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I'm Not Who He Was

Posted on Sun Jun 28th, 2015 @ 10:39pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Suresh's Quarters

* Suresh's Quarters - The Cherry Pit*

Suresh was whistling cheerily as he entered his quarters following his date with Six. She had certainly surprised him in many ways. She'd looked perfect, in his humble opinion. The conversation had been interesting and direct, as seemed to be her usual, and she danced beautifully. He sensed that she was still untested in the ways of love and romance, but even so, she had not been afraid to touch him and holding her close had been almost more than his willpower could stand. Even her hulking protector hadn't concerned him really. He could understand Bryce's feelings on the matter and he discovered he shared them. He was also seeing Six again tomorrow and even though it was a day away, he realized he was anxious for the time to pass. Interesting....

He got as far as untying his bow tie when the door chime rang. He left the tie hanging around his neck and went out to open the door. Marabeth stood before him, dressed for business given the hour.

"Marabeth, this is a surprise. Come in." She moved past him and into the living room. "Have a seat." He removed his jacket, folded it and laid it over the back of the sofa.

Marabeth perched on the edge of the chair and crossed her legs. "You certainly did dress for the occasion. How did it go with your little girl?"

Suresh frowned as he sat down and faced her. "I appreciate the compliment as veiled as it is, and for the record, the ensign is not a little girl." Oh boy, was that an understatement. "We had a wonderful evening, if you must know. Six is enchanting."

Marabeth raised an eyebrow at him. "Enchanting? Did I really just hear Suresh say someone was 'enchanting'?" She laughed for a moment. "Get serious Suresh. You must be twice her age, easily. What exactly do you intend to do with her? Dress her up and parade her around for your entertainment, then come home to one of Seyla's stable to relieve the urges your innocent doll isn't satisfying?"

Realization dawned and Suresh rolled his eyes. So....that was the reason for Marabeth's late visit. He recalled Seyla's offer to notify Marabeth to come 'relieve' him after this date with Six. It would have angered him if it hadn't been so far off the mark as to be funny. When he began to laugh, Marabeth's surprise deepened.

"What is so damned funny?" she demanded.

"Seyla sent you, didn't she?"

"Well, she suggested I might check in after you were home and see if you needed anything," Marabeth conceded.

"Well, the answer to that is no." His laughter subsided. "Consider that off the table tonight and in the future. I know it may surprise all of you but did you ever consider that maybe I enjoy her company? And for the record, she is not half my age she is...about two-thirds my age. Not that it matters, as I reminded Darwin. I am young for my species."

Marabeth studied him for several seconds and shook her head. "She's also Fleet, Suresh. Think about your reputation."

He shrugged off the argument. "She's an unknown ensign, Marabeth. I suppose you heard about her appearance in Saturnalia last night? She wasn't in uniform and after what I had to say, I suspect that everyone in the Cherry Pit is sure I have a new toy. So I don't think that will be a problem. It's not like she'll be down here mixing with the rabble." As soon as he finished speaking, the chime sounded again. "I seem to be popular tonight."

He rose and crossed to the doors. When they parted, his mouth fell open only a moment, then he smiled. "Six." He took her hands, pulling her inside quickly and into his arms. He held her close, feeling the flame stirring within him instantly.

"Suresh," Six answered, her voice soft. She hadn't expected to be so happy to be in his arms again but there was no denying it. She seemed to fit within them just perfectly.

"You were saying?" Marabeth prompted and laughed.

Six peeked around Suresh, curiously. "Oh, hello."

"Hi." Marabeth smiled slightly as she watched them. Suresh's reaction to this young woman really surprised her. He was genuinely thrilled to see her and that was unexpected. She wasn't sure what she thought of it but she intended to sound out Seyla about it. "And I need to get along, I still have a busy night ahead."

"See you later," Suresh mumbled, still holding Six as Marabeth departed. Finally he let go and looked down at Six. "What brings you here? Is something wrong?" Her smile relieved him on that score but he was still worried that she'd been navigating the corridors of the Cherry Pit alone. "Did anyone bother you on the way here?"

