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Posted on Sun Aug 30th, 2015 @ 9:02pm by Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges

* Fisher’s Boat *

The Kazon laughed mockingly and asked, “So how’s this shipment treating you? I heard you needed some medical attention the first night.”

“Shut up,” the Cardassian growled.

“Ohho! Is this a sore subject? Still having some pangs in the ol’ gonads?” Again, the Kazon laughed, then stopped when Fisher decked him, hard.

“I said shut up!” The two tussled, but the Cardassian got the better of the Kazon, leaving him with a black eye and bloody nose. After the fight, Fisher felt... euphoric. He laughed as what had happened dawned on him: the Orion’s pheromones.

Standing, he kicked the Kazon’s leg and left the galley.

Several hours and much work later, he entered his quarters. When he didn’t see the Orion on the bed, he nearly panicked, then found her on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and staring at him, wide awake. “Get on the bed, Orion,” he ordered.

“No.” She refused to make things easy for him.

He dropped something on the bed then reached down and grabbed her, blanket and all, and dropped her on the bed. “Do you think I won’t use that collar on you?”

He pulled at the blanket; she had it wrapped around her a few times, though her arms were out so she could fend him off. “No! Leave me alone! Stop it!”, she pushed his hands away. Suddenly, he hauled back and hit her, hard, across the cheek.

“I will not allow this,” he ground out. “You are mine, for now, Orion, and I will have what is mine.” He yanked at the blanket, but she kicked at him, landing a blow on his knee. Cursing, he stopped and grabbed one of the things he’d brought with him. Grabbing her arm, he jabbed it against her skin, injecting her with the syringe’s contents.

“Augh!” She cried out and scrambled free of both him and the blanket. She was halfway to the bathroom when whatever he’d hit her with kicked in. She grabbed at her neck, grimacing in pain. It was a familiar pain and after a moment she realized why. “An inhibitor?”, she asked, looking at him.

He laughed, “Yes. I don’t like being nice to my property. And I don’t want to risk you turning one of my men, if you ever happen to see one. Instead, you’ll be auctioned off with an antidote; the buyer will get to choose whether you can dose him or not. Besides, you’re Fleet, they’ll be expecting you not to have pheromones.”

Her knees felt weak and she wondered if he’d put anything else in that dose. She leaned against the bathroom counter.

“Now, get on the bed,” he ordered.

“No,” she still wasn’t going to make this easy - on either of them.

He made it much harder on her than on him: he toggled the switch on his device, sending her to her knees, screaming. He watched as her back arched and her limbs stiffened. This was the second level of the collar; he smiled before letting go of the switch, knowing she’d feel the ache in her muscles for hours.

For her, the moment was searingly painful and seemed to last for forever. The pain ebbed and she sucked in a breath, blinked back tears and became aware he was talking to her: “...five minutes to get yourself together.” He was gone, then.

When he returned in five minutes, she was up, though feeling massively unsteady, and again leaning against the bathroom counter. She’d washed her face, taken a drink then checked the bruise he’d left on her cheek. And decided against doing anything else that’d give him reason to hit that switch again. She was breathing hard, still, from the pain, and her muscles ached, as if she'd lifted too-heavy weights and strained them.

He nodded towards the bed and she held up a hand, silently asking him to give her moment to comply. She took a few shaky steps and sat on the bed. He laughed. “Level two is rough. Level three can break bones as every muscle in the body contracts at the same time.”

“Don’t. I...,” she shook her head. “What do you want from me?”

Fisher taunted her, “Isn’t it obvious? Can’t you read my mind?”

"No," she said, quietly, "I have to touch you to do that." The thought of touching his grey skin repulsed her.

He ordered food and drinks from the replicator. Bringing both to the bed on a tray, he set it near her. “No more games, Orion. Eat.” He walked past her to the bathroom and chuckled as she started scarfing down the food, again. But then, it had been more than twelve hours since he’d last fed her.

Coming back, he saw she’d eaten the whole sandwich and downed both glasses of water. “Behave and you won’t have to be so hungry and thirsty,” he said, taking the plate and glasses to the recycler.

“Where are we now?”, she asked, worried about whether the Fleet would be able to catch them.

“Dendrian Space,” he told her. “We have a stop off and then... I’m not sure where we’ll go then.” He’d crossed the bedroom again and put a hand under her chin. “Take your dress off, Orion.”

She read him and winced, pulling away from his hand. One thing she was well aware of: she had no way of stalling him again; she couldn’t subject herself to another hit from the collar. All she could do was pretend to have some control. Slowly, she pulled her dress off, standing as she did so. Looking at him squarely, she let him look.

Looking wasn’t all he wanted, though. He nodded at the bed and when she settled on it, he knelt over her, gloating.

Ensign Reva Madhava



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