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Movin' On Up

Posted on Mon May 25th, 2015 @ 3:04am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse & Admiral Lucius Hawke

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Wegener's Quarters

* * * Deck 10 - Wegener’s Quarters * * *

Despite his wishes to the contrary, Admiral Wegener was ordered to be transported to his quarters instead of allowing him to walk there. He hated being treated as an invalid and knew that his wound would be perfectly healed soon. He had every faith in his medical staff--but they were insistent and he had no other choice, especially when Doctor Crane didn’t wait for him to finish blustering on about being in charge and simply had Rick whisked away from his biobed to his living room.

“I think you may have met your match there, honey,” El said as they reappeared safely in the living room. “I kinda’ like that guy.”

As she laughed he replied with a, “Har har,” and started over to the couch.

“Uh-uh,” she said, taking hold of his arm. “Earl said the bed, not the couch.”

“But we don’t have a monitor in the bedroom!” he whined. “If I’m gonna’ be stuck in here for a few days I want to watch some news or some movies...or something.”

She handed him the cane that Earl had prescribed. “It’s not far to the couch, but you were also ordered not to walk without this.”

He relented, seeing the determination in her eyes, and took the cane to help himself over to the sofa.

For several hours he whined about being bored, still not being able to completely feel his ass and a bit more whining about how attentive El was being.

“Honey, I can get up and get some things for myself,” he said. “You’re not my own personal serving wench.”

She laughed and sat next to him with a bowl of strawberries. “Believe me, I know that. But these are special circumstances. Just roll with it,” she said as she popped a strawberry into his mouth.

Before he could thank her, the door chime sounded. They both looked at each other for a moment. “Maybe I should get it?” he said. “It didn’t work out so well the last time.”

Rolling her eyes she stood and opened the door. “Lucius,” she said with a smile. “Come on in.”

“So how’s our cranky patient doing?” Lucius smile to El, then moved on over to where Rick was propped on the sofa. “Bored yet?”

Rick resisted the urge to blurt out all of the problems he thought he was having, but quickly realized that he might wind up aggravating El-Shar.

“I have excellent, and patient, company,” Rick finally replied. “Have a seat. Strawberry?”

“Thanks.” Lucius plucked a strawberry from the bowl and bit into it. “This is amazing. It’s been too long. And now that you bring up food, I realize I haven't eaten yet. I’ve been running all over this station so far today. Between JAG, Intel, Security, and stopping in to see Kai in sickbay. I actually found Gilroy there so I got to kill two birds with one stone. But to quote that Earth poet Carl Sandburg, I still have miles to go before I sleep.”

“In that case,” Rick said, now trying to hoist himself up off the couch, “stick around and eat something. I just realized I never got that burger I’d wanted in sickbay.” It took him a moment, and some work with the damned cane--as well as some hostile looks from El for him even trying to get up--before he managed a standing position. “It’ll have to be replicated, though,” he finally said. “Don’t think I can stand that long and El’s done quite enough putting up with my moaning and groaning for me to ask her to cook.”

“Don’t you think I’ve interrupted you two enough in the past couple of days?” Lucius shot Rick an amused glance but it shifted to concern as Rick managed to stand.

“I think we’ll be okay for the next few days.” Rick stood in front of the replicator and ordered an angus beef burger with port wine cheese, onion and lettuce. Then steak fries and a large ice water. He could feel the eyes of Lucius and El watching him as he slowly carried the plate over to the table, then back to the replicator, then the glass. “Guys, I’m good. Chill. El? Do you want something?”

She knew he was going too fast and wasn’t happy about it. But complaining would only fall on deaf ears--ironic for someone from a “listening” race. She made a lame attempt at a smile and pulled his chair for him. “I’ll get it. You’re starving, no doubt. Go ahead and start.”

Once seated, he began eating, ignoring the glances between the other occupants in the room.

“So, Lucius? Yay or nay?” she asked.

“I actually can’t stay that long. I need to go see Jackson and try to think of some reason for delaying dinner with Marianna till Li’s home.” Lucius did sit down by Rick. “And we have some business.”

El’Shar sat at the table as well with the same order Rick had gotten, with exception of the water. She’d opted for sweet iced tea. “Nothing too pressing is it, Lucius? He’s acting tougher than he is, but I don’t want to press him too much into getting back on duty.”

