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Lunch With The Boys

Posted on Tue Jun 9th, 2015 @ 11:27pm by Lani Gellar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: CoronaTech Offices
Timeline: Following "Barefoot In The Park"

CoronaTech Offices

"I'm back!" Lani called out. "Lock the door will you JL?" Her arms were full of takeout containers and she shifted as one slipped a little.

"Sure thing." JL tapped in the lock code as Malcolm hurried over to relieve Lani of some of the containers.

"This smells delicious." Malcolm led the way down the hall to the conference room. He set down the containers, then took the rest from Lani.

"Has that manifest come in?" she asked. She reached into her back and removed a handful of napkins.

"It did," JL answered as he entered the room behind them. "So, like the doctor ordered, we're done for the day."

The three assistants sat down as the aroma of grilled beef and french fries scented the air. "Oh my gosh, I have been craving a real burger since we left Pacifica." Lani gobbled down a french fry, then reached for the cheeseburger. She took a bite and moaned with satisfaction. The choice of lunch was a striking contrast to the sleek, understated furnishings of the conference room that screamed refinement and affluence. She didn't care - a girl wanted what a girl wanted.

JL and Malcolm exchanged a look at her moan and Malcolm spoke up. "Umm...Lani? How is it that with noises like that you're still single?"

"That's what I'm saying," JL chimed in. "I mean you're young, brilliant, and hot when you're not all business-y. Especially when you're chowing down on a burger and making noises like that."

Lani wiped her mouth and glared at the two men who, since they had joined her and Niall four years ago, had become like brothers to her. "Don't go down that road, fellas. But thanks, I see you have good taste." She pretended to preen, then dug back into her french fries.

"Hey it's up to us to look out for your social life. You spend too much time with Dr. Android," Malcolm stated and all three laughed. It was a perennial office joke, and one that amused Niall, though they didn't know it. "You need to meet a real boy."

"Maybe one of these days," she replied and reached for her water. "The assistant that you replaced, JL? She had this gleam in her eyes where Niall was concerned and never really gave up hope. I tried to break it to her gently that even if she was a siren from ancient Greece, it was never going to happen. He won't cross that line between work and his private life. As long as I've known him, he never has. It's also why he never hires telepaths. He let her go to be merciful I think." She shrugged. "We got you out of the deal JL, so it's all good."

"Thanks kiddo." JL smiled, then bit into his own burger.

The three of them, thanks to long hours and constant travel together had become a little family - a family that included Niall in an odd way, even though after-hours socializing never happened. They still looked out for him in every way they could and their attention secretly pleased him. He made sure they knew how much he appreciated their efforts - in a most generous fashion.

They had fallen silent as they ate but now, all three had given in and pushed their food away with groans of a different sort. Lani wiped her mouth once more, then took a long drink of water.

"Okay boys, since lunch is for office gossip, today I have something."

That got the attention of the two men in an instant. "Do tell," Malcolm ordered.

"Well, while I was waiting on lunch to be made, I was talking to the waitress. I figured that since I am new on the station, she would be a great one to ask about places to go and see. She gave me quite a few places, including the local watering holes, both polite and rough. She said that if I've been in space a while, I really should see the arboretum and get a little taste of trees, grass, and flowers. So since these containers were keeping the food warm, I stopped by there just to take a look."

"And?" JL prompted. "I assume there's a point looming on the horizon?"

She made a face at JL and nodded. "So I arrived there and guys, it's huge! It seemed to go on forever and the waitress was right. There's trees and grass and gorgeous flowers. Some kids were playing with a is awesome! And then I thought I was going to drop the food right there where I stood. I saw Niall. He was walking along with the station's Chief Counselor."

Malcolm frowned. "The counselor? Why?"

"I don't know," Lani answered. "The Counselor's quarters is where I delivered that bottle of Aldebaran whiskey last night. An old acquaintance, I gather, that he hasn't seen in years."

"Well that would explain last night but today?" JL rested his arms on the table and leaned in a little. "Wait, you said he's the Chief Counselor?" When Lani nodded, he continued. "Do you think he's seeing this counselor professionally? I mean think about it. He lives under immense stress most of the time and we have no idea what he does when he's not at work...not that he's ever not at work much. And who does he have to vent to? He won't do it with us."

Malcolm nodded. "It makes sense. Someone to discuss all that with who is sworn to secrecy and isn't involved with Niall's life in any other fashion? It's ideal for him." He lifted one last french fry and pointed at Lani with it. "Unless he cries on your shoulder and you don't tell us?"

She shook her head. "Nope, not in the least. You present a convincing argument, but get this - they were barefoot and he'd taken off his jacket and tie. Have you ever seen him barefoot?" JL and Malcolm stared back at Lani with their mouths open. "Close it boys, you two trying to catch flies?"

Finally both shook their heads. "I wasn't aware that he had feet, actually," Malcolm laughed. "I thought he had wheels, which is how he gets rolled into the closet after we turn him off at night."

Lani laughed as well and threw a napkin at Malcolm. "It was strange, but maybe it's all part of the process you know? Go out, walk in some lovely scenery to loosen Niall up and get him talking instead of sitting in an office where he might be as closed as he is everywhere else."

"And that is why you are his number one." JL smiled at his own pun about Niall's former Fleet status. "Though if this counselor can get Niall to open up, he's a miracle worker. Not that we'll ever know if he does or not."

"True that." Malcolm stood and began to clean up the lunch leftovers. "So since we're off early today, how about we go check out some of those places your waitress suggested?"

"I'm in," Lani answered.

"Me too. 2100 hours?" JL asked.

"We'll pick you up Lani." Malcolm dispensed with the food and wiped off the table.

"See you then." Lani left the conference room and moved down to Niall's office to make sure everything was locked down for the night.

Lani Gellar
Malcolm Trent
JL Axin
Dedicated Staff


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