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Somebody's Knocking

Posted on Sat Sep 26th, 2015 @ 11:38pm by Janice Gree

Mission: Further Challenges

* Nexus Club *

Sitting still and silent, Janice took a moment to center her mind. Things at the moment were crazy: Eli was okay again, but still in Sickbay; Jackson and Vic were both off-Station, doing who knew what together; and tonight promised to be a busy night based on the reservations list. She took a deep breath and tried to think of nothing at all.

It was a task made more difficult by a knock on her door. “Go ‘way!”, she said. She didn’t want to deal with the Nexus’ employees just yet. The knock came again and she realized it was coming from her outer door, not the one leading to the Nexus. “Oh,” she unfolded her legs and stood to pull the door open. Joy hit her hard and she nearly shouted, “You! Get in here!” She hugged the man there.

He moved into the dressing room in a rush as she pulled him to her. “I know it’s a busy night with Jackson gone but you have a good staff. They’ll make it if you’re a little late.” The words were whispered against Jan’s lips. “I’ve let this place fill your time long enough.”

“Yes, you have! Come here!” In her state of undress, moving from just hugging to doing something much more intimate was easy and quick. The two spent themselves and lay quietly on Jan’s chaise, tenderly touching each other. “That’s it: Jackson and Vic can never leave here at the same time again. I get too busy and don’t have time to see you,” she said, kissing him.

“I’ll second that.” Laughter rumbled low in his chest. “And I’ve been busier than usual of late too. I’m sorry if I’ve neglected you. It’s not for lack of desire, believe that my darling.” He breathed in the scent of her perfume and it stirred him yet again. “There’s nothing I want more than to be here with you.”

“Oh, I know. I hear the news of the Station - some of it true, some of it not,” Jan laughed. “I’m glad to see you tonight, my dear. Eli is still in Piper, but he’ll be okay. They’ll release him tomorrow. The only problem I have there is that they used Borg tech to heal him.” She shuddered, her revulsion for the Borg coming through in her thoughts and feelings. “He’ll always have those things in him.”

“But he’s alive and is going to be fine. He’s Eli still and always will be. Try not to worry.” He ran his finger lightly over her bare stomach, then turned to brush his lips along her throat. “It was a complicated effort as I understand it but he is going to be okay. What about you? Feeling better now?”

“Hmmm, oh, very much, particularly when you start doing that, my dear.” She curled a lock of his dark hair around a finger. “You’ll make me later than I usually am. Will you be able to take some time off soon? Perhaps when Jackson and Vic come back? We could slip down to Archadia.”

“I’d love that and I have some time off coming. We’ll do it.” He kissed her once more. “Let Camille take the first set. I’ve been waiting too long between work and Woody being here. Does he know?”

“No! Do you know how much shit I’d get if he knew? Gods, he’d tell Jackson and Jackson would tell Vic and... ugh, I’d get lectured every day.” She rose from the chaise to call the front desk to tell Camille to take the first set. “Too bad Eli isn’t out there; he could take the second set.” She came back to her lover, straddling him to make sure he wasn’t going anywhere. “Thank you for being understanding about Woody, dear.”

“For how long? Though I suppose I can’t really get too upset about it. I’ve had my own complications to deal with.” He slipped his hands around Jan’s waist and smiled up at her. “Even so, perhaps it might be time decide what we want to do about all that.”

“I’d give up Woody right now if that’s what you want me to do. He’s fun and being with him keeps Jackson and Vic from grilling me about my private life but you’re more important. I do like having you - having us as our secret, though!” She laughed and leaned forward to kiss him. For a few minutes, they didn’t talk at all. “Plus, if people find out about us, you might have repercussions.”

“Such as?”

“Oh... developing a reputation for liking a certain kind of woman...,” she shrugged. “Not that you don’t already. Plus, that young woman you were with today? Long hair, nice body? She might have something to say about us. I saw how she looked at you.” Jan had a hint of jealousy in her tone.

He laughed again, softly so it wouldn’t carry to those outside. “That is nothing to be jealous of my love, I promise you that.” He frowned though. “How did she look?”

“Like she worships the ground you walk on! You must have done something spectacular to get a girl to look at you like that.” She laughed. “See? If we reveal us, she’ll be devastated.”

“I can’t hide you from everyone I meet, Jan,” he murmured. “I’ve given no reason for her to expect anything. Whereas you? You can expect everything.” He leaned down to kiss her again. “Get rid of Woody.” Now it was his turn to sound jealous.

“He’s gone, dear. So are we not hiding anymore then? I mean... I rather like Jackson and Vic not knowing,” she laughed and kissed him. “But I’m happy to be yours and have you as mine.”

“Let’s make them wait just a bit longer.” He smiled up at her. “Just to torment them a little. Imagine Jackson’s curiosity if he knows you’re not seeing Woody anymore? It will eat him alive.”

“Hmm, I love the way you think,” she said, kissing the smile from his face. “Now, let’s take advantage of the next few minutes, before you have to get home and I have to tend to the Nexus.”

“The night is young for me, sweetheart. I’m back to business after this, but you make a very persuasive argument.” He closed his eyes as her fingers dug into his shoulders. “My place after you close…” It was the last coherent thing he managed to say as she demonstrated her agreement with that idea.

Janice Gree and her Lover


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