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Keeping Their Hands Clean

Posted on Wed Sep 2nd, 2015 @ 6:00pm by Suresh & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia

* Archadia *

Suresh stepped out of the shuttle with Seyla at his side. Stopping to breath real air and look at the night sky, he smiled. “I really should get down here more often. It will make a lovely place for a honeymoon I think.”

"Plenty of people use it as such," Seyla said sourly. "Remind me why we both have to be here?"

“Time to catch up on a few things where we can’t be overheard or interrupted,” he answered. “Your place is busier than the docking bay.” They moved around the station and on to the street that led to the main part of town. It was a warm night and plenty of people were out walking and enjoying the night.

"No kidding. Sometimes, I should charge admission," she agreed. She stopped and pulled him to a stop, too. "Will? It will make a lovely place? Don't tell me you're going to marry her."

He stopped and smiled down at Seyla. “And why shouldn’t I?”

"Because you are Suresh. Because she's young. Because there's no need to. Why bother with marriage? You're already having sex, right? Yes," she purred, laughing, "You are because of me. What if you marry her and then she decides she doesn't want to be arm candy for a crime lord?"

“Then we’ll deal with it then. As for me being Suresh, there’s some truth to that, which is why we won’t be publicizing it. No one in the Pit will know besides you. Simple enough.” He began to walk again, slowly. “Does age really matter, Sey? I don’t think so.”

"Youth is not simply age," she said, walking with him. "She is inexperienced from what I have seen. As an example, she let Reva lead her into bad situations. And met you as a result. That shows a lack of maturity, a lack of... street intelligence that comes with experience."

“She’s learning, and had come quite a ways from when I first met her. Granted, that attack from my own man couldn’t have been foreseen but it’s been dealt with.” Suresh shrugged. “Besides, I don’t know that I want her completely spoiled by this lifestyle. I love her for who she is, that’s it.”

Seyla made a disgusted sound in her throat as she stopped to unlock a door. Pushing it open, Seyla went inside. Locking the door again once Suresh was in, she said, "This was our first house here on Archadia. If we'd come from the other side, we'd have had to come through the gaggle of boys on offer." She led him up a staircase to an office.

There, a young man sat at the desk. He looked up and smiled, looking more worried than pleased. "Seyla, Suresh, welcome."

"Stay," Seyla ordered, "we're simply passing through."

"Ah, I thought perhaps you were here to check on the new man, your ...Marat? He does well, though he tires easily," the man said.

Suresh looked to Seyla, then back to the young man. “Did you say Marat?”

The man nodded and smiled, "You sent him here to be of use. Right, Seyla?"

"Yes, we did," Seyla nodded, knowing that there was about to be an eruption. "Be a dear and go down and get us a bottle of wine from my cellar," she told the man. He nodded and slipped out of the room.

We did?” Suresh asked. Anger boiled in him white hot. “He’s supposed to be on a transport headed to a prison in the Alpha Quadrant. What the hell is he doing here?”

"It's a story, Suresh. And, first, you have to know that I had nothing to do with the attack on Six. I don't need to steal a Borg's blood to make a profit. I didn't know about the plan and I didn't condone it," she said, moving around to the far side of the desk. "But Marat's being here is... something I had a hand in - to protect myself."

“Explain, Seyla.” Suresh’s voice was tight as he approached the desk. “The attack? You’re smarter than that, but I want to hear about the rest of it and it better be good. Then I’ll go deal with the man myself.”

"Owain was his partner. I knew that if Marat talked, he'd tell on Owain and Darwin would think I had a hand in it. Yet another black mark on my record with him." She sighed and sat where the man had been. "So, Marat's price was ...this. And now it doesn't matter since Owain flipped his shit and helped that Slaver get Reva off the Station."

“Will Owain betray Marat do you think?” Suresh leaned on the desk, facing Seyla. “Owain is responsible for that?? I knew I didn’t like him that first night he walked Six home. If he thinks it will help save his ass, he’ll likely sing like a canary.”

"I'm not sure Owain knows of Marat's fate," she said. "Besides, he seemed more interested in spilling Niro's secrets than that one."

