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Reflections On The Water

Posted on Thu Oct 8th, 2015 @ 10:44pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

"Normal Borg sink?", Reva asked Six. "That's what you said last night. Do they drown then or do the nanoprobes alter them so they can breath under water?" There was an engineering component behind that idea and it made her hugely curious. They were currently on a small boat out in the middle of a lake, basking under a bright sun and cloudless sky. Reva wore a white bikini and large, dark sunglasses; her sweater was close at hand. She would have been wearing it, but Six had looked at her strangely and reasoned that there were no men nearby to eye them.

Just out of earshot at the stern of the boat, Desta and Falasin were laughing about something and playing in the water. Smiling, Reva watched them.

“No, they’d drown,” Six answered. “We were hard to kill but not invincible.” She grimaced at her own words. “It’s been awhile since I’ve used that ‘we’ business. I like to think I’ve gotten past that but every now and then it sneaks out.”

"That wasn't a hive-mind 'we', though," Reva pointed out. "I wonder what your nanoprobes would do with a creature like Ignatius. Allow her to talk? Access the computer?"

“The computer I would think. She has no vocal chords to enhance so talking’s not likely, but imagine Iggy in the hive mind?” Six shivered. “I think she would lose that wonderful playfulness. Frightening thought.”

"A militant Ignatius, hellbent on assimilating everyone around her," Reva joined in Six's shudder. She used the moment to pull her sweater closer and hold part of it in her lap. "He really seems to love you," she said, switching topics without preamble.

“Suresh?” Six’s smile was immediate. “He does and I’d know if it was all a show. Most would never believe it of him, but his feelings, Reva, are so deep it’s...hard to explain.”

Nodding, Reva sipped her water. "I didn't mean to pry. The other day, I read one of your memories. It was sort of... right at the top of your thoughts. Suresh, expressing his feelings for you."

“That’s something he doesn’t hesitate to do. Well, not in the middle of Saturnalia but you know.” She squeezed Reva’s hand. “It’s so good to have you back home, and seeing you and Riley happy.”

"I'm glad to be back home. As for Riley... I love him," she said, but shook her head. "But I worry. Orions can be toxic to the men in their lives. I don't want him to get hurt."

Six snorted. “That’s Seyla talking, Reva. The only time I’ve seen Riley hurt that way was when he thought he’d lost you for good. You and Riley know what’s best for you two and don’t let anyone tell you any different. I know, I’ve been there.”

"At least we don't need to worry about Suresh coming after him for what happened with you," Reva smiled and shifted her position slightly.

“I’ll tell him I’ve seen Riley once I’m back at home.” Six adjusted her sunglasses, then tilted her face up to the sun. “That way he won’t worry about it. Though it sounds like they are okay. I gather they talked for a while but he wouldn’t say about what.”

"Riley will likely tell me," the Orion was sure. She missed him greatly despite having woken up beside him just the day before. "Did Suresh tell you more about their 'business arrangement'?"

“No specifics as to what it involves, just what he said when you were there. It seems that Suresh and Robart had met before and now apparently, both are watching out for you two. You heard what he said about keeping Riley safe.”

"Right, that anyone who hurts Riley will answer to Robart." Reva wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that just yet, but if it meant Riley was safe, then she could live with it. "I suppose they like being mysterious."

“It’s the world they live in, Reva.” Six shrugged slightly. “You get used to having someone trailing you and watching your every move eventually. Not that it will be that bad with Robart.” She looked over to the far bank of the lake and the whirring of her eye implant could be heard. “There, hidden in the trees, is Farco. He’s been there since we arrived.”

Reva had known they were under a watchful eye, but having Six confirm it so easily, and confirm that it was the burly grey Orion, Farco, doing the watching, made her uncomfortable. "Oh." She shifted again, drawing her sweater further into her lap and over her bare belly. "Is Falasin sort of flighty? Last night, she seemed to not recall a few things. Did you notice that?"

Six noticed the sweater and it concerned her. “You don’t need to worry, Farco’s not that interested in us, only in making sure no one bothers us. He likes his job too much to screw up.” Six looked over the side of the boat at Falasin and Desta who were now floating on their backs in the water, then back to Reva. “No, she really isn’t, which is why I am worried, especially since Niro came to see her.”

"All he needed to do was touch her, Six," Reva said, sounding worried. "If she's the only one who can link Niro to any harm done to Eli, and now can't recall what she knew, then ...can Security do anything?"

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Six replied. “She told Gilroy that things were so hectic when Eli collapsed that she couldn’t recall whether Niro touched him or not. You know how it is when something like that happens. With so many people around and Chance panicking, it was just crazy. But she was very clear what she’d heard him say. Now, if it’s gone, that’s a problem and they can’t take my word for it since I didn’t hear Niro say it.”

"Awful," Reva shook her head and thought of Niro's rage when he was in Sickbay with her and Riley. Her hand shook as she lifted her glass and she quickly put the glass back down. "He's going to be a problem."

“I think so too. I talked to Mamu about him and she thinks the same. She gave me a necklace to give to Suresh that keeps telepaths from reading him. It works, too. I ran into him when I had the necklace in my pocket and he couldn’t read me either.” Six shook her head. “He’s focused on Fal since I suspect he thinks she’s talked to Security. He’s not too happy with me either.”

"I need to move," Reva said, sitting up. The topic was making her nervous and shaky.

“Why don’t we go back, get dressed, then go into town? We can see the market, see the outside of the palace.” Six’s eyes widened suddenly. “You know when we were down here we saw Dr. Harding coming out of the palace? In Archadian clothes?”

"Yeah. I'd like to swim for just a minute, though. And we'll need to be careful in town, for Desta's sake." And hers, if she were honest. "Doctor Harding? At the Palace? Isn't that typical for our higher ups? They have to make nice with the politicians here?"

Six shrugged. “I think so but do they have to dress like the locals? I have to admit though, it looked good on him. For an older guy I mean. But imagine Gilroy wearing that?” She began to snicker. “There’s a good mental image for you.”

Frowning, Reva dropped her sweater and slipped into the water. "No thanks. Not an image I want. Now, Riley in that style? I could handle that." She flashed a weak smile at Six and started swimming towards the bow of the boat.

Six watched for a moment as Reva swam towards the other two and then stretched out in the boat. She closed her eyes as the women’s voices washed over her and her thoughts returned to Niro.

Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten


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