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The Perils of Pheromones

Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2015 @ 10:05pm by Niro & Ensign Reva Madhava
Edited on on Sat Aug 22nd, 2015 @ 10:21pm

Mission: Further Challenges

After their dinner, Reva and Niro had stopped by Seyla's quarters; the Orion had been there and given Reva a dose of the Orion Syndicate's antidote for Starfleet's inhibitors. While she had told Reva the dose would wear off, truth was that she didn't know what less than a full dose would do to the girl, beyond reactivating her pheromone glands.

And the effect had been, seemingly, immediate. Reva had gasped and grimaced, holding her neck. But the pain had been fleeting and, within a few minutes, she was okay. She and Niro had left Seyla's, arm-in-arm, heading for a casino on the 1551st deck.

But between Seyla's and that casino, Reva had started to feel ill - something Seyla had said might happen - and they detoured to Niro's ship, where he put her to bed. Later, when Niro was fast asleep beside her, Reva had woken and been unable to get back to sleep.

The dead of the night was, as for many people, an awful time to defend against the dark thoughts and worries of life. Reva's centered on Riley, his situation and their conversations from the past several days; tears flowed and she was on the edge of sobbing. Not wanting Niro to wake and attempt to comfort her, Reva slipped from the bed, grabbed a dress and stole away from his quarters. She went to the engine room and started tinkering. She started crying, too, grieving over Riley. Not even the siren call of the Korenna's engines could distract her, not until she'd cried herself out and given herself a headache.

Towards morning, she was back in control and working steadily on improving the ship's engines. Already, the analytics said efficiency was up to 95% and now she was working to add a boost to the overall output. She sensed she had company before she heard anyone and quickly bolstered the wall she'd built around her feelings regarding Riley. She knew Niro liked to regularly sift through her head; Riley was something she didn't want him touching.

“I thought I might find you here. I missed you when I woke up this morning.” Niro’s voice reached her and then he appeared at her side, clad only in a pair of shorts.

"Morning," she said, withdrawing from the engine compartment. "Yeah, dead of night, I couldn't sleep but didn't want to disturb you, dear." She wiped her hands on a towel and smiled, lightly kissing his cheek. "What is your max warp on this thing?"

“Seven,” Niro answered. He studied her a moment and a slow smile began to spread over his face. The uncontrollable urge to reach for her, pull her close, to feel her skin against his took over and he gave in to it. “Remind me to thank Seyla...later.”

"Oo," she laughed. "Thank me! You should be...," she tried to stay on the topic of the engine as he kissed her, "...mmm, uh, able to hit seven point four. You're...," he had started kissing her neck, "amorous. Oh."

“Can’t help it,” he murmured. “Orion effect hits hard you know….”

Seyla had told her a bit last night before setting her loose with Niro; Reva tried what Seyla had told her to do. Suddenly, she could smell her pheromones on the air. "It works," she giggled and took advantage of Niro, drawing him back to the engine.

He went willingly, intent on doing anything she wanted. The possessive urge that had bloomed in him over the past few days exploded and with it came the urge to keep her away from anyone else. Even Riley crossed his mind and brought the urge to go to the brig and wring his neck. Reva’s attention pushed the image aside however, and it was a wonderful distraction.

She was kissing Niro and just starting to hike her skirt up when the engine room doors opened. Falon stepped in and stopped short, his expression one of surprise. He'd been expecting Reva to be there, but not like this, not with a bare-chested Niro about to ...his mind diverted from that thought. "Boss, Reva, you two look like you're having a good morning." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. The Orion... he watched her for a moment and realized he couldn't blame Niro for keeping her close. "The package is with Ty on the planet, Boss."

“Good,” Niro grunted. He pushed Reva’s skirt down and turned to regard Falon. “Any trouble?”

"Nothing we couldn't handle without you," Falon only glanced at Niro; he was watching Reva instead and stepping closer to the pair. "Did you work on the engine or just...?" He gestured at them.

"I did work on it!", she enthused. "It'll run, or should run, at 95% efficiency. And, come look," without thinking, she gestured him closer, and he quite happily closed the distance, "here, look what I added."