A slow smiled spread over Suresh’s face. “You want to redeem yourself with Darwin? At least a little? We can make it happen. As long as Marat doesn’t point the finger at you,” he added.

"What are you suggesting?"

“Wrap him up like a present and beam him to Security. I’m sure he’ll be glad to tell Darwin who helped him escape, don’t you think?”

"That would be--," she shook her head. She wasn't yet ready to give Niro up to Darwin. "No. Why bother? And I didn't help with the escape - we're simply providing a temporary hiding spot."

“And he would tell all he knew.” Suresh paced and brushed his long hair back. “You know the prison will alert them soon, when he has not arrived. It would be a simple matter to have him delivered ourselves. You like that better? Or shall I give him to Farco?”

Smiling slyly, she looked up at him. "Yes, give him to Farco. Give the order to let Farco and Patch have fun with him." Would he actually do that? She had her doubts.

“I'll send word and they can be here within the hour.” Suresh fell silent as the young man returned with the bottle of wine. “Why don’t we take the wine, Seyla, and go enjoy ourselves?”

"Fine," she took the wine from the man and she and Suresh left the office.

They wandered through the house to a room left purely for Seyla’s use and stepped inside. Suresh locked the doors and waved her to the large deep sofa. “I’ll deal with the wine.” He smiled. “Did you see the way he jumped to attention when we walked in?”

"They jump like that because they aren't used to seeing either of us down here, Suresh." Fluffing a pillow, she curled up on the sofa. Settling in, she watched him open the wine and then accepted a glass of it from him. "You like the power, don't you? How people look at you and react to you simply because the real Suresh was a raving lunatic."

“They don’t watch too closely either, which helps,” Suresh admitted. “Why do you think I made a point of bringing you here and locking us in? He’ll expect us to come enjoy ourselves and this gives him time to spread the word that you are here.” He relaxed back into the sofa beside her and sipped the wine. “It’s good. As are you.”

"Yes, thank you." She turned toward him and said, "We could take advantage of being here. Six would never need to know."

Her offer surprised Suresh. “I didn’t think you cared, Sey,” he joked. “Or is this your way of calling a truce on the personal front?”

"A truce? Do we need one? Perhaps I simply want something to lord over your head later," Seyla chuckled.

“That would certainly do it,” Suresh admitted. “And I have to say that you are so very tempting. I may have Six but I am not dead. What matters is what I do about that.”

"Indeed," she set off her pheromones. "Perhaps Reva would be more interesting to you?"

“No, and she despises me completely, even though I’ve tried to help keep her out of trouble. She needs to stay away from both of us.” Suresh smiled as he breathed in. “You’re playing dirty, Seyla.”

"When I have my way, she'll be part of our business in the Pit. She'll quit taunting you, though don't be surprised if she tries to bed you," Seyla smirked, still confident she could turn Reva into a willing asset.

Suresh reached out to stroke her cheek gently. “You’ll save yourself many headaches if you pass on that idea, Sey. She’s not what you need. I think even you are beginning to see that. She’ll never be settled with you and never behave as you expect your women to do. Too much trouble, trust me.”

"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes, "she's just going through a transition. This sort of business is what Orions thrive at running. Playing with engines and getting filthy doing things aren't."

"You have another issue with Reva, you know.” Suresh gave her a lazy smile. “Her mother and her mother’s ideas for Reva on this station.”

Cutting off her pheromones, she sat up a bit and looked at him. "Her mother is in prison. How would you know what her mother's ideas are?"

“Because I know everything that goes on in the Pit, Sey,” he answered. “That big Orion talks to me and it’s his considered opinion that Reva should be used to establish the Syndicate on 900. I don’t have to tell you what a colossally bad idea that is.”

"The Syndicate on 900?" Seyla's eyes went wide. "Nooo. Nonono, that can't happen! They'd take over my business, drive you and Lazan out! That's who that big lug is? He's a Syndicate Scout? Wait, how does he connect to Reva? Is he her mother's agent?" The Orion put it together rather quickly. "Oh, Gods, and Reva was taken by that slaver! Has anyone told the guy that?"

