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Crew Orders

Posted on Fri Aug 21st, 2015 @ 2:50pm by Niro & Ensign Reva Madhava & Owain

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna

* EFS Korenna *

"Yes, I'm sure." Reva sighed and finished putting her hair up in a tight french twist. "I'll be off duty by eleven, Niro. I could join you wherever you are."

Niro smiled as he stepped up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. “That sounds perfect. Maybe a late dinner before we come back here? I think a quiet night in for the two of us would do you good.”

"That would be good," she said, leaning against him. She hadn't slept much since their previous adventure to the brig. "I should get going, though. It's a bit further from here to my Station."

“If you must,” he answered. He turned her around and kissed her long and hard. “And after work, you’ll be back home with me...where you should be. I’ll get dinner and bring it here, actually. That will be better. Just come when you are done.”

"Okay," she kissed him lightly, thinking it was a pain to have to go to work. But then, she wasn't an independent businesswoman like Seyla. "Just... um... no barbeque, okay?"

“No problem.” He’d picked that story out of her head long ago, so he didn’t ask. “See you soon, my darling.”

She nodded and headed out, easily navigating the ship's corridors back to the hatch. Opening it from the inside, she was surprised to nearly bump into Owain. "Oh, hey."

Owain smiled immediately. “Reva!” He leaned in to kiss her cheek. “How are you?”

"Fine," she said, a little defensively. "Just heading to work. Why are you here?"

“Just delivering a message for Seyla. She needs a favor is all,” Owain answered. “Have a good night at work. See you later maybe?”

"Maybe. Most likely not, though." An inexplicable jealousy rose up, centered on Niro. She recognized it as an emotion from her Orion side. "You'll be gone by the time I get back."

“Most likely, yes. Good to see you again, though, it’s been a while. Marcus was asking about you earlier, actually.” Owain waited by the door, not going in yet.

"Maybe I'll stop by Saturnalia and see him," she said, watching him a moment. "He was a good distraction. Go deliver your message." She stepped past him onto the Station and glanced back. "Go on, I'm sure it's important."

“Take care.” He turned and moved on into she ship, closing the door behind him. He picked up his pace, suddenly anxious to see Niro. He took the route along the main corridor, then the lift down a deck. Soon he was approaching the doors to Niro’s quarters. He reached for the chime but the doors slid open before he reached it.

“Welcome back.” Niro stood in the doorway, his hand resting on the doorframe.

Owain grinned. "So how long did you have with her this time?"

“Two days, give or take an hour but things were a little crazy last night. Even so, we cleared a major hurdle.” Niro reached out, took hold of Owain’s shirt and pulled him in. “Where have you been?”

"I was giving you space and time to seduce your little project." He kissed him. "And it seems to have worked. You should have felt the wave of jealousy I just picked up from her. What major hurdle did you clear?"

Niro pulled Owain close and pressed his hand to the man’s back. In mere seconds, he replayed the scene in the Brig and Reva’s reaction when they left.

“Now do you see?”

Owain blinked several times then burst out laughing. "That move! The shake of the head? That's Seyla to a T." He turned an amazed look on Niro. "What the hell did Riley say to her?"

“What I saw in her head was...rough O. He told her it was too late.” Niro sighed aloud. “It seems she may finally have turned the corner. I do good work, I must say. Not that I haven’t enjoyed it.”

"Hmm, I'll say," Owain read him and shook his head. "On top of the engine with her straddling you? May as well just put a dick on the engine." He sounded a little... peeved.

Niro stroked Owain’s cheek gently. “Now, now, no jealousy. You know the score.” Gently, he turned Owain’s face from side to side. “I’m glad to see that sickbay does such good work. Your face is perfect. I wasn’t pleased to hear about that little incident.”

"Yeah, neither was I. Who knew this Suresh has some balls. Granted, he had someone else do the hard work. Damned Cardassian."

“That is his usual method from what I hear,” Niro commented. He pulled Owain close and brushed his lips over the man’s forehead. “But now you know where his line in the sand is. Are you working tonight? If not, we have some planning to do. The crew will be here shortly….two of them anyway.”

"I do have a client, a good one, so I'll need to go for a little bit. But I can come back. What are we planning?"

“Marat’s transfer. He’s being moved tomorrow and I have a plan to get him off that transport and onto this one, in a roundabout method. After all….” he tugged on Owain’s shirt, popping a button. “I have to keep you safe, don’t I? Suresh finds out what you did, you’ll have more than a broken cheekbone.”

"Marat! I nearly forgot about him." Owain let Niro take his shirt off. He pushed the man's robe off his shoulders. "That's right, though, I do have a debt to work off, don't I?"

Niro’s laugh rumbled low in his chest. “You’ll never be done with me….and you know that.”

"Oh, dear me, what will I do?" Owain feigned distress, even as he kissed Niro's chest and slid down to his knees.

* * *

“Owain?” Niro prodded him lightly on the shoulder. “It’s almost time for your client. Or should I have Seyla reschedule her?”

"No, no, this one's too good to cancel on," Owain woke in a mild panic. "Gotta use your shower and replicator." He hopped up and headed that way. "What crew are coming aboard?"

“Falon and Ty. They’ll be here shortly. Now you get moving. Come back when you’re done,if it’s before 2300 hours. Reva will be back then and all of you need to be gone when she does.”

