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I've Got You Under My Skin

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2015 @ 3:04am by Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * Deck 275 - The Nexus Club * * *

Dru kept looking down at her dress. She was afraid that she had overdressed for the occasion, but Nico was adamant that they dress to the nines for their dinner date. Walking past some of the storefronts in the Promenade she caught glimpses of herself in some reflective surfaces and finally agreed that she looked lovely and just hoped that Nico agreed.

She had her long, blonde hair in a loose braid and wore a black, fitted dress of black velvet that complimented her figure and stopped just above her knees. It covered only one shoulder, leaving the other and her arms bare and was, perhaps, a little more daring than her usual but this was a special occasion wasn’t it?

Just barely over the threshold of the Nexus and there was Nico. He stood, silent as he waited but that didn’t stop the surprised glances of those who had seen him on the station. His long hair was loose as usual but tonight his casual clothes had given way to black tuxedo pants, white shirt, and a black and white brocade vest, topped with a black tie and white dinner jacket. A bracelet of heavy latinum links adorned his left wrist. His other hand was in his pocket and he appeared to be completely at rest for a change. In fact, he could have been a formalwear magazine spread and a passing waitress watched him until she almost tripped over a chair. Seeing Dru, a smile appeared on his face that was only for her.

She couldn’t help but blush. She could feel his mental touch and it made her feel all warm and happy to be so close to him. “You look absolutely amazing, Nico! You clean up real nice.” She giggled.

He laughed softly and slipped his arm around her. “I’ve been told that once or twice, but it’s been a long time.” He leaned down to give her a quick kiss. “And you, Dru, have taken my breath away.”

Putting her arm through his they walked in to be seated. “I won’t keep it long,” she said. “I like you alive and well, no matter how good you think I look.” She looked around inside the entry area and shook her head. “I haven’t been in here in so long, I had forgotten just how beautiful it was.” Turning to him she added, “I’m glad we’re finally getting to go out like this. Thank you for taking me.”

“We both needed it.” He gave his name to Camille and then turned to follow her, Dru at his side. “Especially to be out, enjoying ourselves with no worries, nothing hanging over us...well over me anyway.” They reached the table and after he thanked Camille, he held Dru’s chair for her. The table was right by the dance floor and he was relieved that one had opened up.

She waited until he was seated and said, “If it affects you, it affects me. And not just because I can feel your pain, literally.”

“I know.” He fell silent, simply watching her and finding it impossible to look away. Tonight the aura he carried was relaxed, with a heavy load of his desire mixed in. A server appeared for their drink orders. “Dru?” His attention was still on her, unwavering.

“Um…” she thought about what she might want, not having really given it any thought before now. “A glass of moscato and an ice water.”

“Bring the bottle, and make it the 2378,” Nico ordered. The server nodded and moved away. “Good choice.” He reached for her hand and raised it to his lips. “Glad to be out of the office, out of Piper, out of...all of it?”

So glad,” she replied. “I know what I went through was nothing compared to what you did, but I almost wish I had been able to take a little more time off from work. Then again, it feels good to be back at it. It gives me something to keep my mind of what all has happened. Hopefully you’ll be able to do the same.”

“A few more pieces have settled, it’s true. Maybe now it’s just a matter of time.” He rose and offered his hand. “Dance?”

“It’s been a while,” she said, a bit unsure of her dancing skills. But she took his hand and stood with him. “Go easy on me, okay?”

“For now,” he whispered at her ear. Up on the stage, Eli was beginning the early set and his first song was an old Sinatra tune: “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”. Nico took Dru in his arms and began to lead her around the floor with surprising ease. Other couples joined them and soon the floor was full.

He was such a skillful dancer which made it much easier for her to follow along and not trip over her own feet. After loosening up a bit more it almost felt like they were floating around the dance floor. And Eli’s tune, it felt like it was just for them.

“You are simply amazing,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t realize you had so many different talents!”

“I’ve been around you might say.” He smiled down at her and left it at that. He turned her under his arm, then pulled her back against him. Breathing in her scent, he touched her thoughts and sent a most sensual image to her, of the two of them as they’d been the previous night - and didn’t miss a step.

She, on the other hand, blushed and turned red all the way down her chest. “Too much more of that and you’re going to make me fall,” she said with a throaty laugh. “Not that I minded it at all,” she added as he spun her around.

“Better in person but this will do..for now.” He gave a soft laugh. “And don’t tempt me, I’m trying to be good.” In truth, Nico was really enjoying himself. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted, knowing that the woman who was supposed to be on his side but had stood and watched his torture was now paying for it. His smile lingered as he tilted up her head and kissed her deeply. The music had slowed and Nico along with it.

Her breath caught as he kissed her. Almost like all of this was a dream--one hell of a dream. When their lips parted her eyes were still closed. “Oh...I could do with more of that.” Her eyes popped open and she looked around. “But not here, obviously. That would just be awkward. I think we’re putting on enough of a show as it is.” She let her hand run through his hair and along his neck.

“Let them look. If they’d been through what we have, they would understand. We have so many reasons to celebrate so let them look.” For once, he didn’t mind the attention. “I think the wine has arrived. Shall we?”