Suresh nodded. “He does. Six spoke to him earlier. What he’s done since, I don’t know, but I will find out as soon as we get back. As for this Syndicate idea, we cannot allow the Syndicate to move in. Lazan will need to know about this too.”

"Does this guy... What's his name?... know about what's been going on with Reva? Specifically, with me and Reva?"

“Let’s just say he’s not a fan of Niro, shall we? Does that tell you enough?” Suresh rose and returned with the wine bottle, from which he refilled their glasses. “There’s one more complication.” He touched his glass to Seyla’s. “Riley has been released. So that fly is back in your ointment.”

"He's of no concern. I have Reva believing that she's toxic for him. Europa turned her father into a 'zombie'; Reva's afraid she'll do the same to Riley." She smirked. "Poor kitten believes her sole source of Orion lore." Frowning, she grew serious. "We'll need to chase this scout away. Any ideas?"

“I’ll think on it.” Suresh nodded. “Once I know where he is and what he’s doing. But first, I need to send a message.” He stood and moved over to the small comm panel. There, he sent word to Farco to get down to the planet and where to go. He then returned to the sofa and settled back in beside Seyla. “Farco is on his way and will report in later.”

Keeping his hands clean, she noted. "I didn't think you had it in you."

“It’s not the first time,” he answered. “Tell me, Seyla, who got him off that transport? Someone had to arrange it.”

"Who do you think?" She sipped her wine and glanced at him. "I didn't. Lazan has no reason to cross you."

“So who else has been dipping his toes into life into the PIt?” His tone was laced with sarcasm. “I think it may be time Niro and I had a little talk.”

"Just be aware that he likes to poke around in your head. Last time I talked to him, though, he was a little weird. He told me to lay off Reva - that she's a person. Blah blah blah."

“Interesting. And thanks for the heads up. So far, he and I haven’t crossed paths so he had no need to dig. Maybe I’ll find out what he’s about in a more roundabout fashion. Six said she met him but he didn’t have much to say, just wanted to pull Reva away from them.” Suresh laughed for a moment. “I do know Ed doesn’t like him at all.”

"Be glad he didn't take notice of Six. He could muddle her mind as easily as Vic muddles mint for a mojito. Keep her away from him.".

Now Suresh frowned. “Speaking of Vic, I think he may be more of an issue than Niro where Six is concerned. He seems to be mooning over her and the fact that he let her get get the idea.”

"She's marrying you, though, right? So who cares about Vic?"

“What if she changes her mind? Or he convinces her that he is what she wants?” He frowned as he looked down into his glass. “He kissed her, not long ago. She told me.”

"What else did they do that she didn't tell you?" Seyla, cynical to the end, sneered and chuckled. "Isn't that how it's done? Tell a little bit to ease the guilt and stay quiet about the rest?" Reva wasn't the only fertile ground for sowing seeds of doubt.

Suresh’s eyes narrowed. “No. She wouldn’t go that far and Six is….open and to the point. If it had gone farther than that, she would have said so.” He fell silent for a few seconds, thinking about it then shook his head. “No, she wouldn’t do that. Nor would I.” He smiled at Seyla finally.

"Okay, I'm sure she wouldn't," Seyla's tone was slightly mocking. "Let's get to business; enough gossip, dear. Unless... you have more?"

“No.” He drained his glass and set it aside. “I’ll be sure to let you know what I find out about this Orion and Niro. I’m curious to see how involved he’s becoming. I’m a little concerned that he took one of your men and wrapped him up so tightly, though. Loyalty is as important in your business as it is in mine.”

"I think Owain stepped off the mental health bus, perhaps aided by Niro. He's always been ambitious but... not in such a ...monetary manner. He stole Six's blood to sell; he expected a windfall from Reva's sale." She shook her head. "At least I'm discovering this now and not when he's costing me credits."

“Or stabbing you in the back, one way or the other,” Suresh added. “Do we need to see anyone here or shall we move on? Perhaps get dinner while we’re down here?”

"We can move on. There's a good diner around the corner." She stood and led him out.

Mr. Businessman

Taking Care of Business


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