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Run and Hide

Posted on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 9:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Falasin

Mission: Further Challenges

* Saturnalia *

Following her talk with Mamu, Six had stopped by Intel to give Dae an update on the little woman’s concerns and her own offer to help. She’d promised to keep Darwin or Edana close by but he’d agreed to the idea. Now, she entered Saturnalia, the necklace for Suresh still in her pocket. She hoped it would work well enough even tucked away. Some respectful greetings were called out as she moved on through the crowd but no one poked at her or pinched her as most women would have been down here. She finally stopped at a table with a good view of the main area and sat down.

Not long after Six had entered Saturnalia, Niro strolled in, accompanied by a voluptuous woman in a dress that was a touch small and a lot short for her assets. She was smiling up at him as he paused before choosing a table and pulling her along to it. Unlike when he was seen with Reva or Falasin, his attention wasn't on this woman; he was watching everyone else.

Shelly stopped to give Six her usual, which was water with lime in it. They talked briefly, then Shelly moved on among the tables, delivering drinks from her loaded tray. The woman caught Six’s notice but Niro’s disinterest in her was obvious. She didn’t recognize her as one of Seyla’s but that didn’t mean she wasn’t. She also knew it would only be a few seconds til Niro’s gaze reached her. If Mamu was right about his habits, and the necklace worked, she’d catch his attention.

Six was correct: Niro was scanning the room, trolling through the thoughts of those within his sight. Initially, he passed over Six but quickly snapped back to her when he realized he hadn't gotten a read off of her. He felt for her but couldn't get a hold of her thoughts. He stood and had taken a few steps towards her when his escort said something. Rolling his eyes, he turned back, smiled and told her to stay put.

At Six's table, he didn't ask if he could sit, he simply did. "Six of Ten. Former Fleet, now just a plaything for a busy man. Interesting downward career trend. Have you heard news of Reva?"

“Nice to see you too Niro.” She smiled back at him. “I have actually. The most recent news is that she’s on her way home. Owain should be glad he’s locked up, but then, Reva’s nicer than me. I’d rip his throat out,” she said matter-of-factly. “I’m sure you’ll be glad to see her though. Waiting can’t have been easy for you.” She purposely looked past him to the woman at his table, then back.

"Hmm, yes, waiting has been difficult. I've been trying to bury my worries," he said, flippantly, laughingly. "I do look forward to seeing her," and twisting her memories so that she despises Riley. "If she wants, I'll take her to see Owain and just might help her disembowel him." Why couldn't he read her thoughts?

“That’s sweet,” Six answered. “I understand she’s had a horrible time so some comfort would be good. I know you were close before she was taken.” Six’s tone had softened. “I know it’s rough, too, finding out that Owain did it because of some twisted jealousy. That can’t be easy for you, but I can understand the attraction.”

"No, that's awful, knowing he did that for me." He shook his head, feigning sadness. "Reva is very dear to me. I asked her to stay, to be mine always."

“And what did she say?” Six reached for her glass and had a sip of the water, then lowered it. Looking at Niro, she could see the bad boy appeal and felt a rush of sympathy for Falasin if she was up against this man.

"Yes, of course," he smiled seductively and leaned towards Six. "It's an offer I made sure she didn't want to refuse." He touched her hand where she held the glass. Still, he couldn't read her; all he got was a fuzziness, a slight buzzing. His look turned speculative. "Perhaps you'd like it if I made an offer to you?"

She looked down at their hands, then back up to his face, hoping that Suresh’s men were elsewhere at the moment. “To entertain me while Suresh is so busy? Is that it?"

"Oh, I would definitely entertain you, Six," he sent a pleasurable thrill along her hand and arm, or at least attempted to. Without being able to read her, he wasn't quite sure whether it worked.

Six sensed his confusion only a split second before a wave of pleasure washed over her. Her eyes widened and her hand involuntarily tightened around his. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts into something resembling coherence. “…was that you?”

Chuckling, he replied, "Do you think Reva is with me just because I'm good looking?"

“She’s not that shallow,” Six replied. “I should hope you have some real qualities she appreciates.” She spoke slowly, trying to get a grip on the desire that swirled within her. “Are you sure you have room? I heard some gossip that you’ve been seen at Kaleidoscope with Falasin.” She had, in fact, picked up that tidbit earlier that day at Saturnalia and it hadn’t meant much at the time. “And there’s your friend over there.” She nodded to his table where the woman still sat.

He withdrew his hand, looking over at his companion before returning his gaze to Six. "Jealous, my dear?" He laughed. "That one, I can be rid of easily. Meet me in the grotto in the Arboretum."

“And Falasin? She seems like a nice kid. I’d hate to step on her toes, you know?” She leaned in closer to Niro. “You’ve heard how Suresh is, do you think the Arboretum is wise?”

"This grotto is," he said. "And don't worry about my Falasin. She knows her place."

“And what is her place Niro?” She hadn’t missed his reference to Falasin as ‘my’. “Just another stand-in till Reva is home? Is that what you want me to be too?”

"A stand-in?" He laughed. "More like a lie-in." He frowned and focused on her. "Why can't I read you?"

A lie-in? The casualness of that statement made her suddenly angry, though she fought hard not to let it show. In answer to his question, she shrugged. “Perhaps interference from my implants? I suppose it’s possible. Does that bother you?”

"I'm simply used to being able to sense others," he shrugged.

Behind Niro, Falon, his engineer, entered Saturnalia, holding the hand of a pretty Andorian. He stopped and looked around then, spying Niro, dragged Falasin over to him. "Boss... Sorry, she was driving me batty." He handed Falasin over.

"There you are!" Falasin happily danced in place then perched on Niro's lap, kissing his cheek. She looked across the table at Six and smiled.

