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Wake-Up Call

Posted on Tue Oct 6th, 2015 @ 2:28pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

* Archadia *

Thanks to the late night, the relaxing fire, and the wine, Six had slept soundly. So when the terminal began to beep, it took her more than a few minutes to rouse herself and get coherent. Finally, she sat before it and opened the channel to find Suresh there.

“Morning,” she mumbled and pushed back her hair.

“Morning to you too, sleepyhead. Late night?” he asked.

“A little. We sat out by the fire pit and had marshmallows, among other things.” She covered a yawn, then smiled. “What’s up?”

“Well, I just wanted to talk to you. I missed you last night.” He paused to smiled back at her. “Also, is Reva awake? Can you go get her?”

“Umm...sure. Give me a second.”

Six hurried across the hall to Reva’s room and poked her head in. “Reva?”

"Mm?" Reva, facedown in her pillow, grunted. "What?"

“Wake up. Suresh is on the comm and asked to see you.” Six yawned once more and then wiped her eyes. “It’s awfully early I know. Sorry.”

"He wants to see me? What, doesn't he believe I'm whole and alive?" Reva dragged herself to a sitting position and pushed her hair back. She peered at Six then sighed. "Okay, let me grab my sweater," she said, standing and doing just that. She followed Six back across the hall.

Six gave Reva the chair and perched on the desk so he could see them both. Suresh smiled at her then looked to Reva.

“Welcome home, Reva. I'm glad to see you and you’re looking well. I understand that Riley did a fine job on that rescue mission.”

"He did," Reva nodded and looked at Six before looking back at Suresh. "And I am well. Why did you want to see me?"

Suresh pursed his lips before he began to speak again. “I understand there is some concern that I might have a problem with Riley because of the Six issue.”

Reva nodded. "Considering what's known of you. And the retribution you had on Owain just for being handsy with Six. Surely a man who tried to kill Six will fare worse than just a few broken fingers." She wondered where this was leading and a spark of fear started growing in her belly. Was he calling to gloat?

“Had Owain suffered more, he wouldn’t have been able to get you off the station and for that I apologize,” Suresh replied. “None of us knew just how far around the bend he’d gone. Even Seyla had no idea.“ He frowned slightly. “I did want you to know, however, that you have no need to worry on Riley’s account. He and I had a long talk last night.”

A chill ran along Reva's skin and she glanced at Six. "You... had a long talk? Really? What about?"

“About what was done to him by persons unknown, mainly.” Suresh shrugged. “And a few other things. You may consider the matter closed. Robart felt the need to make amends on Riley’s behalf, however.”

“Robart made amends? How? How did he do that?”

“It was a business arrangement,” Suresh answered. “That’s all. It sent the message that Riley was not to be harmed by anyone, and I do mean anyone, or they risk Robart’s extreme displeasure...and my own.”

Reva smiled suddenly and it was like the sun had come out from behind the clouds. "That's great! I can't wait to really get to talk to Robart - we ...well, Desta and I, were on his ship for only a few hours, most of which we spent sleeping." She looked at Six, smiling, then back to Suresh. "That's all you wanted to tell me, isn't it?"

Suresh nodded. “Yes. My apologies for waking you two so early. Six, stay a moment?”

“Sure.” Six looked over to Reva, glad to see her relief. “Go, sleep some more. I’ll come get you for breakfast. Des and I are cooking this morning.”

"Okay," she briefly hugged Six then dashed back across the hall to her bed.

With her gone, Suresh watched Six slide into the seat she'd vacated. "I could watch you move all day," he said.

She smiled and reached out to touch the viewscreen. “I miss you. I’m also curious what those ‘few other things’ in your talk with Riley were.”

"This and that, Six. Nothing important." Suresh shrugged. "I do have another dilemma. I have a few of these," he hefted a brick of gold-pressed latinum so she could see it. "Not exactly bankable."

Her eyes widened. “A few? Oh my...what about the financial center down here? Convert them to credits?”

"Yes. Perhaps run them through Seyla's accounts a brick at a time," he laughed. "This was how Robart made amends - he bought Riley for her." As he said that, his grin widened and he laughed, loving the irony of it.

“ you think he’ll tell her? I’m not sure how she will take that.” Six frowned slightly, then her expression cleared. “Since I am down here, I can check into the financial stuff. You have accounts all over the place anyhow.”

"I do," he nodded. "This world's Suresh was rather wealthy. I don't think Riley will tell her, though Robart might. Let him get a dose of her ire."

“We’ll see.” Six smiled back at him. “What are you planning for today?”

"Nothing much. Without you here, there's not much I want to do," he said, smiling at her. "Darwin is on Archadia too, otherwise I might have roped him into a holodeck adventure."

“I’ll be home tomorrow, don’t worry. Then I am all yours. Maybe the Nexus?”

"That would be good. I'll make reservations. Can't wait till you're home." He smiled. "Should I include anyone else in our reservations?"

“No. I want you all to myself. No men, no Darwin or Ed, just us.” She winked at him. “I’m being selfish.”

"I'm good with that, though I might make plans other than the Nexus." His smile was playful and devious.

Now, Six laughed. “I’ll leave that up to you. Now, I really should go get breakfast going. I can hear Des in the kitchen.”

"Okay. Enjoy your day with your friends, my love. I'll see you tomorrow," he kissed two fingers and put them on the screen.

She did the same and sat a moment after he’d closed the screen. She was relieved on Reva’s behalf. It was a step in the right direction, hopefully the first of many. She rose and peeked out her door. “I’ll be there in a second, Des, I just need to get dressed.” She returned to the closet with visions of the lake in her head.

Reva Madhava
Six of Ten


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