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A Few Kind Words & A Dance

Posted on Tue May 26th, 2015 @ 6:04pm by Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Six of Ten & Vic & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Six's Quarters / The Nexus Club

* * * Six's Quarters * * *

Six stood in the middle of her (now solo) living room and turned in a slow circle. It looked much more like a home now, a Borg. The thought came to mind and she grumbled. Bryce had suggested some places on the Promenade and they'd turned out to be good ones. The Risan shop in particular had been great and now her rooms had a definite resort theme. It seemed fitting, she thought, given she'd known of Risa her whole life but had never had the chance to go, for obvious reasons, at least until on a summer break from the Academy. She had also added some plants that came from the florist. A nice young science officer who said his name was Ian had suggested a few that did better under the usual station lighting.

One last look told her everything was done and she was glad. Now she felt less like a visitor and more like she belonged here. There was one last thing she needed and -- the door chime interrupted her and she hurried over to open it. Two men from the cargo bays crew were there with a large crate between them. It was taller than they were and they eyed Six somewhat warily.

"Oh! Please, come on in." She stood aside to let them move the crate through the door. "The second bedroom, please." She hadn't missed their expressions but let it go. They were doing her a favor, a big one. They guided the crate through the living room and into the second bedroom. Six followed, standing in the doorway, watching as they unsealed the crate. Inside was Six's regeneration alcove. Seeing what was in the crate, the two crewmen exchanged a look that spoke volumes as to their opinion on such technology. Anger flared up in Six and she cleared her throat.

"It won't eat you you know." She looked from one to the other, her arms crossed. "Just leave it and take the crate, I'll move it and set it up."

One of the men looked a little dubious at that. "You? Move this by yourself? It outweighs a little thing like you by a ton," he joked. The other man nudged him and mouthed a single word. 'Borg.'

The first man shrugged. "As you wish."

Six moved on into the room and taking hold of the alcove, pushed it across the room and to the far corner. "There. Much better."

The crewmen watched, expecting to get a good laugh from her attempt but when the alcove moved, they turned and made a hasty exit.

"Thanks," she no one.

* * * The Nexus Club* * *

Six decided that what she needed was a night out. The idea of going out alone was a little daunting but she had to take that step at some point, it might as well be tonight. After some consideration, she pulled out a dress in black satin, strapless and close fitting. If she was going out, she was really going out and that meant the Nexus Club. She hadn’t requested a reservation, opting instead for the main bar. It seemed to be a good middle ground.

Skirting the edge of the show lounge, she entered the main bar area where Vic was on duty. It was show time so the bar itself wasn’t full. A few tables here and there held people in conversation and sharing drinks. So far so good. A few looked up, watching her as she passed and she finally stopped at the bar. Vic looked up from the other end and smiled. He finished the drink he was making, handed it to the waitress and moved down to stand before Six.

“Welcome.” Vic's smile lingered and he realized he was having trouble forming any words beyond that.

“Thanks.” This man seemed nice enough and Six’s empathic senses told her he was a little starstruck. Interesting. That was a much different reaction than usual. “Umm...what’s good?”

Vic blinked then snapped to attention. “I have something you might like.” Oh that came out wrong. He began to mix her drink. “The owner’s favorite...lemonade with his family’s bourbon in it.”

“Sounds good.” Six settled on a stool, glad to be around someone who didn’t act like she was going to assimilate them any second. The drink came and the bartender was right, it was delicious, like sunshine in a glass.

“I’m Vic,” he said, and offered his hand.

Six shook it and and smiled. “Ensign Six.”

Next to Six, an Orion appeared. This evening, she had red hair and had donned a glittery red sheath that hugged her curves. She interrupted the two, "Evening, I'll have one of what she's having, please." It was only then that she caught she was interrupting something that felt like it was more than just introductions.

“Coming right up, Reva.” Vic mixed the drink and passed it to her.

“Reva!” Six turned to see the Orion and smiled brightly. “I’m glad to see you. And the red looks lovely.”

"Thanks! I had some... issues with my hair earlier," she smirked at Vic. "This seemed like a fun solution. Are you out alone tonight, Six?"

“I decided to brave it and see what this place was all about. It’s beautiful!” She sipped at the lemonade and smiled. “And this man here? One of the first besides our group that didn’t give me the evil eye.”

"Oh, Borg." Reva shook her head, disappointed in how people held onto prejudices. "Perhaps Vic has faced things scarier than you?" She winked at Six. "Just today, he faced down a huge threat to the Station. Right, Vic?"

“That I did and this one had eight legs. He was this big.” Vic held up his hands forming a circle about the size of a dinner plate. “It made Chance scream like a little girl. Begging your pardon, ladies.”

