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Trouble Brewing

Posted on Mon Oct 5th, 2015 @ 8:54pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Suresh & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges

* Saturnalia *

As Suresh returned to the private office in the back, Marabeth settled back in her chair and surveyed the room. She wasn’t in need of a client since Suresh had just ordered her to clear the evening for him. He’d made sure he was overheard, so it was unlikely anyone would approach either. She was on Suresh’s time and no one else would dare interfere. That was alright. What this meant, basically, was that she had a night off and got paid for it and that was just fine with her.

The crowd today was mostly the regulars, as usual. She noticed a wave and looked over to see Sven smiling at her. She waved back. He was a sweetheart and she was glad he was so attached to Bella - and could afford her whenever he liked. He’d done a lot to settled her down after the kidnapping and that was a good thing in Marabeth’s book.

Her gaze traveled on, passing a dark-haired woman in the corner, then returning there for an instant. Marabeth hadn’t seen her before and she bore the faint ridges of a Romulan. You didn’t see them too often out here. Movement at the edge of her vision caught her attention and she forgot about the woman. It was Patch approaching. She smiled and motioned to one of the empty chairs.

"Hello, Marabeth. Where'd Surie go?" He took a seat and looked around Saturnalia. "Just saw Sukotav walk out of here with three big Orions. Is he farming out Sukotav's lesson to them?"

“Better,” she answered. “They gave Suresh a large fortune to buy him off. He made out like a bandit and no worries about Security breathing down his neck, you know? ‘Course now they own Riley but that’s not Suresh’s problem.”

"The Orions? They bought him? Wha...," Patch looked towards the door as if the Orions might come back and explain the world to him. "What do they want with him?"

Marabeth shrugged. “Got me. Surie sent me away from the table while they were here talking. If you’re looking for him he’ll be right back though. What brings you around?”

"Oh. No beating on Sukotav, then, it seems," he said dejectedly. "I was coming by to see about Sukotav. With Reva on Archadia with Six, it seemed like a good time to catch Sukotav alone."

"Ah well, I’m sure he has something equally fun for you to do tonight.” She smiled and reached across the table to touch his hand. “I might have some time later on.”

He'd been looking around the room again when Marabeth said that. He nearly gave himself whiplash when he whipped his head back around to look at her. "Later? Free time? I'd be happy to help you fill that time," he smiled and leaned towards her a touch. Then he froze looking just past her. "Oh no way....," he said slowly.

"Evening, Patchouli," the dark haired Romulan Marabeth had wondered about before approached their table. "It seems you do remember me."

Open-mouthed, Patch stared at her. "Yeah, I remember you! Are you insane coming back here? You know he'll kill you!"

"I don't think he will," she smiled. "Tell me who this is."

Patch looked at Marabeth then Xerena. "Ah... Xerena, this is Marabeth."

"Suresh's current piece of ass?", Xerena snidely asked.

Marabeth looked her up and down and snorted. “Hardly. I’m just a friend you might say. A professional. Watch your tone around me huh?” She looked at Patch with curiosity. “Who’s this?”

Xerena laughed. "He pays for it now? Oh, Patch, he has fallen far, hasn't he?"

Looking uncomfortable, Patch stammered, "This... uh... um... is Surie's wife, Xerena."

Marabeth started to throw back a sharp retort until his words sunk in. “His...wife? He doesn’t have a wife. He’s not the marrying kind last I heard.”

"He was, once," Xerena said, smiling slightly. "I'm here to remind him why."

“Yeah good luck with that,” Marabeth answered. “I think he’s moved on. He’s had a rough time so it might be better if you just hit the road.”

“Really? Do you think you should speak to the mother of his son that way? Do you think he’d take that kindly?” Xerena said then smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll smooth everything over for him.” She waved her fingers at Patch then turned and left Saturnalia.

Patch watched her go, his mouth open. “Oh my... this is bad. Wait... is this bad?” He looked at Marabeth.

“How should I know, honey? Did you know he was married? Oh know her so I guess you did. What’s the story there?”

“Um... a few years ago, before Isha. They arrived here together - Surie and Xerena. Quite the power couple, not like Suresh and Six, where he’s all the power and she’s just... Six. She got involved with, influencing Security in their favor, only she went a bit far and started sleeping with the Security guy. So, one night Suresh calls me and Farco and a couple others to go teach the guy a lesson. We did,” he left out just how they’d taught the lesson, “and Xerena was packed off the Station that same night.”

“Not very bright is she?” Marabeth asked. “So are you going to tell him she’s here?”

Patch shook his head. “Nope. Bearer of bad news and all that, that’s not for me.”

“Then you better keep an eye on her,” Marabeth suggested. “That last bit about smoothing everything over for him? No good can come of that, Patch, especially if she sees Six with him. Given the circumstances, I can’t imagine she’s here to forgive him and kiss and make up.”

“Hey, I protect Suresh and his concerns. I understand now why he let her live at the time, if she really did have his kid. She would have been pregnant when he shipped her off. Wonder where the kid is,” Patch mused.

Marabeth started to speak but she spotted Suresh coming back into the bar. She snapped her mouth shut and smiled up at him.

“Hello Patch,” he said, then rested his hand on Marabeth’s shoulder. “I have something to do that will take an hour or two, then I want you in my quarters, my darling.” He looked back to Patch and frowned. “You alright Patch? You look a little less...grey.”

“Yeah, oh, yeah, I’m fine.” Patch nodded and stood. “Do you need me to do something for you? Maybe find Sukotav?”

“No, I’m going there now myself. I won’t need you till later. I’ll call. See you soon Marabeth.” Suresh hurried out, leaving them alone.

She waited till he was completely out of sight, then looked back to Patch. “He will skin us alive if something happens and he finds out we knew she was here,” she whispered.

“Yeah, well, we’ll deal with it then. Now, it sounds like you have an hour or so free right now. I could escort you back to Suresh’s quarters.”

“The time is yours if you want it? Suresh’s tab,” she tempted him.

“Definitely,” he stood and offered her a hand. “Allow me to make sure you get to his quarters safely.” When she took his hand, he led her through the tables of Saturnalia and to Suresh’s place.

Knows the Real Situation

Mum’s The Word




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