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Memories Pt 2

Posted on Mon Jun 29th, 2015 @ 11:49am by Major David Lorenz & James Holbridge & Matt Collins
Edited on on Mon Jun 29th, 2015 @ 11:51am

Mission: Further Challenges


Jim Holbridge's face was drawn as he stopped his story. He looked out the porthole to the endless vista of stars for a second, then returned his attention to his audience. "My throat is dry as hell. Matt, get us something to sip on while I tell this story, would you? There's a good lad."

Collins got up and went over to the wet bar, pouring two doubles of rye and drawing himself a mug of dark ale brewed by Quentin Harrison. The big Scot was an accomplished brewmeister and had one several local competitions on Archadia Prime for his beer.

Collins too the drinks to his friends and they all three hoisted their glasses for a gulp. Jim drained his glass, then threw it into the fireplace, shattering it. "That hit the spot!"


Jim Holbridge's head was aching as he opened his eyes. He was lying on a filthy mattress pad in a dimly lit room. A wave of nausea hit him and he sank back onto the mat, wanting to puke.

"Steady, laddie! You have a wee lump on yer noggin and too much movin' round will nae be good for ye," a soft voice with a pronounced Irish brogue said softly. Jim looked to his left to see a woman with long, unkempt red hair, a fair-skinned face smudged with dirt and filth, and the prettiest green eyes he had seen in years.

"Hi, I'm Captain Holbridge, Marine Search And Rescue," Jim gasped.

"Doc, I need something for nausea here!" the redhead called out. "I'm LtCmdr Darla Crane, chief medical officer of the Sri Lanka."

An Andorian man rushed over to where Jim was laying and held out a cup of steaming liquid. "Drink this; it looks like shit, taste's like Klingon piss, but you will feel better. I made it myself."

Jim took the offered cup and sipped the liquid, instantly revulsed. "Damn, what did you do, boil my sister's underwear to make this?"

The Andorian grinned. "It was your mother's underwear, chief. I am Vor, corpsman for the Escobar."

"What the hell happened to me?" Jim asked, drinking more of the vile-tasting liquid.

"Two Cardie guards brought you and that fellow in here after you knocked out the third guard. The other fellow is a Marine, and he is in bad shape. The Cardies kicked his insides loose and he hasn't got long." Crane answered.

Jim raised his head to stare at the man on the mat next to him. "Poor bastard." He turned to Crane. "Where are we exactly?"

Crane smiled ruefully. "We are in a temporary holding facility that houses slave labor to build Cardassian warships for their intelligence apparatus, the Obsidian Order. The Cardies do a pre-screen of prisoners and if ye have any kind of starship experience, they bring you here and work ya until ye die."

Jim recalled flying his gunabout into the storm of disruptor fire...."Since I was flying the ship, they think I am a navigator?! Haven't these fools ever heard of entry-level skills?"

"There is no logic when it comes to the Order, captain," Vor answered. "They do things their way...."

The doors suddenly opened and three Cardassians entered the room. Two burly guards flanked the center Cardassian, who seemed to be smiling genially. "You must be Captain Holbridge. I am Gul Vereen, prefect of this facility and I want to welcome you personally. You are here because you were engaged in offensive operations against the Cardassian Union. Your trial found you guilty and you have been sentenced to perform labor at this facility until your sentence is served. You will follow all commands given to you by your overseers or you will be disciplined. Any questions?"

Jim remained silent, glaring at the Cardassian.

"Oh, if you have any thoughts of escaping, you will be executed. Work period begins in five minutes. Good day" The three Cardassians left, one lingering to speak with Vor, then hurrying to catch his comrades before the door locked.

"Vor has Matrim, the guard he was talking to, hooked on a narcotic he makes for the guards in exchange for extra rations and medicines." Crane explained. "You better get up and get ready, you have a long day ahead of you."




Jim, Dave, and Matt
Memory Rangers


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