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Late Night Interruptions 0400

Posted on Wed Jul 22nd, 2015 @ 12:24am by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Harding's Quarters

"Computer, locate Seyla, Orion," Darwin, despite being out of uniform, had stopped to use a Security kiosk to access information. He didn't feel like having this information broadcast in a corridor, nor did he want to traipse to the Pit only to find that Seyla was where she was: William Harding's quarters. He headed there, even though he knew he'd be waking the doctor.


"Here?" Seyla laughed throatily then gasped, "Oh, yes! There!" In the midst of her breathy moans, the door chime sounded. "Ignore it, Will," she encouraged him, verbally and with her pheromones.

“Gladly,” he gasped. “No one should be ringing --” The chime continued to ring insistently and finally, whoever it was just pressed the button and held it. Will growled aloud and finally, gave up. He lifted Seyla off him.

“I need to get this, it may be an emergency.”

"You have a commbadge for that!", Seyla complained. Growling with irritation, she joined Will in donning a robe. She stood in the bedroom doorway while he went to answer the door.

Will checked to make sure he was covered and then opened the door. He hadn’t expected to see someone from Security.

“Good evening, Michael. Is something wrong?” Will asked, assuming his usual professional manner.

It was too early, or late, or something, for Darwin to have all of his professionalism in place. He stepped in, past Harding and saw Seyla. "'xcuse me, Doc, for intruding so late," he said, almost apologetically. Gesturing at the Orion, he said, "You, we have an issue to discuss."

"At this hour?" Seyla replied, "We were in the middle of sex, Darwin. Does this have to be addressed right now?"

Darwin glanced at Harding, reassessing the older man. He was pretty sure he'd woken the younger couple, Reva and Riley; but this old guy... was keeping Seyla awake? At this hour? He shook himself mentally. "It could have waited but no time like the present. It has to do with Reva."

"Is she hurt?", Seyla asked, actually sounding concerned.

"No, but only because I have a sense of humor." He paused and looked around. "Look, she's at a point of burning bridges, Seyla. It's crazy!"

“Have a seat Michael, and tell us what’s happening.” Harding motioned to the sofa. “You are referring to Ensign Madhava, yes?”

Darwin nodded and explained the evening, leaving out the woman in his bed. "Lt. Sukotav noted that Reva's gotten out of hand since hooking up with you, Seyla. Right now, the attack, her confinement, nothing seems to be getting through to her."

Seyla glanced at Will. "I'm not the problem, Dar. She's a strong-willed girl. Perhaps controlling her isn't what's necessary."

"What? Are you suggesting we just let her ruin her career? Burn up her relationship with Sukotav?" Darwin glared at her, incredulous.

Will held up his hand to quiet them. “What is your assessment, Michael? You’ve seen her behavior first hand. Do you think she’s reaching a danger point? Is there something that leads you to believe that she is out of control?”

"She's beyond a danger point: she's been attacked in the Pit. Before that, ...," Darwin looked at Seyla and narrowed his eyes, thinking. "She's seems she's a bit man-hungry. I can name two in the last week." By his look and tone, he appeared to blame Seyla for that.

“And that is supposed to mean she is out of control?” A sly smile appeared on Seyla’s face. “Just how many women have you had this week, Darwin?”

Darwin's face fell. "Oh, hell... how many of them reported back to you?"

“Enough,” she answered. “So I cannot be blamed for this young woman’s lack of control.”

Will frowned for a moment. “Hold on. You both keep mentioning her control. If this is true, perhaps there is a physical explanation.”

Frowning, Seyla fell silent. Darwin waited a beat then realized Seyla wasn't going to speak. "Reva's Chief had no complaints about her performance, but off-duty, she's drawn to this one like a moth to a flame. And then her behavior turns awful. She's argumentative with authority," Darwin listed a few other character flaws and finished with, "...and she went from being a chaste nun to ... not so chaste. And you know the effect pheromones have on female Orions, right, Will?"