Six shook her head. "No. I did pass a few people but when they saw me, they turned really polite and gave me directions."

That made Suresh laugh. "Apparently after last night, the message got out. That's good, at least you won't have issues if you come to see me again."

"No, I don't think I will," she answered, liking his assumption that she would be coming here again. "But to answer your question, something came up after you left and I wanted to hear about it from you." His sudden unease reached her and she smiled. "Don't worry." She reached up to take his face in her hands. "I just need some details."


"You." Her voice was soft. "Bryce told me how you got here, but he doesn't know everything about you and I want to know it all." She paused a moment and smiled. "I also want something I didn't get earlier because Bryce was there."

"Six? You don't mean that you....because that...I don't think --"

She pulled him down and pressed her lips to his, shutting him up. The kiss was soft and hesitant and she hoped she was doing it right. She knew his desire and knew he wouldn't mind. "That is what I wanted."

"Me too."

"It's my first," she admitted. "Was it alright?"

"Perfect." He smiled, then pulled her back in close. This time the kiss was deeper, leaving no doubt in her mind about the desire he hadn't expressed aloud.

* Two Hours Later *

Suresh had changed into casual pants and shirt and then the telling of his story had begun. Everything from life on the alternate 900 to the war and devastation, the arrival of Li, the Admiral, the old Suresh and Darwin. He told her of Li's brother in the alternate realm and finally of the rescue and his journey here.

Finally came the story of the old Suresh's escape from Elba II and his trip with Darwin, Li and Oz to track him down. When he told her of that Suresh trapping him and taking his place, then the attempt on Oz's life, she had been spellbound. Then finally came the story of the last stand and his killing the old Suresh to save Oz's life.

"So do you hate me because I killed him?"

The look Six gave him was one of understanding. "No, how could I?" She pointed to the hardware around her eye. "Borg, remember? Do you really want to know how many I had a hand in removing from this world? Most people...that's all they think of when they see me and yet you do not. You saved Commander Zeferino's life and likely Captain Hawke from being carted off like a slave." She shook her head. "No, I find it admirable. I see why Jackson is so grateful."

Suresh smiled once more. "Thank you. Now what about you? How did you end up away from the Collective?"

"There was a skirmish out near Krenim space in 2385." she began. "The USS Naples was involved. I was transported over to begin assimilation of the ship's systems." Six's voice had taken on a far away tone as she recalled the events. "While I was there, the cube was destroyed along with everyone I had ever known. I was secured and the ship began the journey back to San Francisco. When they discovered I was Halanan, the government was contacted and thus began the Borg project. I spent six months having implants removed and getting used to being away from the Collective. Then, I went to Starfleet Academy and finished in about half the time. After that, I was assigned to the Evariste, which is where I met Bryce who took me under his wing."

Suresh was at a loss for words. His conversation with Darwin regarding growing up as a Borg came back to him and he shook his head. "I cannot imagine what it was like for you...any of it." He raised her hand to his lips for a kiss. "All I can say is that I'm glad they brought you back. I know you are still adjusting and that it's often a rough road but I want you to promise me that if you have trouble of that sort, come to me or Bryce. I know he won't stand for it and neither will I. You need to be careful down here and I'd rather you not be roaming around without me."

"Very well." Six nodded. "Thank you."

"When I said I'd see you tomorrow, it was true. It's already tomorrow." He leaned back into the sofa cushions and snuggled her in at his side. "Which means that tonight, we'll be having Darwin's favorite barbecue and we'll take it to the lake in the Arboretum."

He turned to brush a kiss to her forehead and realized Six had drifted off to sleep. He'd never really appreciated the deep, oversized couch, but now he was glad of it. He shifted them both a bit and stretched out with Six tucked in between him and the back of the sofa. Reaching up, he pulled the light throw off the back and covered them both.

Ensign Six of Ten
Step Three


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