“No, just a couple of news items. One concerns you, the other is a promise.” Lucius looked to Rick. “Which you want first?”

Rick took El’s hand and gently squeezed as he answered Lucius. “Surprise me.”

“Very well. The promise. I have an interesting story to tell you once you’re up and around that will shed some light on this. It can wait, however. JAG and Security are going to be buried in wrapping up all the loose ends for a little while, as is Intel. Sakkath will be available to help you as needed till Li is home.”

“It almost sounded like you were actually going to tell me what the promise was,” Rick said as he dipped a fry in ketchup. “Oh well. And the other?” he asked.

“That was the promise - to tell you a story. Now for the news. With Eria’s arrest, and all the proof that came with it, she's been removed from Starfleet entirely. Granted, the witnesses here still need to be interviewed by command for the record, but the case is open and shut. And since she is gone, that leaves open her spot on the command council. Since her focus was this quadrant, they wanted a replacement that knows the territory. Tomas and I had a recommendation and they’ve agreed.” Lucius winked at El, then turned back to Rick. “Congratulations and welcome to Starfleet Command.”

Rick froze, mid-bite of the burger. He then quickly tried to chew but decided against it and spit the bite into his napkin and wadded it up. “I’m not leaving this station, Lucius,” he said, almost as a warning. “I don’t want to stop being 900’s commanding officer. I hope to hell that bit was addressed?”

“That was my demand going in. Let’s say I drive a hard bargain. My rationale was that if you are overseeing DQ operations, why would you be anywhere but here? This is a frontier and if you are to be effective, you need to be on that frontier.” Lucius leaned back in his chair with a smile. “So? What do you say?”

“The only thing I can say--you’re amazing!” Rick said punctuated with a clap on Lucius’ shoulder. “How can I argue with that? I guess I’m in--oh...damn. I guess this means there will be all sorts of boring meetings. Bleh. You just suckered me into being one of you administrative stiffs.” Rick smiled at the jab.

“Oh, honey! Congratulations!” El hugged him, gently and kissed his cheek. “I guess it seems only right to promote the best man for the job in a situation like this.”

“That about says it all El.” Lucius rose and patted Rick lightly on the shoulder. “So, once you get your ass back in gear, we’ll see you in C&C. SFC will want a statement from you but once that’s done, you can get down to business.”

“I know I’ll be ready to get back to work,” Rick replied after some water. “And I’m pretty sure El will want me out of her hair before too long as well,” he added with a wink for El. “Thank you, Lucius, and if you see Tomas, thank him for me as well. I appreciate the recommendation.”

“Of course. He says he will be staying over for another week or so to explore out here a little and have some R&R so you’ll see him. To be honest, I think this whole mess took a lot out of him, like it did with us. He trusted her and it blew up all over everyone.” Lucius stepped back to the door. “Take it easy and if you two need anything, yell. Aia offered to take you to dinner tomorrow night El, so if you want to, I’ll come entertain this guy. Poker night.”

“You should probably take her up on that offer,” Rick added. “I don’t want you harboring some pent up aggression because I wind up driving you crazy.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” she replied. “I’m definitely going to need some time off and Aia is the perfect dinner mate.”

“She is at that. In that case, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Lucius opened the doors and let himself out, leaving the couple behind at the dinner table.

Rick inclined his head toward El as she rubbed the back of his neck and head. “I really am happy for you,” she said. “Is this something you’d been wanting?”

“Honestly? I had never even thought about it. I was just happy out here doing my own thing,” he said. “Now I guess I really can do my own thing. I’m just happy that they didn’t expect me to go back to Earth and fly a desk or something. If I went back there permanently I’d hope that it was just for us, kinda’ like we discussed the other day.”

She smiled and realized just how much she loved him because he loved her so much. And maybe, sometime in the future, it would be just the two of them making their own little family.

“Now,” he announced, “how’s about the little lady clearing the table for us?”

The smile fell from her face and she arched an eyebrow as she slowly turned back to face him.

“Kidding!” he laughed. “I was kidding!”

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Walking A Thin Line With El

Captain El-Shar Blackhorse (ret.)
Already Tempted to Smack Him

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Bearer Of Glad Tidings


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