Six had watched them approach and she looked over Falasin, glad to see she looked reasonably well. She couldn’t sense her emotions just now, thanks to the necklace but she was at least a little reassured. If the Andorian was this happy to see Niro, it likely meant he hadn’t been abusing her at least. She smiled brightly and introduced herself. “I’m Six, you must be Falasin. I’ve seen you about the station here and there.”

"And I've seen you! Hi! Oh, you're Suresh's woman," Fal smiled, as if proud that she knew that about Six. To Niro, she said, "You left me alone for so long. I missed you."

"Of course you did," he smiled at her then at Six. "It seems that I am a bit too busy for you, just as Suresh seems to be."

“Suresh always makes time,” she answered and smiled. She then greeted Falon and turned back to Niro. “Why don’t you two gentlemen go get us drinks? I’ll keep Falasin company.”

Falon looked at his boss, a touch confused. Niro gave Six a narrow-eyed look then displaced Fal from his lap and stood. "Very well, drinks." He knew the bartender woukd know what Six was drinking, so he gestured to Falon and walked away.

Falasin watched him go then took his seat. "You're Reva's friend, right? And friends with Eli and Chance? Do you know Eli is in Piper? He got sick at Kaleidoscope while we were there with him."

“He did? What happened?” Six held up her hand and lowered her voice. “I have to make this quick. I saw Mamu today and she’s worried about you. She seems to think you may be in danger so I offered to find you. You need to call me later, so I can explain more. Please?”

"Is Mamu okay?" Falasin's brow creased with worry. "Oh, I miss her! And working! What am I doing?" For a moment, she looked utterly confused. "Call you? I will, if I can."

“Good. If you need anything, find a way to reach me.” She sat back and resumed her normal tone. “Tell me about Eli? Will he be alright?”

Falasin shook her head. "The doctors aren't sure. They haven't figured out what's causing it and they put him in stasis. Chance is beside himself. Will you tell Reva? I think they're friends."

“I will, and I need to find Chance. I can’t imagine what this is like for him.” Though she could, she realized. If it were Suresh there, locked away in stasis to keep him from dying, she would likely be close to losing her mind. She looked back at Falasin, tempted to grab the young woman and go, but their chances of reaching the door, with Niro so close, were slim to none.

"Good," the Andorian smiled slightly.

"Drinks, ladies," Niro set a water with lime in front of Six and put his hand on Falasin's shoulder. "Falasin, it's time we should go." Falon hadn't joined them again. He'd gone to Niro's other date and ushered her out of Saturnalia.

"So soon? But I just got here," Falasin whined, making Niro frown at her. She stood. "Bye, Six. Good to meet you."

“You too, and thanks for the news about Eli. I’m going to see Chance when I leave here. Maybe I’ll see you later.” This last was directed at Niro and she smiled. “Have a good evening.”

Niro nodded and directed Falasin out of the bar. "I thought it was clear that I wanted you to remain on the Korenna, dear."

“I know, but it’s been days that I’ve been on there and I really needed to get out and get a change of scene.” Her antennae drooped a bit at his veiled displeasure. “Besides, I missed you. It’s no fun there alone. Don’t be mad at Falon, okay?”

"Scenery," he grumbled, holding her elbow a little tighter and harder than necessary, "Change of scenery is the phrase." He was upset, but not entirely sure why.

“What’s wrong, Niro?” She frowned at his grip on her elbow but gave him a sunny smile as she looked up into his eyes. “Tell me so I can make it better?” He was clearly unhappy about something and his mood was worrying her. Till now, he’d been so caring and attentive. Six’s words popped into her mind, increasing her worry. Knowing Niro liked to eavesdrop, however, she quickly tried to push the thought away. “Tell me please?”

Suddenly he laughed. "So Six thinks I'm dangerous? Mamu told her that? Oh, that's funny." He pulled her to a stop and smiled at her. Speaking softly, he asked, "Fal, you don't think I'm dangerous, do you? I haven't hurt you at all, have I?"

“No, of course not, but I miss her and the shop. I know you want me home but would it hurt to let me go in and help her out as I usually do? She’s old, Niro, and needs me.” She slipped her arms around him and pressed close against him. “I’ll still come to you when I’m done.” His rapidly changing moods had her a little off balance and while she had to ask this, she wasn’t at all sure how he’d take it.

"She'll turn you against me, Fal. You know she hates me, you saw that in my bedroom, when she climbed onto the bed and tried to take you away!", he was playing the pouting boyfriend and slipped his arms around her.

Confusion reigned in Falasin. She knew that Mamu needed her and yet, there was Niro, the man she adored. And Six’s words had jarred her back to reality more than a little. She wanted to have it all , she realized but she was afraid that if she stood up to Niro, she would lose him.

“What do you want me to do? And what if I promised I wouldn’t listen to what she says about you?”

"Promise me you won't? She'll be persuasive and persistent. She might even use her telepathy on you and twist how you think. I'd hate to lose you, Falasin," Niro said, rubbing her back.

“You won’t,” she whispered. “But maybe I should at least talk to her?” His hands on her back went a long way towards easing her mind and she tilted her face up to him for a kiss. “I also don’t like being left alone when you go out. I want to be with you. Like now.”

"Of course, my dear," he kissed her lips gently, all the while thinking she was a bit demanding. "Why don't you run along to her now? See her and then come home for dinner?"

Niro’s concession surprised and pleased her. Since he seemed so willing, she decided to appease him first, then go see Mamu. “I’ll visit her later. Let’s get you home and perhaps I can ease your mind where my affections are concerned? Prove to you you don’t need to worry?”

He grinned and nodded, "That, dear Falasin, is a good plan." He shifted his hold on her and they continued to the Korenna.

Ensign Six of Ten


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