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Last Dance With Major Dave

Posted on Tue May 26th, 2015 @ 2:04pm by Major David Lorenz & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground

* * * Guest Quarters - The Cherry Pit * * *

Anaar entered her quarters at a brisk trot. Everything...absolutely everything...was going down in flames and she had no intentions of getting burned along with the rest. She had been watching Admiral Azoulay’s quarters when Security had come to take her away. That was all Anaar needed to see. If they had the Admiral, then Anaar was under no illusions that the woman wouldn’t be more than happy to name names. Screw that last target. It was time to hit the trail before Security showed at her door too.

She took a few precious seconds to scan the room, deciding what was essential to take. Finally she decided on just what was needed for a few days. Thanks to the Admiral, Anaar was well provided for - she could get whatever she needed once she landed somewhere. Grabbing a bag, she tossed in a few clothes, and her hairbrush, along with the dart gun she had used on Holbridge and her spare knife. What was left was of no consequence and in under five minutes she was out the door.

* * * Docking Bay * * *

As she had hoped, the docking areas were crowded and that was to her advantage. She also was sporting her own natural hair, which no one had seen on this station. Once she had secured passage on a transport going back through the wormhole, she blended into the crowd. The urge to run was strong but moving at the pace of the crowd was less likely to draw attention she knew. HItching her bag up on her shoulder, she surged ahead with the rest.

Marine Barracks Command Center

It was that time, the first of the new Arrow-class gunabout transports were finally on the station. Holbridge Industries Quality Control inspectors were as thorough as Jim was, making Dave Lorenz breathe a little easier about his new transports’ space worthiness. Even so, Dave was a hands on commander and wanted to see the shiny new gadgets his buddy’s company had turned out. With that, Dave tossed a padd at WO Brooks, earning him a dirty look from his AO as he left his office. “Tell Tom he has the deck until I return.” Dave ordered.

Docking Bay

Fucking bureaucrats! Dave raged silently as he exited the turbolift. Some limpwick assmunch in Holbridge Industries’ Shipping had mislabeled the gunabouts as Starfleet equipment and the nine gunabouts were sitting on the civilian docking pads, clogging up the works. Major Lorenz and his transport chiefs made their way through the crowd of impatient people until they got to the front of the room. “Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your kind attention!” Dave began, but no one seemed to be in the mood to listen

A sharp whistle pierced the air. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” a loud, female voice shouted. When the hubbub of voices died, the voice said, “All yours, major!”

“Thank you, Chief Crouch!” Lorenz said with a lopsided grin, then turned to face the crowd. “Ladies and gents, due to a bureaucratic SNAFU, my transports are on the civilian landing pad. Flight Control is getting the necessary authorizations to move them This shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Please bear….”

David looked directly at a woman who stirred his memory…Holy shitfire, that...may….Jesus Christ! His eyes zeroed in on the woman as he made his way towards her. “Marines, cover all exits, please.” Lorenz ordered calmly. The transport pilots immediately moved to cover the exit portals in the docking bay. Lorenz kept his focus on the woman until he was almost next to her. “I need to see some identification, ma’am.” he demanded coldly, his right hand fondling the butt of his 3p on his hip.

Anaar looked up and couldn’t believe her colossal bad luck. That last target was standing before her and demanding her papers.

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Oh, you didn’t hear that? Let me say it a little clearer: Put your fucking hands in the air before I shoot you!” Lorenz swiftly pulled his 3p, keeping it aimed center-mass. The crowd began to shout again, and roving Security teams converged.

“What’s the problem, major?” a Security officer asked, noting Dave’s glare and stance.

“This woman attempted to kill Jim Holbridge. I have video evidence as to sources and means. I want her taken into custody!” Lorenz said in his don’t-mess-with-me-command voice.

Anaar froze, not believing what she was hearing. Panic flooded her, and the urge to flee rode her hard. She had to get away, get out. How could they know? She looked around her, searching for a break in the crowd, some way to make herself scarce. Off to her right, a group parted and she darted towards it, slipping her hand into her bag. her fingers closed on her knife.

Lorenz saw the two Security officers close in behind her, trying to cut off her escape, then stopped short. “There's no way, lady,” he said in a loud voice. “My guys have the exits blocked and I am sure there’s more Security coming. You need to stop running now!” Dave aimed his 3p still center-mass. “I will shoot you!”