Six laughed at the description. “And it wasn’t Iggy?”

"No, it wasn't!" Reva laughed with Six. "It might be Iggy's mate, though. We found an egg sac, too." She shuddered. "That one will probably give me nightmares."

A horrified look passed over Six’s face. “Even after all I’ve seen, that is creepy. They’re not still loose I hope? Please tell me they aren’t.”

Reva laughed again. "No, no, the spider and the eggs are in secure habitats in Goodshire's lab. I'm sure he'll be thrilled when he returns, since he's an entomologist, not an arachnologist."

“Well, if they are Iggy’s, he might be investigating a new life form entirely. Even more new than Iggy.” She handed her glass back to Vic and moments later he gave her a new drink.

“Another for you Reva?”

"Ah, sure," she nodded. "Have you met Iggy, Six?"

“No, not yet. Maybe soon. I have one more day off then to duty I go so I’ll be in the science center.” Six smiled to Vic as he brought Reva’s drink. He still seemed nice, even after enduring girl conversation. The feeling she picked up from him seemed genuine. It was a nice change.

"Wanna dance, Six?" Reva gestured toward the dance floor where several couples were swaying to the music.

“Do you lead? I’ve danced, like that, exactly once. A waltz I think it was.” Six glanced at the floor curiously.

“That is a shame,” Vic stated. “You should learn if you intend to come here often. It’s generally a safe place, as Reva can tell you, and the atmosphere suits you.”

Six actually blushed at the words. “Thank you, Vic.”

"Vic, would - could you dance with her? I'm not good enough to lead," Reva asked him.

“I’m due up for a break, so I’m game if you are Six.”

Six gave Reva ‘the look’ then stood. “Very well, thank you.” Vic took her hand and led her back through to the dance floor, leaving Reva at the bar.

A male voice spoke behind her. “Good evening. Is this seat taken? If she’s coming back I’ll give it up, I promise.”

"She's coming back," Reva answered then faced the man. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "But you can sit there till she does."

“Thanks.” The man flashed her a bright smile. He ordered a whiskey from the relief bartender and sat down beside Reva. “Ensign Madhava, yes?”

Startled, she looked at the man again. "Um, yeah. Should I know you?" She had assumed he was picking her up, or trying, at least. But now she wasn't reading that off of him.

“We’ve not met yet no.” He offered his hand. “Counselor Raj Amani, lieutenant, newly arrived. Well a day ago.”

"Oh, good to meet you, Lieutenant," she shook his hand and grinned, having picked up that he was in high spirits and ready for fun. "And welcome to the strangest place in the Federation."

“So I’m hearing.” Raj drink his whiskey down and motioned for another. “One day in and I hear we’ve arrested a JAG member and an Admiral. Plus an admiral shot, an admiral’s aide downed..” He shrugged. “My office is in Piper, I heard it all. So, now that things are settling a little, it’s time to relax and see the station.”

Nearly choking on her drink, Reva stared at him. "What? Gods! I was just referring to weirdness like random people showing up who aren't really there and talking spiders breeding in the Jeffries tubes! What admiral was killed? Wegener?"

“He’s fine and already home,” Raj answered, “as is Admiral Hawke’s aide. There were some other issues but…” he raised his glass and drained it. “They are recovering. “ Her words sank in now. “Wait, talking...spiders?”

"Oh, yeah. They're about yay big," she held her hands about a foot apart, "and have these huge fangs," she held her finger and thumb about three inches apart. An exaggeration, to be sure, but then she wasn't telling the poor guy the whole story. "Enormous things. And a cadet told me that the egg sac we found has something insane like a hundred, two hundred eggs in it." She watched his reaction.

Raj blinked back her. “Now that? Is the sort of thing that drives people to my door in droves. That’s enough to make me want to come see me.” He grinned at Reva. “So, besides the spiders, what else should I know now that I am here?”

She laughed. "You took that very well. The spider is the ward of the Chief of Security. What else could I tell you about...?" Reva thought about all the odd things she'd heard about the Station. "Huh... Guess there isn't anything I can tell you, really." Leaning in a little, she looked him over curiously. "Are you an empath?"

“That’s sort of complicated, actually.” He looked back at her, noting her curiosity. “I am Kriosian so I suppose in a sense, yes I am but it’s a little deeper than that. Why?”

"Just curious," she smiled at him. "Dance with me?"

“I’d be delighted.” Raj hopped off the stool and led her out to the floor.

To Be Continued...

Ensign Six
Ensign Reva MAdhava
Lt. Raj Amani


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