She was laughing now at how much fun she’d had dancing with him. He was such a good dance partner and he made dancing so easy. Seated again she loved seeing him smile. It was such a rarity with him and now it could be something she would see regularly. “That was fun! We’ll have to do it again before the night is over.”

“We will.” The server went through the whole ceremony with the wine and once Nico had tasted it and nodded his approval the glasses were filled. He raised his glass to Dru. “I think you’ll like this is from a year that the suns were perfect. To us,” he added and touched his glass to hers.

“To us,” she echoed and took a sip. “It’s wonderful. Everything tonight is wonderful,” she said. “So, what’s on the menu? Do you feel like being adventurous and ordering for your date?”

“If you wish.”

He looked up to the server, who spoke. “The special this evening is --”

“We’ll have that,” Nico instructed and once again, the server hurried off. “And I hope you’re feeling adventurous, it’s a local seafood from Archadia...but not the frogs.” He began to laugh and had to set his glass down to wipe his eyes.

She couldn’t help but watch him. She placed her hand on his. “I don’t think you understand just how happy it makes me to see you this way,” she said. “It is such a turn from how you were when we first met. I know Robin, and all of this...stupidity as of late, had something to do with it, but I like to think that I played a special part.” She winked and went flush again thinking of the image he had shared with her earlier.

“More than you may ever know, Dru,” he admitted honestly. “There’s so much to be said when someone like you thinks I am good enough to pay attention to and to care be wanted and understood is a first for me.”

She’d already said it once, but she worked up the courage to say it again. “To be loved?”

He turned his hand over, entwining his fingers with hers. Perhaps it was that night you lectured me on the value of friendship. You were so adamant and a deadly aim with your finger too, I might add. He smiled at her for a moment. Or maybe earlier when you came to Saturnalia to find me the night after I fled Robin’s office.

For a moment she was concerned that she was moving too fast for him, but she knew it in her heart and could feel it each time she was around him, or even when she was alone. “I don’t want to push you too far too fast, Nico,” she said, “but…” she shrugged and smiled--she couldn’t help it, “I love you.”
His blue eyes held hers and his first impulse was to whisper it in her thoughts b
ut that wasn’t what she needed. She was right of course and he had known it before he’d ever dared touch her.

“I love you, too, Dru.” His voice was soft, the words audible but they seemed to wrap around her, filling her mind as well. The fleeting thoughts that preceded his words were passed to her in an instant.

They couldn’t seem to tear their eyes from each other and only did so as the server arrived with their meal. He cleared his throat to gain their attention and, hard as it was, she had to let go of his hand.

“Thank you,” she said to him as he placed the dish in front of her. “It smells wonderful.” She took a sip of the ice water to cool herself. It had gotten quite a bit warmer in the Nexus in the past few moments.

Nico nodded to the server, who paused. A silent conversation seemed to pass between them and then the man moved away. He lifted his fork and took a bite, pausing to savor the flavors. “This is amazing. I must tell Jackson when I see him.”

Dru had already taken a few bites of the dish, and the side which looked like some sort of rice or couscous, then sipped at her wine. “Score one for Nico,” she said. “Make that two. Hell, make it three!” she laughed, then explained. “A great place to eat, wonderful dancing and an excellent choice for dinner. If I didn’t know better I would think you were trying to spoil me.”

“Not a bad thing, you know.” He reached for the wine bottle and refilled their glasses. Once it was back on ice, he went back to his dinner. He finished it off, surprised to find he had been so hungry. After a drink of the wine, he looked to Dru. “So what happens now?”

“Normally one would let their food settle and maybe take another spin around the dance floor,” she said with a smirk. “I know, you didn’t mean that.” She finished the last of her meal and their dinner plates were scooped up and whisked away. “I guess the question really is what do you want to happen now?”

The question brought a slow smile and a wicked gleam to his eyes but he knew she meant big picture. “I might want a lot of things, Dru. I also might not take no for an answer.”

With a smile she took a sip of her wine but her eyes kept their focus on him. “That goes for the both of us,” she said as she arched an eyebrow. “But for us, long term, we don’t have to do anything right away. Or we could be crazy and do everything right away. But the latter is much more difficult.”

Nico moved his glass aside and took her hand. “Let’s go back to the beach.”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh, that would be great, Nico! I loved being at the beach. I’m sure Robin would give me a little more time off. We could get a small place to stay there for a few days if you wanted.”

“I do. I think, under the circumstances, he will understand. Can you find someone to fill in for you?” he asked.

“There are plenty of people who could temporarily take my position for Robin,” she replied. “And you’re right. I think he would be more than willing to give me some time off after everything that has happened. He’s not the type to do that for himself, though. He likes to work through it. That bothers me some.”

“Me too. Maybe I’ll bring that up at our next session.” He laughed at his own joke. “Let’s dance some more.” He rose and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. “I told the waiter we’re taking dessert with us.”

“Ooh! I hope it’s tiramisu!” she said as they found the dance floor and she melted into his arms again.

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Looking So Good in Love

Finding The Words


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