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Unwelcome News

Posted on Tue Sep 8th, 2015 @ 11:05pm by Falasin & Niro & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Various

* Bacchus Pub *

Darwin was decidedly off-duty: he was out of uniform, unshaven (as unshaven as a man can be after a day and a half), and relaxing in a small bar best known for its selection of specially brewed craft beers. He had a nut brown lager at the moment and was quietly contemplating nothing in particular.

Edana had left Six and after a quick check, located Darwin. She entered the bar in a sleeveless silk dress in a deep blue, conservative by her standards but not anyone else’s. She stopped at the bar and after asking what he was drinking, got two of the same and carried them to his table.

“About time you went off-duty.”

"Gilroy ordered me to take at least twelve hours off," he answered then gave her a sly grin and asked, "So what plans do you have for the next ten hours or so?"

“I’m off the clock until I report in to Dae later tomorrow afternoon. Six and Suresh just left the station to go down to Archadia for a few days. She needed a day or three off too. So, since I know that look, I’m all yours.” Edana returned his smile, then took a drink of her beer.

"Mm... Too bad you just brought more beer," he reached around and goosed her. "Though, I've heard they have good beer-battered fish here. We can eat, then head to some place less public."

“That sounds good, actually. I was on periphery watch while she had dinner with Vic so, obviously, I didn’t eat,” Edana admitted. “And besides the real reason I’m glad you’re off duty, it puts me out of reach so I’m not the one who has to tell him why she canceled her training session and why he can’t find her on the station.”

Darwin shook his head, refraining from commenting about that situation; he disliked seeing women string men along - and if Vic was chasing, then there was a chance being dangled. He liked simplicity - like Edana. He could call on her for sex and companionship, but didn't have to worry about attachments or clinginess. It worked nicely. "Great," he said raising a hand to catch the server's attention. When she came over, he ordered for them both. "Anything else happen today?"

“Quiet. Even Niro wasn’t to be seen, and for that I count myself lucky.” She smiled and reached over to take Darwin’s hand. “I think he’s moping that he didn’t get to go on the rescue. If he hasn’t reared his head by tomorrow, you should look him up. I worry when he’s quiet for too long.”

Frowning, Darwin tapped his commbadge and called Niro, "Niro, Lt. Darwin here."

Moments later, Niro’s voice came back to Darwin. “Niro here, Darwin. I must say this is a surprise. What do you need?”

"From you? Nothing. But I thought you might like an update on ...ah... Reva's situation. Not that we know what her situation is, really. But Ensign Carter has taken a ship after them and is tracking the slaver's warp trail," Darwin informed him.

“I am surprised you did not go, given your...interest in the situation.” At Niro’s words, Edana rolled her eyes. “I am glad to know Security is on the job however. Getting her back is what matters, not who is doing it, though I still wish I had gone.”

"Well, orders are orders," Darwin commented. "Besides, I think Robart will catch the slaver first. He took Riley with him, though I'm not sure why."

There was a long silence before Niro answered. “Riley?” Even through the comm badge, the tension in his voice was noticeable.

“Oh, shit,” Edana whispered.

Darwin shot Ed a small smile. "Yeah, Riley. You know Riley - the guy she's been dating for..., oh, I don't know how long. A while before she landed on my radar, though. Maybe that's why Robart took him along."

“I see. Is there anything else? If not, then I will go. Thanks for the update and please let me know when you hear something?”

"Oh, sure thing. We're just here to serve the Station residents, yaknow." Darwin closed the comm link and chuckled. He'd just stirred up Niro and he knew it from the tone of the man's voice.

“You enjoy causing trouble don’t you?” Edana laughed and shook her head. “He’ll be off that ship in two minutes and looking for some way to ease his temper. I pity the one that crosses his path, but that’s what Security is for...but not you as Security. Not tonight.” She dropped her hand from the table to rest on his thigh. “Tonight, you’ll forget Security entirely.”

Mindful of where her hand was, Darwin caught the server's attention and asked for the food to go.

* The Promenade *

Niro was not in a good mood as he paced along the Promenade. Reva had been gone for far too long and instead of going out to get her back, he was sitting here on the station. He still wondered why he’d agreed when Darwin made it clear it was a Fleet matter. Grudgingly, he had to admit it made sense but he didn’t like it. He’d never stopped to worry about rules and regulations before. He growled aloud in frustration and a group of tourists that stood close by hastily moved away.

It being a Fleet matter, no one seemed to care that Riley had taken off after her and that soured his mood even more. Or that he was on an Orion ship, that most definitely was not Fleet. He could envision it now - Riley would arrive and rescue her in a blaze of glory and Reva would be overcome with the usual damsel in distress worship of her hero. The thought made Niro absolutely ill. So did a young, perky blonde officer who passed him with a smile and greeted him as Nico. He was in no mood to be mistaken for his goody two-shoes brother.

