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First Time For Everything

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2015 @ 8:22pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Dr. Harding's Quarters

Seyla had never been in Will's quarters without him there, so she hadn't ever had the chance to just look and poke around. She was doing that now, checking out Will's choice of artwork. Will’s taste ran towards the more traditional - hunting scenes, horses, and one painting of a forested landscape in winter with a winding river. His quarters were definitely a man’s refuge, the furniture deep and comfortable, the rug beneath her feet deep and soft. Along the far wall was an antique map showing Earth in a heart shape. The noise of the station seemed muted here, far away. Behind her, the doors opened and Will entered, still wearing his court dress. Once they closed behind him, he spoke.

“Seyla.” His voice was hushed and he simply stood, his gaze seeming to drink her in.

"William." She glanced at him over her shoulder and smiled. "I like this map." She leaned in towards it and touched it where Europe was drawn. She turned towards him and sniffed the air. "You have the smell of Archadia on you."

“That map was drawn by Oronce Finé in 1514. It’s always been one of my favorites.” A smile settled on his face at the mention of Archadia. “You shouldn’t be surprised, I’ve been there almost two weeks. I had to stop in to my office and check in with Dr. Crane or I would’ve been here sooner.” He crossed the room and leaned down for a soft kiss. “And I need to change. I’m done with these clothes.”

"Oh, but they make you look so... masculine, darling." She smiled, vaguely sarcastically. This was strange for her. He wasn't paying her, he wasn't a client, she wasn't on duty... or was she?

He seemed to sense her slight awkwardness and reached out to take her hand. “You need a little time to wander, begin to feel more at home? Perhaps we could start with shedding the last traces of Archadia. It seems fitting that you are here to help with that, don’t you think?”

"Yes, Will," she said, smiling. This was a ritual she knew well: seducing a man while disrobing him - and she set to it easily. But the Archadian scent wasn't only on his clothes; it was on him, something she could smell even once he was naked. Without a word, she drew him into his shower and let hot water pour over them both. Together, they used his soap, his towels, his bed. She went through the motions just as if he were a client still. While he dozed in the afterglow, she sat up and left his bed.

Out in his living room, wearing one of his robes, she stood in front of his heart-shaped map of Earth. What the hell was she doing? Restless, she moved around his apartment, noting that nothing in it was even remotely her style. The plush carpet was nice, something she'd need to see about installing in her quarters, but the furnishings were large, dark, rich leather pieces; she sat in one and was swallowed by it. In her quarters, the furniture was sleek, slim-lined and comfortable without being excessive. Her furniture invited men to stay only for a short time; his furniture invited anyone to relax and stay awhile.

Will had risen and now stood in the doorway, clad also in one of his robes, watching her as she drifted around the room. Finally he spoke. “They’re just things, Seyla. They are not important. You are….and we are.”

"I'm a bit... at loose ends, William," she admitted. "It isn't your things, it's me and this," she gestured between them, "that has me out of sorts. I've never done what you're proposing we do."

Slowly, he walked across to where she stood and rested his hands on her shoulders. “It’s different I know, but something within you wanted this, wanted me. It’s far from what you are used to but it could be argued that once upon a time, you were not used to the life you chose either. Like all new things, it takes a little time to adjust. If you really look at it, this is nothing new. We are the same people, enjoying far more than just a romp in the sheets and if we are honest, it has been more than that for a long time now.”

She stepped into him, letting him embrace her. "I know, but I've never had a re... relationship before."

He gave a low chuckle and hugged her tight. “You might find you like it. Knowing there is someone to come home to talk to, ask for advice, vent about your problems, and share the small things and private jokes that make it yours alone - something that no one else has and something you need. Something we both need. There’s a lot to be said for no longer being alone and carrying the weight of your world by yourself.”

Seyla snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek. "I know you're right. This will get easier as I get used to it. Usually Marla comes over and we talk about the business." She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked at him, taking a small step back to do so. "We're not going to discuss that, Will. I don't think you'll want to hear some of those stories."

“Whatever you want to talk about, we will. I likely won’t be regaling you with stories from sickbay, however. Most don’t want to hear that sort of thing and confidentiality prevents it in any case.” He smiled about the idea of Seyla’s business stories. “Marla is free to come when you want her to, too. I suspect she may be more of a friend than you think.”

She doubted Marla was a friend - not after the issues with Dae. "That would be... interesting, I'm sure. Thank you, Will. Do you want me to move in here? Is that the plan?"

“What do you want to do?” Will kissed her once more, then stepped around her to go to the kitchen. He realized he had been awake about a day and a half and wanted coffee. “Keep your quarters for your office and live here? Camp out in the Arboretum?” The last was obviously a joke.

"Hmm... If the Arboretum manager would turn up the heat and humidity, I'd be happy there." She laughed. "I'll keep my quarters for now. And do you really want coffee or another roll in the sack and some sleep?"

He stopped as he reached the replicator and looked back over to her. “Read my mind did you? Does this mean you’ll be living here?”

"Sleeping, at least, Will. During the day, some nights, I'll go home to attend to business. Just like always." She smiled and moved over to him. "I can also see that you're tired, my dear, let's go back to bed."

“Sleep, then food. It’s been a very long day, Sey.” And in the space of about thirty hours, his whole life had changed in ways that were almost dizzying. He left the kitchen and took her by the hand. “Welcome home.”

She kissed him, "I'm lucky to be here, Will."

New to This

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
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