the Admiral's office?" Ever the Security Officer.

“Monique?” Kai’s face fell at the news. “We have coffee together often,” she told Gilroy. “Well, had. Not so anymore, no?” At his question, she nodded. “I do.”

"Do you know what was in the box?"

Kai was uncertain how to answer that. Just about everything that came through Admiral Hawke’s office was classified and it meant that she and Gil rarely talked about her job. His question, however, was still general.

“Yes, I know, for the most part.”

He removed her from his embrace and held her so he could look at her face. "And you're not telling because it's classified?" Now he was really curious.

“I know that it came in just a few days ago. Admiral Hawke asked that I meet the Commander there to give it to him. He did not say what was on the chip, but there were instructions that if there was a breach, to press the switch inside. It would erase it all.” She met Gilroy’s gaze squarely. “That’s all I know. But someone seems to have wanted it very much.”

"Yeah, Admiral Azoulay. She's in the brig, too. Monique was following Azoulay's orders. Surprising, no?" He smiled like it was all a joke.

“What??” Kai was aghast at the news. “But why?” Then her expression shifted, her eyes narrowing. “And one lowly ensign was expendable if it got her what she wanted. What exactly have I missed?”

"That's all. Oh, oh, ah, Azoulay shot Wegener. I forgot about that," because of you, he said. "He's fine. Earl and Solis stitched him up, too."

Her eyes widened at the news. “And Admiral Hawke? He is well?”

"He's fine. Really," he said. "Although, I understand his ex-wife is here, so 'fine' might be a strong word right now."

“Oh dear. I almost forgot her arrival. Good drugs I suppose. And yes, you are right, fine will be relative. She is always convinced that I know all sorts of secrets about him that I refuse to tell.” Kai laughed, then winced, reaching up to her chest. Marianna was right but Kai would never admit it.

He didn't miss the wince. "You okay? Should I get Ophelia?"

“Just a little sore is all. She said that is to be expected.” Kai paused now, resting her hands on Gilroy’s cheeks. “And what of you? I know how you go and go and do not slow down, especially with Oz gone. Are you alright?” She paused a moment as she studied him. “There is worry in your eyes. “

"I'm fine Kai. Just worried about you." He chuckled again and took her hands in his. "Before you got hurt, I was wishing that I'd been here when Oz and Li left to hunt down Suresh. Then Darwin would have had to deal with all of this. But I can't imagine being away from you and hearing you'd been hurt."

The smile she gave him now was sappy and sweet. “You are always the sentimental one, my love. But worry not I’ll be fine. Though I can guarantee you I’ll be mad about it for a while, and concerned that someone managed to breach the intel decks. Dae will not be happy.”

"That will be Dae's concern. Oz's, if he pulls her into it." Gilroy laughed.

Kai nodded. “Till then, i’ve been ordered to take it easy for a day or two. Maybe dinner?” She looked up into his eyes, her expression hopeful. “You need the break too.”

"I can take a break for dinner, Kai. How about I pick up something and take it and you home later on?"

“Very good.” She slipped her arms around him, hugging him gingerly. “Then everything will be just fine.”

The clearing of a throat at the door caught her attention and she peeked around Gilroy to see Admiral Hawke standing at the door.

“My apologies for interrupting, Kai. Lt. Gilroy, good to see you again.”

Gilroy would have rocketed up off Kai's bed, but she had hold of him and he didn't want to hurt her by making a sudden move. "Ah- Admiral, sir. Good to see you as well."

“At ease, lieutenant, you seem to have your hands full.” Lucius smiled indulgently as he moved in to stand by the biobed. “What’s the word?”

“Gilroy is taking me home in a bit, once I can feel my legs and Dr. Crane says I can go. He fixed everything but it will be sore for another few days. Otherwise, no big problems.” Kai ran down the list in what appeared to be habit with Lucius. “I’m fine aside from being mad about it still.”

“As long as you’re well, that’s what matters.” Lucius left it at that. “But no coming in to work for the next two days. You’ve been through a lot and need time to get back to normal. I expect you to make sure she abides by that order, Mr. Gilroy.”

"I'll put a guard on her, sir," Gilroy said without a single twinge of sarcasm. "I can do the same for Admiral Wegener."

“If you feel you must but I think the danger is passed. The news of Eria’s arrest is making the rounds so I suspect that if there are any others associated, they’ve departed like rats from a sinking ship.” Lucius patted Kai’s hand. "Anyway, I wanted to check on you, kiddo. Wish me luck, I have dinner with Marianna and the whole clan tonight. Be glad you have an excuse to miss it.”

Kai laughed and once again, pressed a hand to her chest. “Good luck sir. And to be frank, if you need help? Don’t call Gil.”

That got a laugh from Lucius as well. “I promise.” He turned to go, then looked back at Gilroy. “Take care of our girl.” Then he was gone.

"Yessir." Gil wasn't sure he'd ever get used to being on personal terms with an Admiral. "I'll check Crane, see if he's ready to send you home." He kissed her.

She held him tight, letting the kiss linger. She was pleased to note that feeling was beginning to return to other parts of her as well. “Please. I can’t wait to get home..with you. Maybe then you will stop worrying.”

"Perhaps," he patted her hand and left the room.

Kai smiled as she watched him go, knowing that was a tall order indeed.

Ensign Kai Sarkozi
The Injured One

Lt. Gilroy
The Worried One

Admiral Lucius Hawke
The Jovial One


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