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Scenes From Saturnalia

Posted on Sun Aug 16th, 2015 @ 8:43pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

In between clients at the moment, Owain was in Saturnalia for a drink, where he saw the lovely former Borg, Six of Ten, sitting at a table alone. He sauntered over, grinning lopsidedly, and leaned in to kiss her before she could back away. "Hey there, lovely Six! I don't suppose I could whisk you away from here for a quick lesson in fellatio?" His grin turned wicked.

“Bite me, Owain,” she replied, but without any rancor. “I heard you’ve got a new interest of late. Won’t he be jealous?”

"Eh, he's a bit like me: always out for a good time. I think that's why he likes Reva so much." He sat next to her, draping an arm over her shoulders.

Six frowned at Owain. “You may not know her as well as you think. Not everything is what it appears you know?”

"Hmm, well, sometimes a girl is just a pretty piece of candy on a man's arm. You know, especially when she doesn't have another position in the world."

Sixs eyes narrowed. “Did you come over for a reason or just to sling insults?” Her expression relaxed into a smile, however. “Some of us don’t need a position to feel worthwhile.”

"Insulting? Me? Oh, come on, Six, I just called you a pretty piece of candy. That's not insulting. The rest of it is," he laughed and twirled a lock of her hair in his fingers. "I just wanted to stop by and chat."

“I see.” She studied him a moment. “About what?”

He smelled her hair. "Oh, anything that catches our fancy. Really, my offer of a lesson stands. I guarantee Suresh will appreciate your new skills, or I'll redo the lesson," he winked at her.

“Really Owain?” Six laughed and shook her head. “I think he’s satisfied. What I think is that you haven’t gotten past being told no and thought you’d take another shot. Is that it?”

"Absolutely," he liked that she didn't seem to get bent out of shape. By now, he had the feeling Reva or Seyla would have slapped him. Seyla, definitely would have. "How have things been? Boring without the Orion around to stir the pot?"

“I do miss her, to be honest,” Six admitted. “I’ve been busy with Suresh though. You know...the early days of living together and all that.” She smiled brightly. “What about you?”

"Hmm," he leaned in close, looking like he might be kissing her neck, and whispered, "you know how it is with a new lover. I'm doing all I can to make him forget any others. You've heard about some of the disappearances, right?" He asked the question, hoping her response would be a nod.

Six did nod. “I feel bad for Riley, and Reva too. I wish there was something I could do, you know?”

He leaned back a touch and smiled bemusedly. "Not just Riley, Six. Bella, Vivien, Lisha. They're all missing. But Riley's back. He was found in a whorehouse on the planet. He came back and dumped Reva."

“No! He did?” She leaned closer to Owain. “Tell me!”

He laughed and pushed her hair back over her ear before leaning in and whispering, "It seems he got tired of Reva's revolving door policy. Didn't help that he met Niro just before going missing. Of course, she did go running to Niro for comfort."

“Oh no, I’ll need to --”

“To what?” Suresh’s voice interrupted Six, his tone cold as ice. He reached down to remove Owain’s hand where he touched her hair.

She jumped as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar and her eyes went wide. “Suresh.”

Owain glanced at the man and smiled. "Suresh! Nice to see you," he greeted him casually. He winced as Suresh's grip on his hand turned hard. "You can let go now."

“No, I don’t think so.” He used Owain’s hand to pull him to his feet, then with a twist, wrapped it behind his back, putting Owain at an uncomfortable angle. “You want to explain to me why you were touching Six?” His voice had grown harsher and now people were beginning to watch.

"Because she's... Ow! Hey, hey, chill, Suresh! Ow, ow, ow." Owain bent at an awkward angle, trying to ease the pain in his arm.

“She’s what?” Suresh didn’t ease up on the man as he asked the question, his tone growing more menacing. Behind him, Six watched in silence, her hand over her mouth.

Owain grimaced now, and was barely able to say, "She's ..ah... all yours! That's what!"

“That’s correct. Perhaps you should remember that in the future when you’re tempted to touch what is mine.” He signalled to Patch, who hurried over. “Take him out of here and see that he has an appropriate reminder of how to behave around Six.”

Patch grinned and took a protesting Owain by the collar. "C'mon, little man." He pulled him out of Saturnalia.

The bar was quiet as Suresh turned around to face Six. She was watching him warily and the hand that covered her mouth trembled.

“Get up,” Suresh ordered.

She rose slowly and stepped away from the table. He took hold of her shoulder, his grip firm. “We will discuss this at home.” Without another word, he led her out of Saturnalia.

Once the doors closed, the noise level rose immediately as the patrons began to speculate about what would happen to Owain and Six. One of the waitresses stopped at the table where Farco sat.

“I don’t wanna be that kid when he gets her home,” she observed.

"I'd be feeling worse for the gigolo. Patch ain't had a fun assignment like this in a while. Surie might teach Six a lesson, but you won't see a mark on her later." Farco shrugged; a telepath would know that he was envious of Patch's assignment.

“Sometimes it’s the marks that don’t show that are the worst.” The waitress shrugged. “Can I get you a refill Farco?”

"I'm good for now, Shelly." As she turned away, he asked, "Hey, Shelly? You've seen that green Orion around, right? The male, big guy?"

“Yeah, a few times lately, why?” she asked.

"Know anything about him? Is he workin' for Seyla?" As a grey Orion, Farco was curious about the man. It was unusual for a male greenie to show up without a female Orion.

Shelly shook her head. “I don’t think so. He never talks to anyone and plenty of her people are in and out of here all the time. Always keeps to himself. He even turned down Marabeth the other night.”

"Really? If she offered, I sure wouldn't turn her down." 'Course, Farco was the type who wouldn't turn down any woman who offered.

“If you’re interested, I’ll let you know if he does anything interesting.”

"Please. I'll make it worth your while," he smiled, trying to flirt.

“Sure thing, doll.” She winked at him. “Check with me tomorrow.”

Not so Incorrigible Anymore

Ensign Six Of Ten
In Trouble

Channeling Suresh Number One

Lovin' His Assignment



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