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Say So Long Solaana

Posted on Fri Jun 12th, 2015 @ 1:18am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Solaana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

Archadia III

Will had stopped by the house on Archadia to clean up and dress once more in his palace clothing. He’d also had a run through the decontamination chamber on 900 to make sure there were no lingering traces of Seyla’s pheromones, which he had given in to on his visit. Now, he was ready and set out for the short walk to the palace. Once there, he was greeted as he passed through, eventually arriving to the Prime Minister’s area. He had made it with a few minutes to spare - one of the guards had informed him she was just landing and taking her transport to the palace.

Several minutes later, longer than the guard had said it would be, Solaana entered her chambers and glanced over Will. "Come, my dear, I have need of you," she commanded and walked past him into her bedroom.

He started to follow her then stopped. No hello, how are you….no questions as to their time apart, or that she had missed him. Seyla’s words rang in his head, more true than ever.

“Solaana?” He followed her to the bedroom, stopping in the door. “How was your trip?”

"Annoying and stressful," she answered. "How was your day, Will?" She moved around the room, removing her clothing.

That was a loaded question in Will’s opinion and he was immensely glad she wasn’t a telepath. “It was an interesting and enlightening one, my dear. That is putting it mildly.” She stood now before him in nothing and for a moment, he was tempted. Very tempted. And yet he hesitated.

She reached up and removed her necklace, watching Will as she did so. "Would you like an attendant to help you undress? Or shall I do it?" She smiled, but it was almost a smirk.

He looked her up and down and smiled. He had no idea if the trip had been all business or not but given her hurry, he was guessing it had been and thus why she wanted him so immediately.

“You do it,” he replied and stepped forward.

Quirking a brow up, Solaana approached him and slowly removed his clothing, piece by piece. With each, she folded the item and set it on a chair, turning her back on Will and bending over each time. She didn't touch him or kiss him till he was completely naked. Then she kissed him and teasingly asked, "What would you like next, milord?"

He leaned down and began to whisper in her ear, making her blush.

* * *

"Oh, Will, that was... fun," Solaana put an arm over his chest.

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I’m also glad you’re back.” He leaned over her and kissed her gently. “It seems you missed me.”

"There is that chance," she said. "I've been thinking about your request, my dear." She slowly ran her fingers through his hair.

“Which one was that? I recall making several, some of which I can’t repeat in polite company.” He laughed softly. “Do tell.”

She laughed. "Your house, Will. Do you still want it?"

“Sure. If it’s not an inconvenience,” he answered. Deep down, he wondered how his upcoming news would affect this but he was biding his time. He was keenly aware that he’d promised her their relationship had nothing to do with the house.

"It isn't inconvenient. I withheld approval because I wanted you here, in my bed. It was leverage," she kept stroking his hair, like she might a pet.

“Why did you want me so much, Solaana?” He brushed her cheek with his fingertips. “You wanted my promise that I wasn’t here because of that house and yet you used it yourself?”

"I did. I won't apologize. But I signed that paperwork a few days ago."

“I don’t know what to say.” He sat up and the sheet fell down around his waist. “I am grateful of course, so very much.” He ran his hand through his hair, then looked down at her where she lay among the pillows. “You didn’t believe me?”

"Not at first, but I see that you're settling in nicely." She smiled. "The courtiers are starting to mimic you."

That was a surprise to Will. “Mimic me? How?” He reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She wasn’t making this any easier. He had to find the words but first he wanted to hear this. “I wasn’t aware I had done anything that interesting.”

"Oh, but you have. You look me in the eye and don't cowtow to all the females. Plus, you do have a bit of a different style with your attire, even though you've tried to conform."

“And that is not an issue with the status quo?” There was that term again. With it came another vision of Seyla and he rubbed his eyes.

"Styles change, cultures change," she shrugged with one shoulder. "Some of the older women are upset that one or two of the men look them in the eyes."

“I hope it doesn’t cause problems for you or Melanippe,” Will said softly. He was silent a moment then decided he had to speak. “There’s something we need to talk about Solaana.” He raised her hand to his lips for a gentle kiss, then lowered her hand and met her gaze squarely.

"Oh, this feels serious, my dear." She sat up and arranged part of the sheets around her for modesty. "What is it?"

“I am needed back on the station.” He decided to ease into it and that was the best place to start. “I can’t be away permanently any longer, no matter how much I might enjoy my time here.”

"Then you could commute. Work there during the day, come here to me at night," she ignored how inconvenient that would be for him. "I'm sure Commander Leroy would agree to that."

"My off-time is my own, of course, and I could but there’s more.” He pursed his lips a moment. “There are things that I want and then there are things that just...happen. When I first joined you, you said two things. The first was that I must be faithful to you, completely. The second was that you couldn’t promise me the same. That hasn’t changed has it?”

"Why would it?" She looked at him like he'd gone off and grown a second head. "Have you not kept to your side of the bargain?"

“That’s not it, my darling. I want more. I want to be someone’s only one,” he admitted. “I can’t be your--” He stopped short of using Seyla’s word. “Your second or third or fourth. I’m just not wired that way I guess.”

"Hmm. I could marry you. Then you would always be my first husband." She was missing his point, since she could also have a second, third or fourth husband if she chose to.

He laughed for a moment. “And you don’t’s a cultural difference I suppose. But even being your first husband implies that there will be more, and I know you so well. There would be. Your men here accept it, it’s normal and they don’t feel the jealousy that I will. Or the jealousy you would feel if I had another.”

"They feel jealousy, but they know their place." She stood, leaving the sheet behind and went to the closet to pull out a robe. "You, though, dear, do not. I knew that and I hoped you would be able to handle it. I won't allow you to see others; it would reflect poorly on me. Does this mean you will no longer be my consort?"

“I had hoped I would be able to handle it too.” He rose and crossed to take her in his arms. “Have you ever wanted something to be what you wanted, but then it wasn’t what you thought it would be? Back in our previous days, things were different. I suppose the constant threat of death changes your perspective. Here? I was beginning to reach the point where I wanted to tackle you every time you left and ask if there had been another when you came home. You don’t need that sort of questioning.”

"That is an issue. I would have told you if you had asked." She pulled away from him and looked at him. "I don't want to be questioned, though. So, it might be time for you to leave."

“I’m sorry. Truly. I thought I could do it. But I can’t and you deserve better.” He took hold of her shoulders and kissed her gently. “It doesn’t change my feelings for you.” And Will realized it was true. He did care about her.

"You need to dress, William, or you'll find yourself naked on a shuttle back to the Station," she smiled tightly. She was burying whatever emotions she was having. But she needed him gone so that she wouldn't cry in front of him.

He nodded finally. “Will you call if you need me?”

"Of course, though I do have my own physician." She chuckled then pulled a bell rope. "The guard will be here in a moment."

Will nodded and began to get dressed. “I didn’t mean if you need a doctor.” He fastened the last button, then checked to make sure his clothes were right. “Sometimes, the expectation determines everything.” He crossed to the door and stopped. “Please take care of yourself.”

"And you as well, Will." She went to him and kissed him. "Be well. We'll see each other again."

“We will.” He took one last, long look at her then stepped out, closing the door behind him.

She stared at the door for a long moment then retreated to her bed and cried her heart out.

A few minutes later, Will boarded a shuttle for home, his mood somber. What he’d said to Solaana was true, there was no denying it. He wasn’t meant to be an ‘also-ran’ and for her sake, he regretted that. He watched out the window until they left the atmosphere and turned towards the station.

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Coming Home

Prime Minister Solaana
Sending Him Away


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