He leaned in, focusing on her, smelling her. The damned engine didn't interest him. He touched her arm, making her look at him.

"Oh," she straightened up.

Niro’s hand closed around his arm, the grip like a vise. “What do you think you’re doing?” There was unmistakable menace his his tone.

In response, Falon sneered at Niro, "Just engaging the lady as she wishes. She obviously likes my engine."

“And that is as far as it goes. She is off limits. Touch her again and you’ll lose that hand. Get….out.” The last was little more than a hiss.

"I will not! This is my engine room! And she wants to be here," Falon growled at his boss, taking a defensive stance.

Reva watched the two and nearly laughed. They were reacting to her! But..., oh, they were reacting to each other, too. Falon had balled his fists and looked ready to fight. Stepping between them, she smiled and said, "Boys, hang on, don't get in a huff." She turned towards Falon, "Dearest Falon, I left a few circuits open. Won't you be a dear and fix them for me? I'd be ever so grateful."

Falon shot a self-righteous glare at Niro then grinned at her, almost stupidly. "Anything for you, Reva." He leaned in to kiss her.

"I knew you would," she blocked his kiss with a finger. "And you'll be well rewarded later. But you have to finish the engine first." She turned him towards the engine. She then caught Niro's hand and looked at him. She shushed him and pulled him toward the door. Once outside it, she purred, "And you, darling, can claim your reward."

“Before or after I kill him?” Niro asked. He wasn’t joking. He glared down at Reva, then took hold of her and pressed her to the wall, holding her there, unable to move.

"There's no need to kill him, Niro," she said, trying to break his grip on her. "And you're hurting me." She tried turning off her pheromones, but hadn't a clue whether it worked; the males' reactions were surprising and a bit nerve wracking. "Let's just go back to your quarters."

“Agreed, I’ll deal with him later.” He smiled finally, slung Reva over his shoulder, and departed engineering.

* Later *

Reva stretched out on Niro's bed, feeling the after effects of their pheromone-fueled sex. "I'm going to shower, dear," she whispered, kissing his shoulder.

Niro had regained most of his senses finally. He murmured and reached over to stop her. “My apologies for the scene in engineering.”

She laughed. "No worries. I sort of enjoyed being nearly fought over. I'm just glad you two didn't come to blows."

“I’ll handle him in a bit and smooth things over. It will be fine, don’t worry.” He paused and reached down, tracing his finger along her stomach. “I have a request, Reva.”

"What request?" She moved in response to his touch.

“Stay here...with me. I know things have been rough for you lately. Stay and let me take care of you. You won’t regret it, I promise.”

He was serious; touching him as she was, as he was her, she could read him easily. Surprised by his request, he probed just a little and saw what he meant: she could be the queen of his ship, pampered and kept as his, do whatever she wished. "Mmm, it's tempting, Niro," she mused. "It's something I'll think on." She found something in his head that she immediately reacted poorly to: "He would have to go," she growled, jealousy rising. "He has to go, whether I agree to stay or not." She sat up and moved to the edge of the bed.

“As you wish,” Niro answered. “He means nothing compared to you.”

"Good," she started towards the bathroom. "When you say you'll handle Falon, just how will you handle him?" She worried he meant something more permanent.

“I’ll explain why it happened and if that isn’t good enough, I may have to pull that memory in the interests of crew harmony.” Niro sat up and shrugged. “He’s a reasonable man, however, he should understand. Not like Ty. Now you see why I wanted you away from him while you try out your pheromones.”

She was tempted to try them out again right now, but held off. "I do. I'm lucky to have a space where I can try this on." Using her pheromones, she could see, was a bit like playing dress up; she saw now why Seyla had some of the mannerisms she did. She stepped into the shower.

Niro rose and quickly followed. He had two objectives in mind: to remove the information about Owain from Reva’s mind, and to do a bit more convincing that she needed to say yes to him. The water was running when he entered the bathroom and opening the shower door, he slipped in.

“Mind some company?”

"Of course not," she drew him in and was unaware he was taking anything from her besides pleasure.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Testing a New Way to be a Temptress

Making An Offer Of His Own

Caught In The Crossfire


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