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Seyla's Very Special O

Posted on Sat Jul 4th, 2015 @ 8:33pm by Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Seyla's Quarters

*Seyla's Quarters*

Reva and her security minion hadn't been gone long; Seyla was still brooding over Darwin's untimely interruption. If too many people warned the young Orion away from her, would she listen? Or would she still be drawn like a moth to a flame? Seyla wondered how best to draw her in when her door opened and a man entered.

"Evening, Owain," she greeted him. "Do you have a full evening scheduled?"

Owain shook his head. “I kept two hours clear. I will need to be at the Nexus tonight Seyla. Your little bird and her friend will be there. They are, and I quote, leaving the men in the cave and going out.”

"I hired a new boy today, Marcus. He's already met Reva. Take him with you and introduce yourselves instead of just watching."

That order clearly surprised Owain. “Even to the Borg? I’ve heard talk that a certain associate of yours has staked a claim in a big way. I’d rather not cross that line if it’s true.”

"Oh, please," Seyla scoffed then got up and went to her bar. "A drink?" She poured one for herself and when Owain named one, she poured that for him. Walking over to him, she handed him the drink and said, "Suresh shouldn't be dating a Fleetie. Imagine what happens when those below the equator learn about that? Or what her superiors and peers will think about her if it becomes known? Woo her, dance with her, get her to see men besides Suresh exist."

"Very well.” The Borg’s conversation with Reva came back to mind, bringing with it a sly smile. He raised his glass to Seyla, then downed the drink. “There’s more.”

"Do tell, my dear," Seyla settled next to him and brushed his cheek with her fingers.

Her touch made him smile and he leaned into her hand for a moment before he continued. “Several things came up in their conversation. It was Six who informed Reva about the pheromones. Their conversation moved on to a fellow named Vic and Reva’s urging that Six should ask him out. Do you know him?”

"He's a bartender at the Nexus; one of Jackson's good friends. He's not a threat," she said, smiling. "Six must have learned about the pheromones from Suresh. He came here to rail at me about them. Spoil sport. It would be funny if Six ended up with more attention than she knew what to do with."

“Do you think that would open her horizons or push her more towards Suresh?” Owain stopped to think about that.

"I don't know. I hope it would expand her horizons, show her there's more to life than this Suresh. That, and have her as a bargaining chip later on." That part of her plan was completely unformed.

“She is sleeping with him you know. I gathered it was the night of your pheromones. He’s her first,” Owain added. “Whatever this Vic is like, he may be fighting an uphill battle, especially if I am in the picture.”

"Defer to Vic. He's a good guy. For tonight, just have a good time with her and our Orion," she said.

“Very well,” Owain replied. “Not that it will be an imposition. If I were in the market, I might give Suresh a run for his money.” He leaned forward a bit and lowered his voice. “She is Halanan, Sey, you can tell by the double points on her ears. You know what they can do, don’t you?”

"Latch on and become life mates to their partners? I know they are useless to me. That's not what you're talking, though is it?"

Owain shook his head. “Empaths but they have the ability to project themselves. What I mean is, she can essentially make a walking, talking, free-thinking copy of herself that can move about the station.”

"Doesn't she have to be asleep or something for that to work?" Seyla asked.

Owain gave a low laugh. “From what I know yes but I am surprised you’ve not figured out a way to make use of that. One of those in your stable? You could conceivably make use of them without a break. You follow? They could split the time and be useful round the clock.”

"You're forgetting about that whole mate for life thing, Owain." A sliver of distaste ran through her. "Besides, I don't need any of my people working round the clock. That's a bit like slavery."

“So you do have scruples - well maybe one.” He smiled at Seyla. “We’ll take care of things at the Nexus tonight. If things are going well, I may need you to open another hour or two for me but I’ll call. Your little Orion is going to learn what a good life she could have.”

"That's exactly what I want," Seyla said, smiling. She kissed Owain's cheek. "And if I have to clear an additional hour or so, you'll still get the income credit for it. Now, go on, clean up."

He stood to depart, but paused. “This new man, what is his name?”

"Marcus Ymoto. He should be an asset, but a first night working alongside you should tell us more."

“Very well, I’ll meet him here, 1900. Make sure he is dressed for the Nexus.”

"He will be, even if I have to dress him myself," Seyla smiled, then reminded herself she didn't have the same freedoms she used to have. She didn't find that troubling; instead, she looked forward to going home to Harding.




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