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Girls' Night Out Part 3

Posted on Sun Jul 5th, 2015 @ 5:06pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Ensign Six of Ten & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges

Back at the table, Six refilled the wine glasses, then began to pick at her dinner. “This has turned out to be an interesting evening, Reva. I am not sure what’s in the water, but it’s something.” She laughed and shook her head.

"Seriously," Reva laughed and tasted her shrimp and grits. "Wow... This is amazing!" She took another few bites then asked, "How was the conversation with Vic?"

“It was brief since he’s really busy right now but he apologized for not calling me or anything after we had dinner. He said he wanted to but he just…” Six shrugged. “He just hesitated. It’s one of his failings, according to him.” She paused to take a bite of her dinner. “So then he asked if I’d like to go to Lady Ella’s tomorrow night. He’s really nice, Reva, but he has a shy streak in him, which is surprising for a bartender.”

"That is surprising! Shy? I wouldn't have guessed that. So, Lady Ella's? I've heard that's a nice place. And it's a second date, yay? Right?"

“Well, technically, dinner at Lao’s wasn’t a date, it was just dinner. It seems like I’ve been saying that a lot lately.” She took a drink from her water glass and set it back down. “But, I promised Suresh if I did go out with somebody else, I’d tell him first. I think it’s a fair arrangement.”

"Didn't you already talk to him that you were thinking of dating others? Why do you need to check in with him before going out?" Reva frowned and shook her head. "He's not your keeper, or your dad. You don't have to report everything you do to him."

“It’s not checking in, it’s just...fair warning, I guess. Notice? That I won’t be available at that time?” She smiled finally. “It’s okay Reva. He’s good with it. No worries.”

"Okay," she shrugged. "Did he say anything else? Vic, I mean."

Six blushed slightly. “He didn’t say it but I could read it….he’s a little nervous and he seems to get a little stirred up around me. I didn’t mention it though.” For Six that took admirable restraint. “But enough about that...what about Marcus? He’d love to haul you out of here and… you know.”

"Ah, yeah, I know. He was that way when I saw him in Seyla's yesterday. I think he thought Sey was going to... um, have me test him out." She blushed. "I should be glad Darwin interrupted."

Six snickered. “I doubt Darwin was too thrilled to walk in to that.” Reva’s mention of Darwin being at Seyla’s brought to mind what Owain had said about him. She shook her head, dismissing the thought for now, though she intended to address it later. She took one last bite of her dinner and sighed. “Do you want dessert? Here comes Sam.”

"Yeah, but only if that dessert is named Marcus," Reva whispered to Six as Sam reached their table.

At the bar, Owain watched as a barback filled the ice bin and hurried off. A bartender came along, but Owain guessed this wasn't Vic: she was a she, for one thing. Then he saw a tall, well-built male serving up several cocktails. He nudged Marcus and nodded at the guy, "That's gotta be him."

Marcus observed the man for a moment and nodded. “Seyla should’ve hired him,” was his comment. “Six is passing up this guy for Suresh?” he murmured to Owain. “Really?”

"I read her... She seems sane. But... a Romulan versus him?" He shook his head, as mystified as Marcus. "Women, right?"

“What about women?” came a female voice behind them. Marabeth appeared next to them as they stood watching Vic. She looked from them to Vic and back. “Shopping?”

Owain smirked, "Yes and no, Marabeth. Just checking out some competition. Speaking of, meet Marcus, Seyla's newest."

Marabeth looked him over, much as Seyla would and then nodded. “Welcome to the family Marcus.” She looked back to Owain. “Competition for who? Vic’s another one of those who never darkens our doorstep.”

"No, this is for a side project," Owain answered without giving any information. "What brings you to the Nexus, M?"

“One of my regulars,” she answered, then leaned in closer. “You’re playing with fire, Owain.” Her words were serious but she was smiling. “So tell me, how’s it going?”

"Marcus is making some serious headway with Seyla's little Orion," he clapped Marcus on the shoulder. "And I've planted a few seeds of doubt in Six's head. Overall, a good night's work."

Marabeth smiled at the two men. “Good work I suppose but let’s just say I’m glad I’m not you, Owain. Unless you plan on tucking the young Borg in your back pocket and taking her home, you should watch your step.” She patted him on the back. “Enjoy your games, gentlemen.” She turned and departed the bar.

“Interesting woman,” Marcus commented.

"Annoying woman. Beware of that one, Marcus," Owain warned, taking another look at Vic. "If Vic ever did darken Seyla's door, I wouldn't mind being the one serving him," he commented.

Marcus looked back at Marabeth as she vanished around the corner. “Noted, but why? I gather she thinks you might be putting yourself in the line of fire?” The patrons at the bar moved away, leaving space for them. Vic paused in front of him and Marcus gave him their drink orders.

"Actually, we're both in it now. You less so, but only because the Orion is dating a science guy. Your line of fire will come from Seyla herself." He shrugged and laughed, "But that's what life is about, right? Taking risks?"

“So they say.” He passed Owain his drink. “It’s what makes it fun anyway. Let’s get back, shall we? So I can drag Reva off to a quiet, secluded place?”

"Yeah, if you get her in bed tonight, I will give you all of tonight's earnings!" Owain laughed and led the way back to the girls' table. "Six, may we join you again? Being parted from you was such sweet sorrow."

“Sure, maybe a dance?” Six stood and held out her hand. “Shakespeare. Nice. I had a friend at the Academy that was a fan.”

"Oh, Shakespeare is a favorite," Owain enthused, drawing her to the dancefloor. He glanced back at Marcus and winked.

"Are we dancing as well, Marcus?" Reva took his hand. "Or going somewhere for dessert?"

“I was thinking elsewhere, if you’d like? I know a little place where we won’t be so visible, if you don’t mind going down below.” Marcus drew her to her feet and slipped his arm around her. “Since I have the night off.”

"I don't mind going down," she replied.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten


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