“Sir, we…”

“Stand down, lieutenant!” Lorenz barked. “Instead of me pointing out how senior I am to you, I am asking you to please secure her. Please don’t make me issue you an order!”

“Yessir!” the Security man nodded, moving to take Anaar into custody, only to collapse in a heap as the woman slashed at his throat with a deadly move of her knife.

“Medical emergency, Docking Ring, my location!” the other Security officer shouted grabbing his buddy’s neck. “Two to beam directly to Sickbay!”

The two officers vanished in a swirl of blue but Anaar pushed forward, driven by pure survival instinct now. She felt a hand on her clothes and tried to twist out of the grip but they had her tight. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Dave close enough to touch, holding her dress tight. She spit in his face and brought the knife around, slashing at his hand.

Dave dropped his 3p in surprise, but had expected her to make some sort of move. He quickly launched a pak sau block, followed by an eagle claw to her throat, missing as she twisted out of the way of the attack, freeing herself in the process. “Let her go!” Dave snarled at his Marines. “Little Miss Bitchbag here wants to dance! Tell ya what, you beat me you go free! Deal?” he smiled holding his hands up in a ready position. Please take the bait, ya silly bitch! Dave thought to himself, hoping to God that the woman didn’t notice Chief Georgia Crouch creeping up on her with her own 3p drawn.

Anaar knew better to take on a man so much larger. She turned away and dove into the crowd, right into the arms of Chief Crouch. It was such a surprise that Anaar screamed aloud, and her knife clattered to the deck plating.

Dave walked over to where Crouch held Anaar, picking up his 3p as he did so. He quickly made an adjustment on his piece, then whipped the barrel into the face of the now-still Anaar. “You like screwing with unarmed civilians, do you?” he said in a low, angry voice. “Or are you the kind that gets off on killing innocents at the behest of some asshole pulling the strings?” Lorenz looked at her coldly, fingering his weapon then holstering it. “The hell with it, you are not worth it!” Dave looked at the Marine holding the woman. “Chief Crouch, assist Security in taking this piece of shit to the brig!”

Crouch simply nodded and tightened her hold on the woman, forcing her to walk. Lorenz watched Crouch walk away, admiring the skill and professionalism the woman showed. The blood from his wound felt warm on his hand, but he wasn’t paying attention. My friend will have justice! he thought.

David tapped his combadge, “Lorenz to Harrison, your signal is RTB at your convenience.”

=/\=Aye, sir. Ye get the bastard who got to Jimmy-Boy?=/\= asked Harrison’s voice.

“Yep. I gotta get my hand taken care of, though! No sex with Rosie Palmer for awhile!” Dave laughed as he cut the channel.

Anaar stopped walking and looked back to Dave. “You should know something...and keep it in mind.”

Dave went over to where Crouch held Anaar in an iron grip. “What the fuck do you have to tell me, you piece of shit?” he demanded in a cold, angry voice.

“You were the next on her list. If she hadn’t been so stupid, you’d be dead now.”

Dave smiled, letting some of the anger twist the handsome features of his face into a mask of hatred and rage. “It takes a helluva lot more than an assassin like you working for a piece of shit like your boss. Get her outta here, Crouch!”

“Yessir! Move it, lady!” Crouch drove her fist into Anaar's back, maintaining her iron grip.

Anaar gasped as the breath rushed out of her. When she spoke, her voice was a harsh whisper. “If that lets you sleep at night, then sure. Your friend might think otherwise.” She turned and Crouch led her out through the parting crowd.

Dave looked at his pilots, then at the crowd. “What a way to make a living!” he grinned. “Okay, Marines, let’s move like we got a purpose!”

“Uh, major, your hand is bleeding rather profusely, sir!” a pilot remarked.

“Well, shut my mouth and call me a Horta!” Lorenz smiled wider. “So it is. Ballinger, take charge of this detail and get my transports to the Marine bay. I’ll be in sickbay looking after my booboo. Might have to amputate if this teeny lil cut gets any bigger!” He growled good-naturedly as he walked towards a turbolift.


Major David Lorenz
Eagle-Eyed Ass Kicker


The Dance Is Over


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