What he needed was a distraction, one that didn’t include Seyla. He was in no mood for the verbal jousting or occasional resistance that came with a visit to her. He glanced into Palaxia’s and stopped to consider it. The noise and lights were not what he wanted, but it would be easy enough to find one of Seyla’s women there. That was a problem, however, as it would get back to Seyla, and ultimately Reva. His gaze moved on and stopped instantly as Mamu’s shop came into view. Inside he could see a blue figure moving about, seeing to her closing duties. Perfect. He moved down to stand outside the window and as Falasin looked up, he waved to her. She smiled back immediately and hurried to the door.

Falasin unlocked the door and, opening it, greeted Niro, "Well hi! You're not in uniform, so I'll guess you're Niro not Nico! I'm right, aren't I?" She nodded, grinning widely.

“Indeed.” He smiled back to her and lowered his voice. “Is Mamu here?”

The young woman looked towards the back of the shop and lowered her voice as well, "I'm not sure. I'm never real sure when she's here or when she's gone and sometimes I think she's gone and then she'll pop up behind me! Scares the ice right off my tush!" The Andorian laughed. "Do you need something? 'Cause we're actually closed... but for you I can make an exception."

“I came to see you, actually. I’ve wanted to get here before now but a lot’s been happening. You didn’t come to the Wormhole. Remember the day I came to get Nico’s wedding present?” Niro looked appropriately sad and reached for her hand. “Perhaps now I can lure you away?”

She gasped, "Oh my goodness! Now that you mention it, I recall! Oh, I'm sorry I didn't meet you there. I wonder why I didn't...?" She looked thoughtful then waved it away, smiling brightly again, "Oh well! Give me a minute and I'll be right out, m'kay?"

“It will be my pleasure.” Niro raised her hand to his lips. “Hurry.” He didn’t have to add ‘before Mamu shows up’.

"Yup!" She closed the door and hurried through the last of her closing routine then exited the shop, joining Niro on the Promenade. "So even though I didn't show up that night, you're here to see me?" She rocked on her toes and heels, grinning.

“I don’t give up that easily, Falasin.” He took her hand and drew her away from the shop, just in case. They stopped just down past Palaxia’s and he turned to face her. “You seem surprised. Wait, did Mamu convince you not to come that night?”

Pausing, Falasin thought about that idea. "I remember her saying something but now it's all sort of vague and fuzzy." She shrugged carelessly and smiled. "I don't really recall what she said."

That told Niro exactly what he wanted to know, but he kept it to himself. “Oh well, no harm done. You’re here now and that’s what matters.” Looking down at Falasin’s upturned face, sensing her excitement, he decided she would make a great distraction indeed. He decided to take advantage and gave her just the slightest mental nudge, boosting that excitement. “What would you like to do first?”

Her eyes went big and she cooed, "Oooohhh! Let's go dance! There's this great techno/electronica place on the lower Promenade level. They have great laser lights and all sorts of trippy effects!" She bounced, smiling. "Let's go there!"

“As you wish.” He gave her a courtly bow, then taking her hand once more, led her off to the turbolift.

* Kaleidoscope *

They approached the doors and a few of the crowd outside turned to watch, given that both Niro and Falasin were recognizable. They moved on through the doors and at once their senses were assaulted by the music and flashing lights. The place was busy and Niro slipped his arm around Falasin holding her close as they weaved their way through. First stop was the bar. Niro leaned across so the bartender could hear him and soon, two glasses were passed over that contained a brightly colored drink in layers with a flower adorning them. Niro pulled his flower out, licked the stem, then tucked it behind her ear.


Laughing, she pulled him onto the dance floor and, with one steady hand holding her drink, began dancing for all she was worth. Every once in a while, she'd suck on the straw in her drink. Several minutes in, she leaned close to Niro's ear and shouted, "Isn't this great!?"

He smiled ear to ear and pulled her close. Brushing his lips against her throat, he then whispered in her ear. “You are amazing." He pressed her against him as they continued to dance, moving in rhythm. His hand settled over the curve of her ass, keeping her close to him.

"Woo!" She laughed and played into his hand, moving against him in what might be, in any other context, a lascivious way, ignoring the effect she might have on him.

Niro laughed aloud, surprised to find that he was enjoying the dancing and the atmosphere. He was also enjoying the feel of Falasin pressed against him and her gyrations were pushing his self-control. Not that he cared, really. He took her empty glass and slipped his own into her hand, then slipped his free hand beneath the short, multi-layered skirt she wore. The skin of her upper thigh set him on edge.

“I’m glad you’re having fun. That’s what tonight’s all about.”

"Oh, I am!" She didn't notice he wasn't drinking and was thrilled when her cup was magically refilled. The beat changed and she hopped out of Niro's grasp before turning her back on him and continuing her dancing.

He laughed to himself and passed the empty glass to someone dancing near them. He had to admit, Falasin was a good dancer with a lot of rhythm. It brought other images to mind of how he’d like to test that rhythm. Without a thought, he passed them on to her as they continued to dance.

Spinning to face him, eyes wide, jaw agape, she stopped dancing. "Oh! That's very explicit!"

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. It’s you, Falasin, that tempts me.” He reached out to tug at her hair. “It’s a compliment.”