"If I can, I will." Owain went into the shower and was soon dressed and off to his client.

* Meanwhile *

"Ensign Madhava," Chief Jenkins caught the Orion's attention and motioned her into her office.

Looking up from the part she was tweaking, Reva swallowed hard. What had she done wrong now? Standing, she went into the Chief's office and stood at attention.

"Have a seat," Jenkins said, waiting till Reva did before continuing. "I've been told about the recent issue with Riley Sukotav, Reva. It's awful and I'm sure you're distracted by it, considering your association with Lt. Sukotav."

Reva started to speak, but Jenkins cut her off, "I'm granting you a few days leave so that you can attend to the matters you need to attend to. Effective immediately."

"Ah..., th...thank you, Chief," Reva looked appropriately sad. "A few days? Is that three?"

Jenkins nodded, "If you need more, we'll discuss it later."

Standing, Reva looked at her toes. "Um, okay, Chief. Thanks." At the Chief's dismissal, she headed out. She made it to her quarters before doing a little jig of happiness, which stopped abruptly when she saw the image of her and Riley by her sofa. Rye.... shoving the thought of him aside, she changed into a casual dress, gathered a few things (like her spider bot) and headed back to the Korenna.

* Korenna *

Niro had given Reva a code so she could come and go as she pleased. It came in handy as she was returning far earlier than expected. She let herself in, wandered to his quarters and, finding he wasn't there, dropped her bag on the bed and asked the ship where he was.

Had he gone off to get dinner? See someone else? She growled at that idea. But, no, according to the ship, he was there - in the conference room where they had... She chuckled at the memory and headed for the conference room.

"Niro," she called his name as she entered the room and stopped dead. He wasn't alone. "Oh."

He smiled when she appeared and held out his arm to her from where he sat. “Welcome home, Reva.”

Aware the others were watching her carefully, she walked to his side and laughed when he pulled her into his lap. "Thanks. Who's the audience?"

He kissed her first, then motioned to the two men. On his left was a muscular blond with a faint dusting of red spots at his temple indicating he was Enaran. The one to his right had the tell-tale red skin of a Kazon but his hair was close-cropped. “The Enaran is Falon and this”, he indicated the Kazon, “is Ty. Falon is the chief engineer I spoke of earlier.” He looked over to Falon. “Reva’s an engineer here on the station so I suggested she might like to work with you and get the maintenance done instead of waiting on station crew to do it.”

Falon looked her up and down and finally cracked a smile. “Sure thing. He seems to think you’re good. We’ll see.”

"I am good. And I already know you're running at 83% percent efficiency. That's lousy," she said.

Ty reacted to the insult faster than Falon did. "You would let a girl speak to your crew like this?"

“She’s right and we knew that, so get over it, Ty,” Niro ordered. “It’s not Reva’s fault she doesn’t come from your culture where women are useless.” He held Ty’s gaze and finally, his stern expression relaxed into a laugh.

Grumbling, Ty glared at Reva. For her part, she smugly smiled at him before kissing Niro's cheek. "Falon, I'll be happy to work with you on the engine."

Falon laughed as well. “She got you there, Ty.” He turned his attention to Reva. “You have time tomorrow? Later afternoon? We have something to do first thing but that will be done by afternoon.”

"I have time whenever for the next few days," she said then looked at Niro, "Jenkins gave me three days' leave because of Riley and Six."

Niro didn’t bother to hide his surprise. “That’s excellent. Did you come prepared to stay then?”

"I did," she nodded. "I picked up a few things from my quarters. Can I join in tomorrow's errand?"

The question pulled the attention of Ty and Falon immediately and they waited for Niro to answer.

He shook his head. “They are just delivering a small load down to Archadia. Escorting, really, since we’re not taking the ship. What do you wish to do with your morning until Falon gets back?”

"Oh, I thought.... Well, I could start on the engines, then." She looked at Falon, "Unless you'd rather be there for that?"

“Nah, that’s fine. I can catch up when I get done.” He looked from her to Niro. “Nice to see you finally landed a smart one, boss.”

Niro smirked at Falon. “Just lucky I guess. Ty, you have what you need for tomorrow?”

Glowering at Reva, Ty nodded. "I do. No worries, Niro, we'll get it done."

“Then call once you’re done. Dismissed.” He watched as they rose and as Ty departed, though Falon hung back. Niro waited till the doors closed and looked at Falon. “Might be time to have a talk with him.”

Falon nodded. “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry Reva, Ty hates everyone but Niro.”

"Doesn't help that I'm female, I'm sure," she said, shaking her head at the misogyny Kazons tended to display. She asked Niro, "Babe, can we go out?"

“Sure. We’re done here so let’s go. I need to change but it won’t take long.” He lifted her to her feet, then stood. “Later Falon.”

“See ya tomorrow.” Falon departed the room, leaving just the two of them.

"Three days! I can hardly believe it." She smiled then her mood tempered slightly, "On our way wherever, I need to stop in and see Six. I didn't even acknowledge Suresh's message that she was in Sickbay."

“Of course. Let’s go get changed and we can do that first. Then...the night is yours my darling.” He kissed her and then whispered. “Three days....and all mine.”

Ensign Reva Madhava
Cut Loose Again

Getting Just What He wants




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