Will nodded. “Which raises the question. She is on inhibitors, and she’s not being showered with Seyla’s pheromones. The only other female Orion that is here regularly is Fleet and the pheromones aren’t hers either. Following this logically, what does this tell you two?”

Darwin pointed out, "But she is around Seyla a lot. She uses Seyla's bed for her conquests."

“And showers regularly too I’d imagine.” Will turned to Seyla. “Which would have a greater effect on her, yours or her own?”

Looking uncomfortable, Seyla paused a long moment before answering, "Different effects. Hers would affect those around her, primarily. Mine..., might cause her sex drive to go into something like overdrive."

"Mindless rutting is how you described the effect to me once," Darwin said.

Seyla shot him a glare. "Your memory is annoyingly good."

“Which follows with what you and Lt. Sukotav have observed.” Will nodded. “Mindless rutting tends to blot out rational thinking and good sense. It’s also possible that all the time in your quarters, Sey, could be causing problems with her inhibitor mix, which could cause all sorts of complications, including belligerence, loss of control, lack of get the idea.”

"She'll be in Sickbay first thing in the morning, Doc," Darwin said, visually relieved to hear that there might be something beyond a personality deficiency happening.

“The real question is how to keep this from happening over and over. Seyla?” Will looked to her and frowned. “Your handling of your pheromones has been no trouble in general but if she continues to spend time in your quarters, this will keep happening again and again.”

While Seyla took that in, Darwin verbally leapt, "Seyla could be put on inhibitors--" Over her cry of outrage, he added, "She's no longer seeing clients, so there'd be no harm!"

“Except that she is civilian and we can’t order that for her. What we can do is two things.” Will sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I can make sure that her inhibitor mix is correct, which it may not be. The other thing is that she has to stay out of your quarters Sey. Otherwise, she is going to go down in flames in short order, based on what Darwin has observed. The alternative is to make her immune to the pheromones of others.”

Seyla's jaw nearly dropped. "You can do that?"

Watching her, Darwin caught her reaction and wondered whether the worry in her voice was for Reva or for herself. "You'd need to ask Reva, but the latter might keep her out of trouble longer than just banning her from going to Seyla's."

“It would,” Will agreed. “However, and I want to make this clear. This is going to be rather experimental and it may take a few days to get the mix to fit her chemistry, given the individual nature of each female’s pheromones. But only if she agrees. Get her to me first thing in the morning...well...later this morning.” Will rubbed his eyes once more. “It was so much easier with the Deltans.”

"Weren't they the ones that Starfleet created a myth about? They claimed that if a human had sex with a Deltan, the human would go insane from the... from something?", Darwin asked as he stood.

“It was no...well….never mind.” Will smiled finally. “Just bring Reva to Piper in the morning and notify Chief Jenkins. I’ll take care of the rest.”

"Will do, Commander," Darwin replied. "And thanks. Now, I'll leave so you two can get some." He walked to the door. "Sleep, I mean." He chuckled and left.

Will laughed as the doors closed behind Darwin. “Shall we get back to what we were up to before we were interrupted, my dear?”

"An antidote against others' pheromones?" Seyla stared at Will. "That's unnatural! As unnatural as inhibitors!" She got up and stalked to the bedroom.

He followed her and sat back down on the bed. “It’s her call, Sey. The alternative is a young woman burning out, blowing her career and her years at the academy….look at her last week. An attack on her, her behavior at Saturnalia that earned her house arrest….it’s not looking good. I know you have an interest in her but I don’t think you want her that way do you?”

Always a wise businesswoman, Seyla set aside her personal feelings and smiled at Will. "Of course you're right, my dear," she said before kissing him. "I want her safe, above and beyond anything else." She let her robe part and slide from her shoulders. "So, where were we?"

“Right about here…..”

Lt. M. Darwin
Lt. Commander Will Harding, M.D.

No Rest For The Weary


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