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Something In The Air - Part I

Posted on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 3:34pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Ensign Reva Madhava & Seyla
Edited on on Tue Jun 30th, 2015 @ 3:38pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Java - The Promenade / Seyla's Quarters

"There you are!" Reva, casual in a pair of jeans and a fitted T-shirt, beamed at Six as she moved in for a quick hug. A good amount of information passed between them in that brief contact. Reva paused then laughed, "Oh, Bryce is so sweet, worrying about you like that."

Six laughed and she sat down across from Reva. “He is but he doesn't know I went back out. He might not be too thrilled about that part. But oh goodness Reva, it was an amazing night. We talked till three AM.” Six blushed lightly. “I fell asleep while he was talking and woke up this morning snuggled up with him on the sofa.”

"You spent the night with him?!" Reva laughed, caught up with her friend's happiness. She filtered that out and her own emotions showed: concern. "I can't believe you'd go to his quarters, Six! Did you... You didn't do more than talk, did you?"

“Oh no. Nothing like that. He did kiss me though,” she admitted. “Bryce told me about how this Suresh got here and I wanted to hear about it from him, you know? So I could get all the details and...and see how he felt about it all and what his intentions are.” She smiled back at Reva. “He didn’t lie either.”

"That's good," she said and smiled with Six. "I mean, that he didn't lie. Not ...anyway. Where is he from? The men in the bar said he was supposed to be in prison."

“The other version of him was but he is dead now.This one came over from an alternate universe when the old one swiped the Admiral and the XO and took them into a war zone.” Six had lowered her voice so it wouldn’t carry to other tables. “But when I went down below, some men I passed were talking in the hall and when they saw me, they started being really nice and gave me the directions to his quarters. It was weird.”

Some of the irritation she'd felt the night they had met Suresh came back to Reva. "He has no right to lay claim like that! I don't want anyone thinking that some Romulan ... ugh! That's just vile." She shook her head.

“He has no interest in claiming anyone Reva.” Six replied. “He only said that to get rid of those men. They were the vile ones. Besides, do you really care what some lowlifes think?”

"What if it isn't the lowlifes who think it? What if that runs around this station and goes back to someone who matters? Or someone in Intel or Security? Bryce would know the story, but what about a scientist? Someone Riley works with? What then? By then the story would be so twisted.... Not that it isn't already twisted." Reva stirred her tea with a vengeance.

“That place isn’t a big Fleet hangout. I wouldn’t worry and Darwin knows what happened. Besides, they’ll be too busy speculating what he’s doing with me.” Six laughed. “Let them.”

"Easy for you...," Reva started to grumble something, but stopped, recalling that Six had faced her own assumptions. "Well, hopefully he'll continue making you happy." She sipped her tea.

“I hope so. Dinner tonight in the Arboretum. Something called barbecue.” Six sipped her coffee and smiled at Reva. "You should rope in Riley and come with us.”

"Barbecue? I think that's what Darwin was eating the other night. Riley and I were going to hang out at his place and watch a movie. I'll call him and see if I can talk him into coming out. I'll comm you, either way, so we can meet up." Reva decided that she'd give this Suresh a chance to redeem himself. The coffee shop door opened and Reva perked up, smiling slightly. "Look who's here. Seyla."

Six looked over to her, then leaned in to whisper to Reva. “I’m not so sure about her.”

Reva nearly asked Six if she had misgivings because Seyla was Orion; instead she waved at Seyla, who detoured to their table. "Kitten," she leaned in and brushed a kiss onto Reva's forehead. "And your friend, Six. Good to see you in one piece, dear," she said as she sat with Reva. "Did you enjoy the Nexus with Suresh?"

“It was lovely, thanks. He was a perfect gentleman.” Six paused a moment. “In one piece? Why wouldn’t I be?”

"From your adventures at Saturnalia. Darwin was ready to give you two a scathing scolding." Seyla laughed, and leaned towards Reva slightly. "Particularly you, dear."

Thanks to the way Seyla was holding her hand, Reva had no doubt what she meant by that comment. She glanced across at Six and turned a deeper shade of green. "Oh...," she breathed then cleared her throat. "Ah... Six and I were just discussing going to dinner with Suresh and Riley," she looked at Seyla and explained, "my boyfriend, Riley."