"You're sweet!" She laughed and draped herself on him. "Let's go somewhere else, yeah?"

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He took her glass and passed it on as well. “Any preferences? If not, I have something in mind.”

"I picked this place - it's your turn!" She poked his chest with a finger.

He drew her off the dance floor and stopped back by the bar. Wrapping her in his arms, he leaned in to whisper. “That depends….would you like something more private? And how bold are you feeling?”

Smiling, she just looked at him and gestured at her outfit: a bright, bold mix of colors and fabrics. It spoke for her: she was always bold! "How about private? And very bold?"

“Come with me.”

Several minutes later, the lift left them on the Arboretum level. Hand in hand, they began to stroll across the grass. Niro was glad to see that his spirits were lifting and he had the bright blue bundle of joy at his side to thank for that. He slipped into her thoughts once more, just to take a look around. He was curious about her private life and was surprised to see that she didn’t have much of one, at least as far as romance went. Terribly innocent was the impression he got and tonight, he didn’t really care that he would be the one to bring that to an end. Eventually they arrived at a small grotto covered in wisteria. The entrance wound around a panel, making the inside completely invisible to any passing by.

“What do you think, Fal?” he asked.

"Oh! I never even knew this was here! Wow! How pretty," she enthused. She turned an innocent look on him and asked, "You wanna do what you were thinking about here?"

Niro’s smile returned. “With you? I want to do that everywhere,” he murmured. “Starting with here, then I’m taking you home to my ship. Is there anyone you need to call so they won’t be worried if you don’t come home tonight?”

"No," she shook her head as her antennae twitched and moved. "Just Mamu, if I'm going to be late tomorrow." She grinned but was cautious about approaching him.

“She will not be pleased,” he warned her. “She despises me as you have seen.” He settled on a large flat-topped rock and beckoned her closer. “You have no need to fear me, Falasin.”

"Kinda figured I didn't," she laughed. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here." She went at his beckoning and sat in his lap. "Why does she hate you so much?"

“It’s a long story, but she is far more attached to Nico than to me, despite the fact that I am the one who saved him a year ago.” He paused and frowned. “She doesn’t approve of my lifestyle, you might say. Nico and I chose very different paths.” He rested his hands on her bare thighs that rested on either side of him. “I am unrestrained and that causes her to take issue with me.”

Rocking slightly, she mused, "Hmm. That's strange. We have lots of customers who are 'unrestrained'." She shrugged, put her hands on top of his and edged them higher on her thighs. "It doesn't matter, yeah? This does."

“Oh yes it does.” He leaned in and captured her lips in a long, deep kiss. The images danced in Falasin’s thoughts once more and soon, fantasy became reality.

* EFS Korenna *

Lounging in Niro's bed, the same one Reva had been queen of just a few hours ago, Falasin laughed and said, "This has been a most interesting evening. Educational, you could say." She tickled his stomach with her antennae.

The sensation brought forth a laugh from Niro and he took hold of her, pulling her back on top of him. “I think it’s been a delicious evening.” He grinned up at her. “And the night is still young. Will you stay? We have much more to learn of each other yet.”

"I have no reason not to stay," she said, though she immediately got out of the bed. "Be right back," she told him and ducked into the bathroom. A couple of moments later, she came back, a bra hooked on one finger. "This doesn't look like it would fit you...," she said.

“It is of no consequence,” he answered. “A girl that is one of Seyla’s is all. Does that worry you?”

She frowned. "An escort girl left her bra here? It worries me if I'm helping you step out on a girlfriend."

Niro laughed and shook his head. “Seyla’s women are no one’s girlfriends, it’s strictly business. You know that well enough, don’t you? They do their thing, get paid, and go home….or on to the next.” He sat up and held out his hand to her. “There is no girlfriend. Yet.” That was mostly true.

Yet? She laughed and tossed the garment aside before hopping back into bed. "In that case, we have no worries, right? I could sleep here tonight and come back tomorrow." Falasin, with all her inexperience, was a zero-to-sixty in no time flat kind of girl. Both for going to bed and for relationships.

“I would like nothing better.” And that was true, he realized. Falasin’s exuberance was a wonderful thing indeed and was doing a fine job of distracting him from his problems. “In fact I insist that you stay through. Mamu can do without you for a day.”

"Yay!" She cheered, bouncing on the bed on her knees. Soon, she was on her knees for another reason.

Sometime later, Niro stretched and stroked Falasin’s back as she lay beside him. “Getting hungry my angel?”

"I could eat, yeah," she nodded, "Does this ship have replicators? Or a galley?"

“Both.” He kissed her gently and sat up. “But first, we need to clear your day tomorrow. Computer, notify Mamu B’yaga that Falasin is with me and will not be in to work tomorrow. Send immediately.” The computer beeped and it was done. “Now then, let’s get something to eat, shall we? No need to dress, the ship’s empty.”

"Oh, Mamu is not going to like that message!" Falasin looked worried.

Lt. M. Darwin
Stirring the pot

SCPO Edana
Enjoying Time Off

On A Successful Hunt

Oh my.


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