Seyla's smile was knowing. "A double-date, how sweet."

Six’s eyes narrowed a moment but she made a mental note to share something with Reva once she was away from Seyla. The emotions coming from Seyla, however, bothered her and at the same time prodded that little devil that lived within. “It should be fun. Suresh suggested taking it to the Arboretum when we were settling down for the night.”

"Oh, I agree, the Arboretum is a beautiful place. It can be so romantic," Seyla simpered.

"Yeah, it should be, if Riley will agree to go. Sometimes he can be a homebody," Reva said. She glanced at Seyla and understood she wanted to talk alone. "Hey, Six, I have a ....I'd like to chat with Seyla. So I'll call you later about dinner, okay?"

“Sure. I’m going back to my quarters to change, and we’ll be there till time to pick up dinner.” Six reached over and touched Reva’s hand. Be careful, something’s odd. She let go and stood. “Nice to see you Seyla.” Six turned and departed, leaving them alone at the table.

"Good night, dear Six. I hope your date tonight is stellar," Seyla watched the girl leave, aware Reva had turned to look at her. She waited till Six was out the door then faced her and looked her over. "Come with me, darling. I'd rather not discuss your mother here."

Reva let Seyla pull her from the coffee shop and lead her to her quarters. She was surprised by the sparse, nearly cold lines of Seyla's home. " you know my mother?"

"What?" Seyla came back from her bedroom, carrying a few dresses on hangers. "Oh, no, I didn't know her personally, just of her." She held one of the dresses up against Reva then tossed it aside with a shake of her head.

"What are you doing?"

"You need a dress that will convince your Riley to leave the house with you." She assessed another and tossed it aside. "Too obvious," she commented.

Reva looked at the discarded dress: it had cut-outs. Definitely not a stroll through the park dress. Seyla went back into her bedroom. This time, Reva followed, drawn by her curiosity. The bed drew her attention first, just as it was meant to do. It was massive, surrounded by seven foot tall posts and draped with filmy material that swayed in the slightest air current. "Wow."

She jumped when Seyla whispered right next to her ear, "Beautiful, isn't it? Go on, try it out. You'll find it's a hundred times more comfortable than those bunks they assign Ensigns."

She touched the sheets. They were the softest, silkiest she'd ever felt. She slid onto the bed and had to agree: way more comfortable than her bunk. "I don't know that I want to get up," she said.

Seyla laughed. "You can sleep here anytime you'd like, kitten."

"Tell me more about Europa."

Watching Reva on the bed, Seyla considered what to say. After a moment, she decided several things. One was what to tell Reva this time that'd leave her wanting more. She started that conversation as she set about getting one of the other things she had decided upon. "...hear the word 'slave' and think terrible things. Really, the girls are taught dancing, music, politics, business strategies, everything they need to rise through the ranks." She glanced at Reva and found the girl was avidly listening to and watching her.

"Come, kitten, try this on," she held out a dress.

Reva took it and went into the bathroom. When she returned, she twirled and laughed as the skirt flared out. It was white eyelet lace, demurely lined with a white slip. This was a dress for an innocent walk in the park. "It's perfect."

Seyla smiled. "I'm awfully good at styling. Sit, and let me braid your hair." Reva obeyed and Seyla told her another tidbit about Orion culture, all while gently pulling her black mane into a long braid. Every once in a while, she'd dip her fingers into a small pot and use the ungent to smooth Reva's hair. "All done. Now you don't need to worry about getting leaves and grass in your hair."

Reva looked at Seyla quizzically. "Why would I get that in my hair?"

"Are you really that innocent, kitten?"

"Oh!" Reva's eyes went wide. "That wouldn't happen on a double-date! Seyla!" She laughed.

"Well, perhaps it will," Seyla shrugged, smiling at Reva. "Go on, go see your Riley and see if he doesn't agree to everything you want. There's a jacket on the bed and shoes.... Since your boots don't quite make the outfit."

Feeling a bit like Seyla was a godmother of some sort, Reva traded her shoes out, grabbed the jacket and started for the door. She stopped, returned to Seyla, planted a kiss on her cheek and said, "Thanks, Sey," then she left.

Seyla sat for a moment, turning the little pot of ointment over in her fingers, smiling like a cat who'd gotten the canary.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten


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